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Everything posted by bmags

  1. fourth google search down this is pretty close... http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html...;pagewanted=all
  2. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 6, 2009 -> 02:18 AM) How many people did W call unpatriotic exactly? How many people did Obama? The press secretaries and cabinet officers routinely belittled criticism with "we are trying to defend the country" and brought in calls of patriotism. Actually I wouldn't be surprised if W. did speak of unpatriotic critics.
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 6, 2009 -> 02:01 AM) I actually came across the context of an interview with a talk show host calling Rush Limbaugh unpatriotic, and trying to get the conservative he was interviewing to agree... Thanks David Shuster. http://media.eyeblast.org/newsbusters/stat...600-Shuster.mp3 Talk show hosts are in the Obama administration, well done.
  4. QUOTE (The Critic @ Mar 5, 2009 -> 11:43 PM) Nope. Don't like either one of 'em. I understand their place in rock history, but I don't enjoy their music. Thank you.
  5. well, whatever, we f***in deserved for all those years we were far and away the worst, most untalented team in the league and continued to lose the top pick. Then, the one year we do marginally good, is the year we lose out on james, melo and wade. SO yeah, I think we f***in deserved rose.
  6. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 5, 2009 -> 09:44 PM) Could be a very Irish representation of Illinois. Irish mayor of Chicago, 2 Irish Senators (Durbin, Daley), Irish Speaker of the House, Irish Governor. IF all those things were to happen, which is by no means guaranteed. I still feel like Guilianos might do better than daley in a GE, because I don't think a Daley would do well in downstate/suburbs, but in a primary who knows.
  7. At least they are responding to critics on issues, not just calling them unpatriotic and "we have a country to defend"
  8. we all listen to Chuck Berry and Elvis then, right?
  9. QUOTE (scenario @ Mar 5, 2009 -> 05:59 PM) I'd be willing to bet that Viciedo starts the season in AA. And then if he does well there, he'd get promoted to AAA. Why? (1) Puts less pressure on him offensively and let's him work on his defense. (2) Spanish speaking manager for the Barons this year. If he does really well and/or the Sox create an opening via trades, Viciedo could end up in Chicago this year. But I just don't see him making the ballclub to start the season. Doesn't make sense from a roster management perspective. Of course, I'd love to see him hit .400 for the rest of spring training and make the final roster decisions really difficult. might that stadium destroy his confidence, though?
  10. bmags


    lot of stds
  11. QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 5, 2009 -> 07:42 AM) But hey, I'm just guessing. It's a pretty bad guess, am I mad I wasn't old enough to see guided by voices live or being able to anticipate a Beck or Flaming lips album before they cornered themselves, yeah, Am I mad I couldn't be at a nirvana concert in 93 with pissed off kids decrying corporate oppression with their right hand and grabbing a starbucks with their left, no, not really.
  12. QUOTE (longshot7 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 10:53 PM) That you think they are an "average rock band" is sad. Few artists (again, about 10 in the entire history of R&R) changed the course of Rock so much that pre & post terms have to be used in reference to music history a la "the pre-Nirvana era" or "the post-Nirvana era". This is how important they are to Rock. I don't like Radiohead's music much post-Bends but to deny their influence and their importance would just be silly. Once again, I don't believe importance translates into enjoying musical, or else everyone in here would be listening to Bach or monk chants because they originated the s***, man
  13. QUOTE (flavum @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 10:47 PM) There's just so much wrong with this post.
  14. QUOTE (scenario @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 09:52 PM) Brad Salmon fillets the A's in the bottom of the 6th. your word play was not lost on me, well done.
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 09:45 PM) Translation; if we have any money to spend this offseason after guys like Thome and Dye clear out, our first priority has to be extending the guys we already have (Alexei, Quentin, possibly Danks, Floyd, Jenks). Do you guys think these players will want to re-sign next year? I mean, for them, does re-signing next year mean that they would be looking at (possibly) further decreasing payer salaries, may they want to see if things recover the next year in a (hopefully) improving financial situation?
  16. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 09:49 PM) Nix could fit that profile along the Orlando Cabrera mold from last year, if his minor league numbers are any indication. Not a ton of speed, not a ton of walks, but also not a ton of strikeouts, decent enough speed to keep people honest, probably better slugging than Cabrera. The question is whether he can hit a reasonable average. He hits .280 or better and you can put him in that role and he'll perform like Cabrera did last year just with better slugging. It's again not exactly ideal, but at least he makes contact. No idea how he does on taking pitches. I saw you make that comparison earlier, but it's also been stated that it appears it takes this guy some time to get acclimated to each level. It doesn't appear he got that time last year. It's hard for me to give him the time in the beginning of the season in such an important part of the lineup. If we are having an 07 year, than I'm fine, but even then...it's tough.
  17. Just some background on where the pig odor research probably come from, it isn't about necessarily pig farms. But these pig farms have gotten huge, in missouri and iowa I know of, forgot the term, but it's been a huge debate - and there are just massive amount of livestock in a concentrated area. They have been completely unregulated in Missouri because they cannot figure out whose jurisdiction it is. But the smell that come from these things travels and is, supposedly, absolutely repulsive. So much that it affects nearby towns who aren't benefitting from any jobs at these places. Surprisingly or not so, this has been a huge issue in Missouri.
  18. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 07:16 PM) "The 1,000-foot long bridge is part of a state highway route that crosses the Osage River a tributary of the Missouri River about 30 miles southwest of the state capital in Jefferson City. The project is expected to cost $8.5 million." It has nothing to do with building a bridge TO somewhere. It's THROUGH somewhere. And the bridge was over 70 years old! Here is a map of the area. I'm not saying it's the worlds most important project, but if they find it important to their local economy... then isnt that the point behind the stimulus? If you look at the map, it's the only way to cross the river without going way south and either through or around Lake of the Ozarks, or going far east, then north, then backtracking. I dont know the inter-city commerce traffic down there, but I can see how it would be important to have trucks rolling through. correct, it's very literal to say Tuscambia is a bridge to nowhere. If it was just those inhabitants I'd see your point. But in fact with Missouri you have two polar cities with much commerce between them, those are connected by 70, but commerce from the southeast was inhibited by the crumbling infrastructure there. As pointed in the article, trucks could no longer travel along that road.
  19. I don't understand the Republicans with this 'Obama must fail' I don't understand that, they could just say, we understand that something needs to be done to jumpstart the economy, we believe it can be done with tax cuts and giving businesses more incentives. We understand and hope that the spending of the Obama administration will work, as any spending will create more jobs, but we feel it is irresponsible and beyond the role of the government to commit those jobs."
  20. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 4, 2009 -> 06:35 PM) Im sorry, offensive players at SS are MUCH more valuable than at 2B. Contracts have depicted that as well. So is it better to keep him at 2b because he'll be cheaper?
  21. Considering the offensive improvement (I believe) we'll be getting on the left side of the infield, but perhaps lowered defensive quality, I wouldn't mind going with best defense in 2b and Cf, but I feel that is not feasible, as that would truly leave us with no leadoff hitter. Nix certainly doesn't seem to fit that profile, Getz could. BA obviously doesn't.
  22. I'm not sure how well its being followed outside the political junkies. Much like in the GE, it's hard to tell how much of this day-to-day news has an impact.
  23. It's like they've never been to a graduation
  24. Should I assume that every time Gordon Brown speaks to Congress the market will increase by 150 pts
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