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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Feb 4, 2009 -> 07:43 PM) The biggest problem is the second we lower troop levels in Iraq it will go back to being the way it was in 05. The surge really hasn't done anything. Iraq really all depends on Iran. They can f***ing leverage us with Iraq for their nuke program.
  2. You may very well be right. But, "hey it ain't so bad!" would also be a misspeak.
  3. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Feb 4, 2009 -> 04:39 PM) I think they did, in a weird sort of way. In that way, to quote Obama's administration, this is a golden opportunity to pass everything we wanted in the past 25+ years and you just don't let things like this pass you by. I think "hoping" for collapse and recognizing the opportunity a collapse brings are two different things entirely. When things are going smoothly, it's hard to recognize potential disasters. When you are in the midst of disasters, it's easier to show the public what can help - health care, green technology, regulations, etc. The democrats always have social reform to bank off of, they may have been hoping for failure in Iraq, but really they had all the ammo they needed in the fact people were lied into the war and could paint the republicans as irresponsible hawks. I don't think the Republicans want any Americans to lose their jobs, but I think they are playing some dangerous politics for themselves right now.
  4. I disagree that this Democrat government wants to control every part of business. If they did, they would have done the swedish model for the banks, which they are resisted based off of appearance and, likely, philosophy. Look, what happened in the 90s when we were so prosperous, nobody wanted the gov't to hold anyone back, and some 60 year old laws of restrictions on business and banks were repealed. These are extraordinary times and nothing I've seen so far indicates any long term reaching by the government to get all up in arms over. That will come with reforming healthcare, a fight worth the struggle.
  5. Do we need to give up Danks!? I don't want a scrub like Danks getting in the way of a Washburn deal
  6. QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Feb 4, 2009 -> 05:18 AM) How can you say it's horrible? There's something for practically every taste in music. And Gov't Mule is like 16th on the list. Because the list will attract sweaty miserable hippies and all day outdoor festivals 8 bands worth hearing in a group of 60 and the bad bands being bands you know are bad and hate makes it an awful list. Bonnaroo sucks. Go Coachella.
  7. QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 4, 2009 -> 05:11 AM) I'm pretty sure what he's saying is that as of right now and the immediate future, the poor state of the economy still hurts Republicans and they don't gain from it. s*** stays bad they'll do much better politically than if s*** turns around, that's for sure. And this posturing that they are all the sudden so worried about being fiscally sound is so absurd.
  8. lol http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/...cking_basis.php
  9. yes, terrorist attacks would've helped democrats, eh? You all remember this past decade so well.
  10. terrible lineup. Will skip again. WOoo yay GOV"T MULE ALRIGHT!
  11. I'm shocked a bunch of people from the Clintons could not find scandals. Perhaps they were only looking for mistresses.
  12. How could someone be bad at RF. That's where they stuck me in little league because I sucked.
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 3, 2009 -> 03:54 PM) I'm all for FutureGen, but does it really belong in a stimulus bill? I know I've said it before, but this is just a massive spending bill with a couple of short-term pieces that will stimulate the economy a little. creates jobs investment in future technology This isn't just paying people to dig a hole and fill it back up. Stimulus bill is a spending bill. Synonymous. It's the gov't upping it's spending when the demand market shrinks. Spending on things like this could actually really help the country.
  14. Yeah for one that 2 billion doesn't EXPLICITLY say futureGEN is the beneficiary, though it is likely. And besides that, I think it is worth it to continue to try out FUTUREGEN, if it can do what they say or think it can do, it is a fantastic investment. We have a lot of coal in the U.S., if this really can do with the CO2 emissions that it says it can, that 2 b is a good use of money. No green tech. is completely ready yet, so we are going to need to take some chances with money, but something will prove worthwhile.
  15. Best part about wayne is he basically said f*** lyrics and went after pure flow based rap. His shtick is all about how it sounds, how the words come out and play with each other and uses the same words for multiple definitions. Is it less powerful? Maybe, but how much longer can I base lyrics on selling coke on content? Besides Clipse? Nonetheless Georgia Bush was also where wayne killed it. Eminem was a whiner too, ooh no my mom took pills, ooo i'm poor, boo hoo people criticize me... who cares.
  16. tragedy of the commons no? I mean, come on, eventually this will be a very real issue. I don't know how much longer but, eventually.
  17. QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 06:26 PM) So, I've now listened to Cool Kids and Hollywood Holt and it's official: hip hop is dead and stanky. Seriously, is that the best that's out there? WOW. Made me run for a quick fix of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO2tCBteW7U who said they were the best that's out there? They are just fun shows to go see in the city.
  18. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 05:18 PM) Wow. How big of a soapbox did you purchase? Maybe you shouldn't use up all of your rants in a 6 hour time span. Spread them out a little. haha
  19. Ah, yeah I was fixin on the mall. WAIT SO THIS WAS THE MILLION MAN MARCH
  20. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 30, 2009 -> 05:10 PM) I'm not a fan of the media by any means but that's a pretty standard Republican theme and tactic. Taint the message before it arrives. If it's positive for you, you win. If it's negative, claim bias. Whether the bias is really there (it is sometimes) or not. Palin was treated unfairly for a period of a few weeks (right now she's getting more attention than she's earned, IMO) but really she made herself a target by claiming to be something she's wasn't (which people eventually figured out), then mocking her opponents, not backing it up with anything substantive or halfway intelligent, and whining about it endlessly afterwards. and closing herself off from the media. Also, when you claim to be just a modest hockey mom just like you and not like the elitists on the coasts, perhaps you shouldn't go dressing at the elitist clothing shops.
  21. Cubano, you're extrapolating quite a bit. How many people went there, lets say 200,000, this is a nation of 300,000,000, so... you think that far less than 1% of our population could not afford to travel to Washington for a few days?
  22. no one is arguing that scenario, but in this thread cubano has said both that poor people pay no taxes and that rich people pay no taxes, Both are obviously incorrect. I don't know why we always have to argue for the lowest common denominator or the worst extremes, People are working hard. Sometimes the government needs to make up for the demand in different markets in times like these. It's not socialism. I don't really pay anything except local taxes, however, I'll say that.
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