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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 7, 2009 -> 02:30 PM) The division is ours for the taking. We can go out there and lead the whole season again, like 2005!!! Actually, it's very hilarious, the Twins and Indians fans are acting like the season is already over, they are already jumping off Cliffs Lee. cute
  2. Man, Twitter has made Cowley like, reporter #1 in Chicago.
  3. For the record, I know i b'd and complained yesterday about how now I wouldn't be able to see it because of election day, but then I remember it was the royals, we'll totally be able to ppick it up in the newsroom. LET'S GO GO GO WHITE SOX
  4. I couldn't wait to open up this forum and see a real game thread! LET THE NEGATIVE HYPERBOLE BEGIN!!! (crede would've gotten that) (MBINAA)
  5. Did someone say he didn't buy into the Dave Duncan strategy as some sort of compliment?
  6. Yeah I think think they could really put things together this year.
  7. I'd take him in a heart beat if he could play (like, literally was allowed on the field), but there is no point to sign him if he has to sit out the whole year.
  8. if we needed any more bad news about silverio ha
  9. it was cold as balls in Columbia, MO today. How's that for a weather report.
  10. How sad is it that our uber-patriotic whackos buy foreign designed guns. "The AK-47, when you absolutely, positively have to kill every motha ***** in the g** d*** room"
  11. You don't want to give the government too much power but are going to have the gov't decide whether you are mentally capable of owning a weapon.
  12. QUOTE (almagest @ Apr 6, 2009 -> 06:25 AM) So if you're not defending Wise as the lead off hitter, but think Getz might not be able to do it, who should leadoff? Alexei-->Getz (that was intended to be an arrow, not a "greater than" sign - edit) Alexei is not the typical leadoff hitter at all, he doesn't take pitches ... but his aggressiveness and speed on the paths I think would be better for colder weather as a transition to Getz. And because of Alexei's history of being moved around in Cuba, I think he is so tough mentally he would do it for the team.
  13. Well you have no idea if you are correct. If the russians do start to reduce their arsenal, it would make me happy because they seem to have an extremely corrupt country that finds itself losing things that would make certain smaller nations much more powerful.
  14. It's a pretty stupid strategy to complain about. We can start reducing our nuclear arsenal and still be at it for decades.
  15. This sucks, Tuesday I have to work the elections all day and night. NOT FAIR
  16. So then never strive for it, instead, encourage everyone to build UP their nuclear arms!
  17. I think the season really all rests on Colon and Contreras' shoulders. If they aren't improving on Vazquez/5th last year, I don't think we win the division. We'll still be around 85 wins, but they need to push us to 92 or greater, I think.
  18. I think we are being a little too video game minded with this whole Getz situation. Mind you, I'm not advocating defending or rationalizing Wise as our starting CF or leadoff hitter, OKAY, TO READ WHAT I SAY AFTER THIS YOU NEED TO SIGN THAT YES YOU UNDERSTAND THAT FACT, but: Getz is a human, and it's not like a video game where if a guys an 81 contact hitter with good batting eye you can put him anywhere and that'll translate. We know little of the mental makeup of Getz, and perhaps with Ozzie there every day around him, he may actually know more about starting him off. The sox waited a long time to name Getz the 2nd even when it had become pretty clear. He may be someone they think needs to focus on getting good at bats, and hitting in front of Q means he's going to see a lot of fastballs, I think his confidence will build and then he'll move into the first spot of the rotation. Unfortunately, Ozzie's same judgment is likely the reason Wise is leadoff, Wise seems confident and respected in the club house, and that is probably the reason they feel he can lead off. Talent be damned.
  19. bmags

    Films Thread

    anger management and fast and furious, April is a pretty awful month.
  20. I don't know about Eli, while I don't believe the Giants currently have any intentions of replacing him obviously, he is still pretty inconsistent and after two mediocre seasons might be gotten rid of. I see him as something of a Chad Pennington.
  21. Simms was pretty good that year in Tampa, it would hardly be surprising to me.
  22. QUOTE (Soxy @ Apr 3, 2009 -> 06:58 PM) Here's the thing. I feel like people think that the midwest is really conservative and all that. But I don't think it is very socially conservative--I think it's really just that people are more private. I'm not surprised at all by this ruling. That's very apt, but perhaps only to Iowa. Missouri is bats*** crazy, imo. The things that get added to our constitution are just embarrassing.
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