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Everything posted by bmags

  1. So there was a flight from columbia to Memphis to Houston last night. At the very least we end up with Odom which I would not mind. But feels like we'll lose Kuligowski. At least we have Charles Harris, his masterpiece. 0 star recruit in the top ten in like, every category.
  2. Is he a hairston of the Hairstons? i don't have google.
  3. Didn't want to make own thread. Nigeria President said today that a cabinet member basically stole billions meant to fight boko haram.
  4. 2 years ago Montas made a huge jump into prospect status, he's now 21 and has another jump to make (but that's possible). I bring up sale not as a quality barometer, but when that was thrown at sale it was a) actually likely but b) not something that should overshadow what's there. He's 21 with better stuff than most. Nobody is hurting his development by letting him pitch as a starter while he grows. I don't care if he's used in a trade, but all of the "Oh I saw Montas pitch once and knew he'd never make it"...okay, I've read people make this same comment on young prospects quite often and were proven wrong, and also proven right. it's not that interesting, but he needs to develop and this is what it looks like.
  5. Mizzou lost. Dream is dead. Team is still 1000x more watchable than last year, though, again it is the freshman +wes clark that are the stars.
  6. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 17, 2015 -> 03:43 PM) Are you kidding me? We should accept an increased risk of harm so other countries know we're there with them? Pretty sure 9/11 was a good starting point to the "hey they hate us and want to kill us to!" club. We started the damn club. US Foreign Policy is very active and often creates refugees, refusing to accept any is cowardly and shortsighted. Those countries also took an "increased risk" in offering soldiers in harms way. We are taking screened refugees that are highly unlikely to be a risk.
  7. Honestly cannot imagine what its like to be a marlins fan. Obviously 2 WS is great, but that's gotta be annoying as hell.
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 17, 2015 -> 03:26 PM) A Syrian refugee passport was found near one of the stadium bombers, but last I heard there were still questions as to its authenticity, if it was the bomber's, and if the bomber really did come in through the refugee path. It was fake, they even know it was made in Turkey.
  9. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 17, 2015 -> 03:16 PM) Student and work can be verified though. Random refugee cannot. Is there ever 100% certainty? Of course not. But again, if there's a risk, why chance it? What's the "real human harm" when half are denied anyway, and the other half have to wait 1-2 years? It's not some immediate "let me in or I die tomorrow" situation. Honestly, this annoys me very much. The US is a very important and influential global policy player. If the US refuses to come to bat because of our enhanced risk-aversion to violence-via-terrorism (vs our incredible risk-acceptance to every other form of violence), while the problem escalates to crisis for our allies, what standing would we have to ask for any assistance the next time we need their resouces, or airspace, or bases? It's so shortsighted.
  10. Yes, that was wrong. A single group of students within a group of students within a national movement doing something wrong does not discredit the experience the movement is springing from.
  11. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 17, 2015 -> 02:55 PM) Much much easier than being allowed to send in a trained solider? Pray tell They could radicalize a former US or Canadian soldier, and then they could go down the street and buy 500 weapons legally.
  12. If you all are going to be so isolationist about taking the refugee crises that are created by wars, you should all be equally as isolationist about being involved at all in military escalations that create them. You can't spend two decades of this and then say "sorry Germany, your move, we'll be over here across the ocean, make sure to sign on to any future foreign policy we perform, thanks".
  13. Well I think often it's a matter of empathy and identity. In the library scenario, you have a white student intimitated and treated poorly and the response is that those who performed that should be punished. In the other you have a group bringing up all of the times they have been intimidated or treated poorly and the response is to stop complaining and that's not happening and you are wrong. I don't think you can validate the feelings of one group while immediately deflect the points of the other. If you were constantly told that your feelings weren't correct when you were treated poorly, i'd like to see what your eventual response would be.
  14. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Nov 17, 2015 -> 09:34 AM) Thank you. Sometimes it seems as if I'm the only one who thinks Montas should be given every chance to start. Those relegating him to closer or the bullpen at this point in his career are misguided. He isn't ready to either start or close in the majors yet as he has control and command issues . His upside is still a number 2 starter and that would be extremely valuable to the Sox. The kid will be 23 in March . Give him a chance to reach his potential. He can always be converted to a reliever when he has proven that he can't start. I feel like "Montas won't be a starter" is just a superficial scouting report that catches on because it's repeated ad nauseum. Like "Sale will get Tommy John", a way of discounting needing to look or give them a chance because you know something.
  15. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Nov 17, 2015 -> 12:29 PM) A group of Black Lives Matter protestors at Dartmouth College led a violent protest Thursday, hurling racial insults at students and pushing them up against a wall as they tried to study in the library, The Dartmouth Review reports. “f*** you, you filthy white f***s!” “f*** you and your comfort!” “f*** you, you racist s***!” they reportedly yelled. About a 150 Dartmouth protesters shouted as they marched through Baker-Berry Library at Dartmouth College. Students who didn’t join in on their protests were harassed, one woman was pinned to a wall by protesters who shouted, “filthy white b****!” in her face. Students who were seated were told to, “Stand the f*** up!” “You filthy racist white piece of s***!” The protesters actively disrupted students reviewing for exams, entering study spaces and shouting at students who tried to close their door. One student was forced to abandon her study room and ran out of the library. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/42715...ol-david-french “I was sitting in Novack studying when a large group of protestors came in chanting ‘black lives matter.’ They gathered in the center of Novack amongst the tables where there were a number of people working peacefully. They kept shouting and started banging on tables. They demanded that people stand up to show their solidarity. Those who did not stand were targeted and questioned. There was a girl studying in one of the study rooms in Novack and the protestors stormed the room. She closed the door on one of the protestors which resulted in rage from many protestors. The girl then exited silently through the crowd while protestors screamed at her calling her a white b**** . . . After making a girl cry, a protestor screamed “f*** your white tears.” Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/42715...ol-david-french Just a little noise........If the roles were reversed these ass clowns would be looking for a new school to attend....But God forbid we offend the little black kiddies and their hatred....Hell maybe they'll get something free out of it.... I'm sorry, you are right. That is abhorrent behavior and the students that behaved that way should be disciplined.
  16. Excellent ad placement by american family insurance placing JJ watt in your face for 30 seconds before this video.
  17. So weird how that happens to Jeff Fisher teams!
  18. Team is just screaming for a guard. This is such a bizarre roster construction.
  19. People also forget the bulls offense looked pretty good through december of last year. I'm so annoyed that they brought back brooks at a higher salary when he clearly wasn't working last year. So idiotic.
  20. Everyone watching the bulls in horror. I really hope they have a point where they hit their stride.
  21. QUOTE (ChiSox59 @ Nov 16, 2015 -> 04:45 PM) Fair enough. He sucked last year. I just think the Sox are better off keeping him around as I think he'd got the ability to be a very productive bat, and those don't grow on trees (well, bats do grow on trees), and they aren't cheap. Yeah, I think he'll be better. He seems to be one of the better contact hitters on the team. But, I fully supported signing melky and now I hate it. I can't stand these players that don't hit enough to justify their bad defense.
  22. Melky was 49/54 in wRC+ qualified MLB OFers.
  23. I'd like to see us study how the browns attacked the broncos d. But, I'm very nervous about their defense. They are clearly very good. They've kept a bad, bad offense in the playoff lead for their division.
  24. bmags

    2015 TV Thread

    Didn't know AMC picked Halt and Catch Fire up. I really liked season 2, never watched season 1.
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