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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. I'm the one you could say I compared Posednik to Gload. It really wasn't a comparison. What I said is that you can't use the sample size of Gload from one year and think he's going to replicate that production or anything near that, else we would be calling Posednik a HOFer. It's on page 6 if you want to read it.
  2. I don't understand how your going to take a small ass sample size from one year and compare it with Carl Everett's career. There's a reason why Gload didn't cut it on so many teams. Everett is a better hitter. He hits for power has had clutch hits. Gload is nice as a bench player, but if your going to take one year samples, let's talk about Scott Posednik being in the HOF. I also don't get this talk for Rowand as a #3. He had one pretty good season. His career stats do not indicate he should be batting #3. Let's see what he does this year before we annoint him king. He should get 85 rbi's this year if he wants to be at the #3 slot and hit for a high OBP and avg. Until then let's not talk about him batting in the 3 hole.
  3. They'll trade him for a can't miss prospect or he'll end up in pinstripes or with the Red Sox. The Red Sox(if having trouble with their pitching) could trade Hanley Ramirez for him. He'll be the ace for their future so they won't miss a beat.
  4. I actually cheered for the guy. He seemed pretty cool with the team. I'm not saying he's wrong, because he's wrong about a lot of things, but it wouldn't surprise me if all those players did do steroids.
  5. I actually think Diaz is better. The problem with Diaz is that every time they brought him up to start, instead of doing so a couple of days earlier(when they knew they were going to need him) they brought him up the day of his turn. That's bad when you have to wake up early in the morning to catch a flight to whereever, not being able to go over pitches with your catcher and then as soon as you get there it's pretty much, put on your uni and go out there. The one shot he was given when he didn't have to fly in for the gameday was when he faced the Cubs at home and he did pretty well for 6 innings(I think he only gave up 3 runs that game). What the Sox need to do is when they know they need an emergency start from someone in their minors, they need to have them fly in a day or two earlier than their start date.
  6. I personally liked it. You should have at least Cable internet though if you're going to watch it to get the streaming down. I connected the computer to the TV so I basically had Extra Innings package. I personally liked it and am going to get it again this year. This is especially good if you're somewhere else and still want to watch a game as most people have broadband connections these days.
  7. Sox will finish no lower than 2nd.
  8. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jan 31, 2005 -> 03:59 PM) He will have a better year than podesednik. You will see. I think so too. I don't know what yet, but something tells me Pod will repeat last year and try to swing with the fences because there's shorter distances. He'll still steal bases, but I don't see Pod doing that hot.
  9. beat the twins badly enough so that it doesnt come down to a late series in minny
  10. if we signed Pujols, Bonds, Ruth, A-rod, Tejada, Soriano, Pierre, Wells, and Ramirez what would our lineup be like????
  11. I personally like the guy. I think he got the shaft here in Chicago, but I guess people will never admit that. He only played one full season. His defense is good enough to play backup short or starting 2b. His offense against righties was decent considering he was a rookie and I think he can still improve alot. I see him hitting .300 and having 40 sb's in 2 more years. It's just the White Sox aren't willing to work with him.
  12. dont see 47 games happening and in the east, that would get you around a top 5 seeding...Bulls will probably make the playoffs, but will get knocked out in the first or second, depends on seeding. If they get the 6 slot, they should make the second round because they would face a Atlantic division team
  13. he said the white sox are going to win the championship
  14. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 22, 2005 -> 08:23 PM) Depends on who you are. Two people sent money without letting me know their screen names. You could send him mine as I'll get mine some other time. Reason being I'm not living at home, I'm living in a dorm right now, so yeah. On behalf of everyone else though, thanks
  15. I don't know about this. Haven't heard about it anywhere. Anyone got a link to his website???
  16. QUOTE(KittleWalk83 @ Jan 18, 2005 -> 05:13 PM) The White Sox will have Lisa Dergan coming to Comiskey. Who needs Jennie Finch. Now if they could sign Kris Benson that means Anna Benson!!!!! Yea, but Lisa Dergan + Jennie Finch>>>Lisa Dergan Jennie Finch is hot. She's got some meat unlike Dergan who's just a skinny nice girl.
  17. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jan 18, 2005 -> 03:17 PM) Cmon 2k5, it worked for his xbox team I actually have PS2 and no X-Box and I meant it as a joke. Sorry, I didn't use green.
  18. If only Carl could play 2nd. Hey guys, I have an idea...
  19. Imagine Jennie Finch and Lisa Durrgan at the Cell at the same time...the Cell would be the place to be with these two star attractions. We'll sell through the roof and will be able to spend more in the offseason. SIGN HIM KW!!
  20. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 08:49 PM) "that guy" of course being a wholey owned subsidary of Tribune Corporation... More than likely, yes.
  21. QUOTE(Chisoxmatt @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 08:53 PM) You dont necessarily put the guy with the highest avg. in the clean up spot. You put the guy there who will drive in the most runs... thats not rowand. Its konerko. I completely agree. That's how you use the power holes in the lineup(3,4,5). Rowand does have as much power. 6 or 2 is perfect for him.
  22. QUOTE(MarkB56 @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 08:51 PM) I might be wrong but wasnt rowand the highest avg. on the team? So if pods or any one in front of rowand gets on he can drive them in. Miguel Cairo up until June had a higher BA than Derek Jeter, if you were Joe Torre, would you put Cairo in the 2 hole instead of Jeter?
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