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Everything posted by bmags

  1. for me, talent in music has little to do with the technical skills.
  2. QUOTE (Cali @ Apr 28, 2009 -> 05:39 PM) The Fray's cover of "Heartless" is actually pretty good. I'm no Fray fan, but it's good to hear it sung by some one who can actually sing.... is there a rolleyes smiley?
  3. Man, that'd be soo nice to get Edmonds.
  4. yeah you know China can really f*** off after the ACTUAL problems we've had with their products.
  5. I hated our consumer economics class because the teacher was clearly assigned to teach it and had no idea what she was talking about.
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 07:01 PM) Palin/Bachmann 2012. I support that ticket for the sake of The daily show/Colbert Report/SNL/Wait Wait don't tell me
  7. I think it's hysterical. How would politics be fun without making fun of the bats*** crazies
  8. bmags


    While researching for my capstone I came across this conference that came together that I'd not known of. Headed by the dean of Medil School of Journalism (NU), they got together a bunch of young newspaper editors to create "demos not memos" - actual ways that online news can gather revenue from online advertising. And it was the first wave of ideas that I think could work. Since there has been such hearty debate over the Sun-Times, I thought I'd post it here and see what you think. http://revenuetwopointzero.com/ On the Web site, It splits into 4 parts: •Taking on Craigslist •Prepping distribution for Smart phones • Changing the home page to be friendlier for advertisers • Treating ads as content They each have pictures of what the proposal will look like. I think most importantly, this lives more in reality than most all suggestions I've seen. I don't think journalism can survive without advertising. To do this, you have to get rid of a bunch of B.S. ethics that I think were accrued because of convenience when profits were high. Created in a hypothetical world. They have to start treating advertising with less contempt, and thinking of them as just space. I think it would make a much more attractive sell.
  9. nope, she had her unamerican hunt in October. She then saw an influx of rival donations that nearly put the other candidate in office, but he lost by a few points. She'll be vulnerable though.
  10. I'm fine when it's real debate. When it's inconsistent and incredibly immature is when I need to take a break. I feel one poster here perpetually fits that mold. It makes me disappear for weeks.
  11. QUOTE (CanOfCorn @ Apr 28, 2009 -> 09:41 PM) Why don't we just strip the letters after the names and run on those? The party lines are too blurred for it to matter anymore, so how about running on...dare I say...*gasp*...issues. In the grand scheme of things...nothing really changes. People are running on issues, but consensus in our republic requires some organization
  12. Perhaps you've missed the last 6 months of the Tribune. But nonetheless, more people read their Web site than subscribe to their paper, and it's on the home page, which gets more views than any other page of their site, so your point was moot. Damn liberal media! Giving things appropriate coverage!
  13. in the dem thread, i'll say, LOL GOP haha. The problem with your party was not the Specters, it is the idiots like Cantor you trot out day after day.
  14. Everything Balta said was my position. I still think he isn't 100% on EFCA, he's switched his mind once already. But, Dems bringing in moderates-conservatives into their party is better than getting rid of them. Why the republicans are continuing this race to the right is just really confusing.
  15. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Apr 28, 2009 -> 05:44 PM) I didn't see you deliver my paper this morning. Front page of the trib newspaper now is saved for celebrity gossip, pictures of puppy dogs and sports. Red Eye has more news.
  16. It's on the front page right now...but probably SHOULD be better than the front page, you're right.
  17. bmags

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 27, 2009 -> 12:15 PM) Watched "Let the Right One In" last night. Unfortunately watched the version with the crappy subtitles. For some reason the dvd doesn't have the original theatrical subtitles. Lot of people complaining about that on amazon. Still enjoyed it but I can see how better translated subtitles would have enhanced my experience. I think a 14 year old did the translation on the dvd. Man that sucks, I wonder who botched that. I got to see it in theatres here and really loved it.
  18. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 28, 2009 -> 12:43 PM) Couldn't they just use photoshop? Thank you! Seriously save the gas and the paranoia of millions.
  19. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Apr 23, 2009 -> 11:28 PM) so late 90s? late trend? Maybe it's just your market that he's not trying to reach. "I Love College" is one of the most requested song on our radio station here at Columbia College. So far his numbers have him at 70k sold. Not even counting digital units. Doesn't seem that out of place to me.... So how exactly is he a front? because it's complete retread "selling your lifestyle back to you" garbage we had to deal with 10 years ago. He's Kid Rock.
  20. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Apr 23, 2009 -> 07:45 PM) Again, this is a guy having fun with rap. I don't think anyone was hyping this kid up to be the 2nd coming, although he has some songs that I think are damn good. The Greenhouse Effect mixtape is an example. His freestyle over "A Milli" is another one. I guess I don't see all the hate & why some people seem to hate the guy from one single. Because like it or not some people represent things in music. And what this guy represents is so late 90s, so late-trend-out-of-place B.S. that anyone who has come to enjoy the fact that we killed the music industry will hate this kid. He is a front.
  21. anyone thinking about going to this: http://www.gqti.com/americanlife.aspx I think it could be fun. Only 7 bucks by me.
  22. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Apr 23, 2009 -> 08:18 AM) Really a 2.4? This is exactly why I don't go to Pitchfork for opinions on anything rap/hip-hop. The album is about a 7.5 Just got back from seeing Wale. The man puts on an excellent show, made even better with a live band....his show is a MUST see for hip-hop fans. Did I enjoy a few songs? Yes. But this guy really is full of s***. And the reason he is being rejected by the lot of us, is roth really is the last example of the music industry trying to push opinion. The guy has some incredibly embarrassing lyrics, and when you come out first with "I love college", you can f-off.
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