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Everything posted by bmags

  1. bmags

    TCF bank sucks.

    haha, it's great The Country's Finest Bank
  2. QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 26, 2009 -> 03:41 PM) Alexander Graham Bell was lucky enough to be the first one to get to the patent office, lol. my friend told me this story of someone in their town, who invented the new glue for braces, but didn't know how to sell it. So they sold the patent to their neighbor, who made millions.
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Feb 26, 2009 -> 03:36 PM) One of America's greatest known inventors, Thomas Edison, was the perfect example of this. We owe way more of our existance to Nikola Tesla, and yet basically no one knows who he is. I feel like Tesla is just one of those people where everyone acts like nobody else knows who he is because they like the framing of an unknown talking point.
  4. Further, if the democrats do move on this and actually do have some evidence of this by 2010, the legs of the republicans are cut out from them. The congressional and senate dems would be wise to follow suit.
  5. bmags

    TCF bank sucks.

    none of that really applies to me, but I too used to have a job I hated. I realize it was my fault for going .06 under, though I think the gas station should be more clear that they put an extra charge for not using cash. But, it makes me more angry that TCF won't give me overdraft insurance, so that they can put it on a credit card, like most of my friends have, and then I'll just pay the interest on that .06, and not have to pay them an absurd amount for such a small f***up.
  6. It's wonderful that the stock market has so much confidence in Bernanke, he certainly has done a wonderful job the last 8 months.
  7. bmags

    TCF bank sucks.

    Oh, another gem, when I went to Europe, I beforehand went to TCF and told them I wanted to inform them I'd be going abroad, so if they saw some suspicious charges in Europe not to worry. The guy stared at me. "Okay." I was informed I should let my bank know before a trip. "Oh, we don't really track your charges so it's no big deal" Makes me wonder what set the alarms off to compromise my account?
  8. bmags

    TCF bank sucks.

    So, this past year I've had more "I f'n hate you" moments with TCF than should ever occur. I will answer your natural question that would arise "why don't you leave", well, I kept the TCF account because I go to school in Mo. and it was easier for my parents to be able to put in money. And, I've always worked for the Univ. which has direct deposit, so I just get by with my card down here. Well, there has been some ridiculous overdraft moments in the past, and they are the only bank that does not offer overdraft insurance, lets just say one time I was cutting it close, and didn't know that the gas station charged 1.00 for using a card, I was under by .06, when I checked it a couple days later, they had charged $35 dollars for the over charge, and $70 for the two days it had been under before I realized it. ($105 for six cents, which they refused to take away any portion of) but that's in the past Most recent aggravation. (Well, some more back story, my account is connected to an address I can no longer access due to some recent family movings...the person that is there, lets just say, we are not on speaking terms with. When I ran out of checks and needed one for direct deposit, they wouldn't give me a way to change my address without showing up in person. They also wouldn't give me a routing number on official TCF letter heading. It was absurd. So I opened up another account) BUT MOST RECENT AGGRAVATION. In their astute wisdom, they said my card had been compromised (wouldn't say why, no charges on account I hadn't made), but fine, i'm all for caution. PROBLEM: they didn't call me to tell me they canceled my card. So last night my card got canceled, I was really confused, I have money in my account, some nice lady behind me in line paid for me after much attempts to decline her kindness. But, the ole kabuki with TCF, once again. Sending me a new card (no, you don't understand I don't have access to that address anymore) well you can come to the store and change it (i'm in missouri. Can my father do this) no he's not on the account (so, can I transfer money from my account into a different account?) do you have another tcf account (no) well then no. (so I have no access to my money?) we can send you another card (you are f***ING RETARDED) Thankfully my father stepped in and is transferring me some money into a WONDERFUL bank, Commerce Bank in Columbia MO, until I can get back home and close out that account. TCF...#$%*@$%*($*%(@#$%*(@_%*@($%*@$(%* YOU
  9. The s*** is dye doing running into a wall in ST
  10. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Feb 25, 2009 -> 07:52 PM) <!--quoteo(post=1839355:date=Feb 25, 2009 -> 01:47 PM:name=Balta1701)-->QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 25, 2009 -> 01:47 PM) <!--quotec-->The Volcano Chaiten in Chile has responded to Jindal's speech by erupting 3 times in 24 hours. (Until 2008, that volcano was inactive for somewhere around 9000 years.) .msnbcLinks {font-size:11px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #999; margin-top: 5px; background: transparent; text-align: center; width: 425px;} .msnbcLinks a {text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px;} .msnbcLinks a:link, .msnbcLinks a:visited {color: #5799db !important;} .msnbcLinks a:hover, .msnbcLinks a:active {color:#CC0000 !important;} Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy I love when geology gets into politics
  11. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Feb 25, 2009 -> 06:54 PM) Like I said in the beginning, I didn't express my opinion. On purpose. Yes, he sucked. Obama did a good job. My problem with Obama's speech is like every other "SOTU" speech - it's all promises about nothing. Easy to make fun of things when you don't get in the water with everyone. "Lol once again all you OBAMA SHEEP thinking the MESSIAH had a GOOD SPEECH while the REPUBLICAN SUCKED!" ..."oh and you too republicans in the thread SHEEP"
  12. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Feb 25, 2009 -> 06:09 PM) No, it wouldn't. I've seen it here. I've heard it elsewhere. That's the difference. To tell you the truth Kap I actually expected a lot of Vindal. I'd heard he was a charismatic version of pawlenty who at one point I'd found reasonable, but he was just awful, brutally awful. If this is the face of the GOP I'm feeling pretty good If I was Obama, but poor for the US. Luckily, I think the Utah gov. is smart, intelligent, and especially not an idiot. But when Fox news, david brooks, the entire right wing concluded that Jindal sucked, do you come to the conclusion that Jindal was good? You are such an independent thinker, always thinking the republican response was great in the face of everyone saying it was terrible, here's a cookie.
  13. They say you can tell how the season's going to go by how the first at bat goes.
  14. Finally saw Jindals response. David Brook's reaction is classic.
  15. Modest Mouse in the days past liars unicorns just several that haven't been mentioned
  16. Come on guys, people have been calling this Obama's stimulus bill, and they have a monkey being shot saying "i guess they'll have to find someone else to write the stimulus bill". As soon as I saw that I said to myself "somebody f***ed up". For the majority of people in this country who are not actively trying to NOT find racism and have some historical understanding that equating blacks to primates happened quite often fairly recently, they saw how poor the cartoon was. You really shouldn't have to explain a cartoon this much to, not even get the joke, but to explain around first assumptions. I'm not condoning calling for firing, but this is a pretty big f*** up by the posts editors. Proof of that is Murdoch actually apologized for it, I can't ever remember that happening.
  17. Well then 4 times, 8 if you consider round trip! Now, if instead of the Jeff. City to Union Station trip there was a high speed rail, i would most certainly do that over my car.
  18. I've ridden it 4 times...if we are talking Metra (is that part of amtrak?) then it multiplies to a high number worth mentioning.
  19. bmags

    2009 Oscars Thread

    I like how you guys are essentially giving the academy more legitimacy by implying winning 8 oscars in a given year forces you to be compared to all other years and ranked by Oscars. It seems people in this thread are both decrying the poor choices of the oscars but legitimizing them by getting so upset.
  20. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Feb 23, 2009 -> 04:23 PM) Good luck with trying to get the business traveller to move to this. People are away from their families enough with travel and would rather fly and get there quickly instead of taking forever to use a train. Here's the point, though. You wouldn't be taking a train cross-country. But, if you do work in chicago. Instead of that 30 minute plane ride, you'd take the train. At face value that seems inefficient. BUt then, taken into effect how brutal airports are, your 30 min. plane ride scoots further and further towards 4 hours. Meanwhile, a highspeed train to indy would be about that, if not faster. To st. louis, about the same. And while you are on the train you can call and get work done. This ins't a replacement for Chicago to Boston, it's a replacement for Chicago to Milwaukee/STL/Indy. And when gas is high, would your company rather pay for your miles done by national avg. x miles driven, or a flat rate on the train. We ought not thing where the puck is now, but where the puck is going to be.
  21. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 23, 2009 -> 05:12 PM) Probably not as bad but a high speeding train with 1000 people on it seems like a desirable terrorist target...especially since planes are near impossible to target now. well, this'll be off topic, but there's been cases of government watchdog groups who have taken things they shouldn't be able to take just to prove a point that it's still ineffective and takes forever.
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