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Posts posted by whitesockmalon84

  1. Hey what do you guys all think about the problems at Wrigley Field. Do you guys think there going to use nets again for next year, or are they going to let it crumple on people. Well atleast we have a stadium thats not doing that. We have green seats now, and a stadium that is in great shape.

  2. We also have to be proud of what management has done to improve our stadium. Now we have green seats, and that should help our reputation a lot more. It shows everyone that were improving as an organization, and were developing our ballpark into a fan friendly ballpark while adding these players to improve our team. Now all we need to do is go to these games, and fill the seats. Than at next year's winter meetings, or in July when we have a lot of money we can sign some more key free agents like a Kevin Brown, or someone like a AROD. Maybe even a solid catcher. Maybe we can resign another Maggs who knows.

  3. Yeh we have to forget about the past years with Maggs and Lee and move on. That was a past that wasn't so good except for the 2000 season. Although Maggs was great, and made it to the Allstar game a couple times, and Lee ressurected into a star we still didn't accomplish our goal, and that was win major championships like the world series, or a pennant. We have to change, and make things better for us. I hope that's what everyone wants.

  4. I don't know what everyone is complaining about either because we didn't win any major championships with Maggs, and Lee. We still have Konerko, and that should still add some power. We have Dye, and Thomas. Uribe can add some pop, and even Rowand so whats all the complaining. Even Spod can too but he adds more defense, and speed.

  5. Addison whats with your attitude. You don't have a positive attitude on this. I know it's your opinion, and everyone has their own, but like I said before we have the best rotation in the league. The only question we have in that rotation is if everyone stays healthy. That's all. Everyone in that rotation has a winning record, and more. Allstar numbers, so what's with all the negativity here.

  6. Punch and Judy Garland I think were going to win a lot more than that. I'm sorry I would rather had speed, and pitching now because it didn't work last time when we had Ordonez and Lee. We didn't win a championship expect for the 2000 season but thats it. We didn't win a world series so we have to change to speed, pitching, and defense. That's what wins world series'. Power helps, but it's more diverse with the other stuff. Sorry but I disagree with you. We have one of the best pitching staffs in the league now, and I think we'll win more than 80 games this year. Probably 90-95 games. Maybe 100 if were healthy. Sorry, but that's my opinion.

  7. I agree too. I think there in their mid 30's. They just don't look like their in their 40's, but we'll see. I still think this was a great signing for the White Sox because it solidyfied their pitching staff, and it added a playoff experience veteran that we desperately needed. It also alowed Garland to become our fifth starter. Good job KW.

  8. Are you kidding me this is one of the best rotations in the league.


    Buehrle- can win 20 games. Playoff Experience.

    Garcia- can win 20 games. Playoff Experience.

    EL Duque- Proven veteran. Had 17 wins in 1999. Can win 20 if healthy. Playoff experience.

    Contreras- Proven starter. Can win 20 wins if healthy. Playoff experience.

    Garland- Going to be a really good 5th starter. Can win atleast 15 games if healthy. Playoff experience.


    Now this rotation is awesome. There are allstar players in this rotation so why would you say this rotation stinks. Cmon now. I see atleast 85-95 wins with this rotation alone if everyone stays healthy.

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