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Everything posted by FlaCWS

  1. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Apr 22, 2007 -> 02:47 PM) You can't put this one on Ozzie. You're wrong. Fine, explain to me how you take out a pitcher who was absolutely dominant from the 1st inning on. If it was a pitch-count thing, or something along those lines, fine. But if you brought in Aardsma just because you think you have to have a "closer" type in there to end the game, that is just ridiculous. And the results prove it.
  2. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Apr 22, 2007 -> 02:42 PM) This is squarely on PK. Absolutely horrendous today and may cost us a win. Give me a break. They had a two run lead with two outs in the bottom of the 9th. How is that on PK? Frankly I just don't understand Ozzie sometimes. Maybe Garland's pitch count was too high? Otherwise how do you take him out of the game? I just have no comprehension of that. None.
  3. QUOTE(Beltin @ Apr 12, 2007 -> 03:18 PM) I like Jerry but I can't wait for the day when this park is obsolete and they can build something more fitting with the neighborhood and an original member of the American League in 1901. Well after all the money spent on renovations the past few years I'd say you only have about another 40 years until that may happen. :-)
  4. For all the young guys, Geddy Lee is the bassist and lead singer of Rush, a rock band whose heyday was pretty much the late 70's through the mid 80's. They're still around though, and Geddy recently did some promotion for ESPN fantasy baseball since he is a huge baseball fan and fantasy geek... Anyway, I just saw this Page 2 article where they interviewed Geddy, and one of the questions was about his all-time favorite ballpark: All-time favorite: "My favorite stadium was the old Comiskey Park in Chicago. I still can't believe they tore it down, and that new stadium has nothing [compared] to it. No history or ambiance to it at all. I think this was one of the worst things ever -- tearing down Comiskey, they messed with history. Joe Jackson played on that field, and to tear it down for that new place is a travesty. The new stadium has no atmosphere whatsoever. The White Sox went from my favorite ballpark to my least favorite, and there is no need for a new Yankee Stadium. Why?" http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...e=broder/070410
  5. I was one of the few who thought re-signing Contreras was a mistake. I realize it's easy to bring it up now, after that disastrous first start, but if you think about it, the extension was based on a great 2nd half of '05 and 1st half of '06. Other than those two half-seasons, Contreras hasn't done much at all in the majors. I obviously hope I'm wrong on this, but I think we may see some more brief stretches of greatness, but never again will we see the consistency that he showed at the end of '05 and early last year. I do think he's done, and I wish the money we gave him (and Vazquez) was used to extend Buerhle and Garland instead.
  6. QUOTE(SnB @ Apr 5, 2007 -> 09:32 PM) hawk may get a little annoying at times, but everything else being equal, I'd much rather have someone who is THAT big of a sox fan in the booth rather than just some cookie cutter announcer. Plus, I've grown up with hawk, I can't imagine sox games without him. I respect your opinion, but I have to admit I don't understand it. When you watch the weather report on TV, would you want the guy to tell you it's going to be sunny tomorrow when in reality it will rain? I wouldn't want a "cookie cutter" announcer either. There are plenty of all-time greats, such as Vin Scully and Ernie Harwell, who may have shown more enthusiasm for the home team, but never so blatantly rooted on the air. If they did they'd have no credibility... the way Hawk doesn't.
  7. I'll tell you what... the early results of the poll suggest I am very much in the minority here. I can appreciate that. It's just my opinion and I wanted to voice it. Thanks to everyone who voted.
  8. QUOTE(max power @ Apr 5, 2007 -> 09:11 PM) They are employed by their ball club, so some bias should be expected. A replacement for hawk would probably be the same. I absolutely agree, some bias is expected - and even welcomed. My point is that Hawk brings far more than just some bias. He is completely over the top. And to the person who suggested I buy Extra Innings... I actually have MLB TV (since I am out of market) and I do hear other announcers. There are certainly a lot of bad ones - and as I said, I do think Hawk is very talented - but no one - NO ONE - is anywhere near the homer he is. It's something I would expect from a small-market team... not Chicago. The shame of it is that I think if he lost the homerism, Hawk could be one of the absolute greats. He has all the tools.
  9. I am very high on Haeger. I thought he should've been the 5th starter ahead of Danks, mostly because I think he's more major-league ready than Danks. We have not heard the last of Charlie.
  10. Figured I’d go off-topic a bit. I hate to detract from the games themselves, but this has been bothering me lately and I wanted to see if there’s been any change of opinion lately on this subject around White Sox Nation (I hate that term but couldn’t think of a better one)… Let me preface this by saying that I think Hawk Harrelson is a very talented broadcaster... he has a good speaking voice, he knows the game inside and out, and he's a good story-teller. Having said that, I gotta say - and I know I'll get killed for this – I just can’t take his over-the-top homerism any more. Now don’t get me wrong… I think it’s totally acceptable, and even welcome at times, for a broadcaster to openly root for the team he works for. But there is a point where it goes from being fun, and firing you up, to becoming completely amateurish and even embarrassing… and that is what I think Hawk (and DJ, too) has become. Let’s remember that this is Chicago – the third biggest media market in the country. Fans in this town are extremely intelligent and sophisticated – dare I say moreso than in most parts of the country. I have to believe that most of us would rather hear an honest, objective account of the game than hear two guys yelling “YES” in unison when the Sox hit a home run. I mean, come on, you can’t tell me it doesn’t sound ridiculous. And the sad part is that Hawk has influenced DJ to the point where he is just as bad. I mean, yesterday DJ called Podsednik safe on a steal attempt before the ump made his call… which was OUT. And the replay totally backed up the ump. That is just unprofessional broadcasting, period. I like to know that the so-called experts explaining the game to me have at least some credibility. But with Hawk and DJ I can’t really trust anything they say because I know they are always going to side with the Sox whether they are right or wrong. Like I said, I know I’ll get killed for this. I’ve been a Sox fan for a lot less time than most people on this board probably have. I’m sure a lot of you will defend Hawk to the end because he is “our guy” – but I have to believe others feel the same way I do. Chicago fans deserve better. We had a true pro in Rooney but let him walk. I would much rather have kept him and waved good-bye to Hawk and DJ. Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts. And this is the last I’ll bring it up.
  11. Holy crap... I missed the game today and just saw the final score... my first reaction was, "YES, Buehrle had a good game and stabilized the staff..." then I looked at the box and almost crapped in my pants. Thank goodness it's only a bruise.
  12. In no way am I blaming Ozzie for this injury, but I am just curious why we needed to play Hall at 1B when we have about a bunch of utility players (Ozuna, Mackowiack, Perez, even Cintron) who could've filled in for an inning. This hurts because Hall would've been a nice bat off the bench, but at the end of the day the backup catcher is not making or breaking the Sox' season. I can live with Wiki playing once or twice a week.
  13. I can't say this enough times... I want no part of A-Rod on this team.
  14. QUOTE(SouthSidePride05 @ Mar 20, 2007 -> 12:43 PM) Unfortunately I'm stuck at a job with coworkers who happen to be Cub fans (only 2 other Sox fans in my department) and they always talk among themselves about Sox attendance.. and when it's high they turn it around with talk about bandwagoners. Wait a second, if Cubs fans talk about bandwagoners filling the seats at USCF, can't you just talk about the tourists and site-see'ers filling the seats at Wrigley?
  15. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 16, 2007 -> 12:44 PM) It would be a huge mistake to trade Rob Mackowiak and I really think KW knows this. As much as people like to think Rob is expendable, he really is not. Why exactly is that the case? Doesn't Pablo fill the same role (backup 3B, corner OF) as Mackowiak?
  16. I think Haeger makes the most sense for the 5th starter spot right now. Danks has been impressive, but I think a full year at AAA will do him good. Floyd has shown me absolutely nothing.
  17. Just like everyone else, I am a huge Rowand fan and would love to see him back... however, I'm not giving up Boone Logan to get him. He has looked great this spring and good left-handed relievers are hard to come by. Maybe offer them Aardsma instead?
  18. I voted Buehrle but I hope to god I'm wrong. It'd be nice if this Vazquez contract was a prelude to him getting dealt, but I know I'm dreaming there. :-)
  19. Like I said at the end of the post, even if you want to put Owens in LF, I wouldn't mind seeing him win a spot over Anderson. Start the year with Erstad in CF and Pods in LF and groom Sweeney and Owens to take those spots over in '08. I'm just not an Anderson fan.
  20. Maybe I'm totally blind but I haven't seen Owens' name in the box score the past couple of games. I ask because Anderson continues to hit like crap and, while I'll probably get slammed for this, I truly believe Owens is the better long-term solution in CF. I realize Anderson has only had one year and now a spring, and I'm not totally ready to give up on him, but I am just not that impressed. Yes he's a great glove but he's been a total liability at the plate. Owens looks like a guy who could hit for a good average by slapping the ball around and getting a bunch of hits on his speed alone. Besides that, he could be a leadoff hitter and basestealing threat a la Podsednick in '05 - and as a bonus could mean we don't have to rely on Scotty anymore (letting Erstad keep the seat warm for Sweeney in '08). Even if we want to put Erstad in CF and Jerry in LF, I'd love to see him win the roster spot over Brian. Thoughts? (ducks)...
  21. SportsNation Rob Neyer: (4:22 PM ET ) Really? Another feather in Kenny Williams' cap, if you ask me. Vazquez's wins and losses don't show it, but over the last two seasons he's been just as good as Freddy Garcia. But because of those wins and losses, he comes a few ticks cheaper. Good news for Sox fans. Seems like ERA shows otherwise... Vazquez's ERAs over the past three years: 2006: 4.84 2005: 4.42 2004: 4.91 Garcia's ERAs over the past three years: 2006: 4.53 2005: 3.87 2004: 3.81
  22. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Mar 6, 2007 -> 04:07 PM) Of course if you wait until the end of the season to give him an extension and he does kick ass this year it's going to cost you insane money to keep him around. This way you sign him to a potential bargain price in hopes that a second year with the team will do him some good. I'm pretty confident he's not kicking anyone's ass this year. When has he ever kicked ass in the past 5 or 6 seasons? He is garbage. I don't like this move at all, unless it makes it easier to trade him. Let's hope so.
  23. QUOTE(Wedge @ Mar 4, 2007 -> 08:44 PM) Revolutionary thinking: trade Vazquez for whatever we can get for him. Start Floyd and Danks. That's not bad... I for one don't think Vazquez will ever be more than he is right now, which is maddeningly inconsistent.
  24. I'd put Masset in the pen, and give Danks and Broadway another year of seasoning at AAA. The best thing for Floyd may be a year in AAA, as well, to try and rediscover himself. Guess what I'm saying is that I want to see Haeger win the job.
  25. QUOTE(ptatc @ Mar 2, 2007 -> 06:30 PM) granted he shouldn't lay it out there like that but McCarthystarted it all with bashing the Sox as being a negative team and too boring and Married. McCarthy is a smart guy it wouldn't surprise me if he bashed the Sox knowing how Ozzie would react. Come on. Ozzie Guillen is a manager of a major league baseball team. Brandon McCarthy is a 23-year-old kid just starting his career. McCarthy represents McCarthy. Guillen represents the CHICAGO WHITE SOX ORGANIZATION. One of those people gets a pass for saying something stupid in public. Not the other. At some point you have to recognize the position you're in, the responsibility you have, and take the freakin high road for a change. Guillen makes this organization look as low class as you can be. And I had been an Ozzie fan from the beginning but enough is enough.
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