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Everything posted by nitetrain8601

  1. I agree with Rowand44's lineup. You don't know if that was just a career year for Rowand and even for a career year, Frank had comparable numbers if not better up until he got injured. I don't see why people are so quick to put Rowand as a #3 hitter. He did good, but he could very well be the next Chris Singleton or Mike Caruso too.
  2. I think Haren is going to be very good in the future. This year, he'll be a good back of the rotation guy and then develop into a front end starter like Buehrle did in 2000 when he came out of the bullpen, this year will be Haren's 2001.
  3. I see Haren winning the 5th spot. They like him and imagine him as a future front line starter.
  4. Don't know if this has been posted before from rotoworld
  5. If we could get another Japanese player that will be great. It would do nothing but help our PR with other players. Plus, from what I hear, he doesn't suck at all.
  6. I don't know if that's a complement or not, but i'll take it as both a jab and a complement. Anyway, what I'm saying is, he's a hard thrower with some great pitches. He needs to utilize the pitches and stop tipping them and he'll be all set. Garland is more of a headcase as we don't know what the hell he's doing. At least we know(based on JC's career) that he could beat the cheap teams of the league such as the Royals, Tigers, Devil Rays, aka teams that the Sox seem to letdown against and usually lose to.
  7. I thought we had 6 mil with the money left over from the Lee trade, and we signed El Duque, how do we have more money than before?
  8. I don't see Contreras getting traded unless it brings a Burnett or Hudson or Mulder. I think Ozzie and KW like his electric stuff too much to trade him whereas Garland doesn't really have any electric stuff at all. Vazquez can only demand a trade after this upcoming season I believe(which is why he threatened he would leave the Dodgers after next year if they traded for him). I honestly don't see Vazquez in a Sox uniform next year, even though I wish we did get him.
  9. if we sign both great, but i get the feeling we get neither
  10. IMO, thats the smarter lineup and Oz will prolly use that one too...o yea, about MB....if he isn't a good pitcher or w/e, ask the Yanks if they would want him, I bet my life they say yes.
  11. I don't think Uribe fits in the #2 spot because he isn't consistant and that's what you need from a #2 hitter. A guy who could at least hit for a consistant good average. The Japenese guy supposedly is that, but I would keep Rowand in there because he's been a consistant .280 hitter(at least may become better) and plus he has decent speed and decent power.
  12. count me in........el duque's my favorite....i love his windup
  13. I would take Reese over Cora.
  14. I like this article and I like the fact that this does point out that JR only owns 10% more than anyone else. He's not in charge of all the decisions. When the team raises payroll all the owners must know about it, not just JR contrary to belief by Levine and most Sox fans. People will still deny this, but trust me JR doesn't hold all the marbles to make such decisions as payroll increases and things of that nature.
  15. I think that for Contreras and El Duque, the main things are they faced strong hitting clubs and faired either good or decent. Playing against the best makes you better when you face the weaker opponents. Compared to what they faced in the AL East, this should be easier for them, easier on their arms and we finally have a chance to dominate the weak teams like we haven't before. El Duque and Contreras will rack up wins against the Royals and Tigers and Indians of our division IMO because they've seen better IMO. I'm expecting 2-1 wins for once and us being the winning team finally with guys like Contreras and El Duque.
  16. I think at the very least that this team will last up until the last week of the year. Hopefully longer.
  17. There was no deal in place for him to pitch with the White Sox. He didn't want to pitch for the Dodgers and that's part of the reason it fell apart. He said if he was traded to the Dodgers that he wouldn't report to them. The Sox and Paul Depodesta haven't talked since the winter meetings.
  18. BTW, I love this move. El Duque will help our young pitchers and give us a cheap #3 when healthy. Here's hoping it happens.
  19. Yeah, I remember hearing about that last year when we were playing in Yankee Stadium and there was a guest in the booth that admitted so too. I was scared of what the Sox had down the stretch. If it wasn't for Manuel, I think we could've won the pennant.
  20. ....Robert Person? Whatever happened to him and would he be able to pitch at least half the year in the number 5 slot? I'm personally a fan of getting El Duque, but I know the Sox would take the cheapest option which probably be a Robert Person type. So what do you guys think? Questions? Comments?
  21. I would go with El Duque as a more realistic option on the Southside. Milwood would still command top dollars.
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