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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Jan 15, 2009 -> 05:14 AM) The 2009 Whitesox... The Young.. the Fat... and the Cheapness. haha, this was great
  2. Were they pissed off in the 80s when we thought they'd overtake us with their educational and economic superiority and auto quotas, a nation at risk type s***?
  3. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 14, 2009 -> 08:10 PM) I don't get why he didn't mention his AIDS initiatives in Africa. edit: bmags beat me to it. The AIDS aid has its own problems, though; 1/3 of the funds are for abstinence-only education. Yeah wasn't that held up a lot by Jesse Helms initially. Not sorry to see him gone.
  4. It didn't even mention his actual accomplishments in the area of AIDS relief that he can actually hang his hat on does it?
  5. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 14, 2009 -> 05:52 PM) That, plus I also think its funny that these predictions are being made now, and by a blog whose perspective is skewed. Well, I'm sure the people whom it was intended for didn't even bother looking at the other inferior divisions
  6. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 14, 2009 -> 07:45 PM) "Elitist" is the dumbest pejorative in the English language. I mean, it clearly had its truths in times of a more class structured country, but today is just a buzz word to divide the country.
  7. The supposed consensus of science on global warming has now collapsed? Didn't we just have two presidential candidates who both believed that global warming is man made? good lord that entire thing is a trainwreck. The rebuilding of presidential authority? This is disgusting. How can the man look at that with a straight face.
  8. QUOTE (Melissa1334 @ Jan 14, 2009 -> 03:55 PM) i couldnt agree more , 4th, 5th starters, 3b, 2b, cf, the health of pk, thome dye, cq.... i dont see how anyone should expect the experts or those websites from choosing us to finish 1st or 2nd. if the sox r truly going to go with the roster as it stands, might as well trade dye and the older players. we wont win anything this year. go all young ok #1 makes sense but whats so funny? what, u think the sox r going to finish 1st or have a great team? ur being overly optimistic. what's funny was that was the prediction for last years team. Who finished first.
  9. White sox preseason predictions: either dead on or dead wrong.
  10. yeah the day n nite crookers mix will hit big even in Columbia, MO this semester I'm guessing. I've passed it to a couple of djs a couple months ago and was hearing it more. It's a fun song.
  11. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 14, 2009 -> 03:50 AM) But here is where I disagree. This is not a fight over money or this life, this is a fight about god. This is a fight over the jewish narrative, the story of the chosen people, the story of the first people to believe in the one true god, who for their belief were given a piece of land where they were supposed to build a temple to god, the story of the first temple and its destruction, the story of the second temple and its destruction and finally the store of the third temple being rebuilt. I dont lay claims for anyone, I do not side with either on the argument, I just know what beats in their hearts. From your posts I am going to guess that you are not Jewish, I may be wrong, but I just have a feeling. This is my analogy: Your father is god, on your first birthday he gives you a house and says, as long as you live in my house you will be blessed and you will have heaven in your house. Unfortunately there are no police and you grow up not to be the biggest guy on the block. 25 years later your neighbor comes over ( Babylonians) and decides to burn your house down. You then have to walk around for a while until the Babylonians tell you that you can build your house again. You build your house and live there for another 25 years. Unfortunately while youve been living in your house another person bought all the land its on and has decided to make you pay taxes (Romans). You get upset about that so they come over destroy everything in your house and burn it down. Now for the next 50 years you live on the land where your house once was, but no one will let you rebuild your house (permits etc) so you just sit there and wait. Eventually the people who hand out permits decide that they are going to give a permit to your arch enemy and will let him build a house on your land. You protest, but there is nothing you can do. So they build the house where your house once was, and you can never have heaven on earth because you can not live in the house as god directed. No analogy can ever make sense unless it includes god, because the problem can not be solved with money or wealth, that can never bring the messiah. Well, we won't come to a compromise here, though I see your argument and respect it. In my opinion, these two groups are looking for their home more deeply rooted in ancestors and entitlement. If this could be settled reasonably and heal those wounds, the conflict will be hard to root up again. The rest is brought in to claim a higher sense of righteousness to their cause in conflict. When the conflict is gone the power behind it eases as well. When it comes down to motives, fighting for what was passed down by your father and father's father has been as big as a motive as land felt belonging to them and given by the Father.
  12. "Europe was fed up with war to the point where it will never fight another war (France fought Vietnam after WWII, USA has fought many countries, GB has fought Argentina over Falklands and so on and so forth)" Completely beside the point. Obvious to the point of it not even being said, neither of those wars happened between European countries. Clearly, the phrase "Peace in the Middle East" inherently is saying peace...in...the...middle...east. So if Saudi Arabia declares war on Myanmar, that doesn't mean there isn't peace in the middle east. You're claim is that the Middle East is in no way comparable to Europe because of the religious origins of the middle east, and that it's history of fighting is even longer than Europes. I'm sure 100 years ago if you asked someone which region was to be so helpless in perpetual fighting, they'd say without Europe. They've done it forever. Their belief in the righteousness of their country and crown, led to the belief that they deserved all should they manage it. Land = power and money and glory for the country, expansionism shows the Godly superiority of the people and that God is looking down favorably on the country. And so it wasn't just that death they got sick of, it was a realization that these wars were preventing Europe from economic prosperity. While the EU will point to the EU as a symbol of cooperation and their peace, it is their economic deals and cooperation that have led to this 60 years of peace in western europe, with nothing remotely threatening that peace. They realized that war didn't help create trade lines in the modern world, it was destroying them. And so in the MIddle East, the enlightened economic countries we don't speak of. These poor, vastly illiterate are laying claims to ancient land disputes as a way of creating a source of power. And as I hear you lay the religious convictions for Israel, I just don't buy it. I don't buy it when you lay the claims, I don't buy it when I hear Israelis talk about Israel. For one, it comes across as too much chronology. One Jewish professor, not Israeli, when I was in high school talked to us, and gave us this analogy. It's like if you are sitting in a chair at a cafe, and get up to go get cream for your coffee, and you get back and someone is sitting in your chair, do you not have a right to kick them out? For real, that was the analogy, and I'm not saying this analogy is the end all be all and clearly this is the word of the Israelis, this professor, but its somewhat typical in when I hear Israelis talk on the manner too. It always comes across as so chronological. Like that argument is brought out to remind that the Israelis occupied that area once, and so it was given to them by God and necessary to their people. But I'm never convinced that they hold those religious forecasts to a higher plight than that of this was their home, and even if they got removed from it, it is still theirs. And so then you have Palestinians saying the same. Two groups, both with claims to the crown. If that doesn't sound like Europe, I don't know what to tell you. But, if ever these areas develop intellectually and economically, they'll get to the point where they realize how much these wars are costing them in many ways. You know a top reason for murders in general is embarrassment. And one of the reasons youths in the Middle East are so mad is because they feel looked down on by the West and feel anger and embarrassment because they feel that the region should be respected for when it was a thriving economic, scientific and intellectual center of the world. And it is embarrassing when, backed by the west, they can be removed from their land and then beaten so badly. Embarrassment and loss of dignity can be dangerous fuel that can spark some unimaginable results. And it's more than just getting sick of dying. It's the realization that this perpe
  13. bmags

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (Soxy @ Jan 13, 2009 -> 08:33 PM) Yeah, I like him. I liked the Savages a lot. Really funny sweet movie (although I admittedly have a bit of a dark sense of humor). The ending was a tad saccarine--but overall I really liked it. I haven't seen Before The Devil Knows You're Dead--it's been on my list for a long time. I liked Doubt too, and I think the movie was a lot more ambiguous (as to the guilt of Father Flynn) because PSH is so good. That's good because that's how the actual play is supposed to be. Poor attempts at the play find poor actors unable to pull that off.
  14. I disagree with you soxbadger. For one, you could say the same about the middle east. At the time of the crusades none of these countries technically existed as today. And further, many of the conflicts in Europe were about religion as well. And even with that statement about 3 major religions, only two of those religions are having conflict, and the religion aspect is a small part of it. While Jerusalem is always going to be a near impossible problem to solve, the main dispute is clearly the creation of israel on top of other peoples homes at the time and them being driven out, and fighting for that homeland. Within Islam, there are major groups fighting amongst each other, but even then its due to mostly historic claims of ancestry to lands and previous powers. So I don't really buy that it's about religion. It's about an undeveloped region feeding off the ignorance of its people by inciting them on others as a means to keep power.
  15. As far as personalities, they are all equally boring.
  16. QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 11, 2009 -> 03:57 AM) That was my guess, but as I listened to it over and over, I don't think so. have you figured this out yet?
  17. Oh bollocks, Stay positive isn't anything great. AC's album is a defining pop music moment. It's going to place on the billboard charts on VINYL for christ's sake. And it's wonderful.
  18. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 13, 2009 -> 01:10 AM) Its funny how much better 09 is than 08 already. haha, AC would def. be #1 and Andrew bird would be #4 for me. I still do love beach house and titus andronicus.
  19. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 10:22 PM) Not with his knee problems already. Not saying it would be Uribe cash, but not Arod cash. Eh, Teixera just got 200 in this market for his top 5 production at 1b, you don't think Mauer will exceed that by a large amount?
  20. hahaha TPM "You gotta love the candidates for RNC chair. Gay-rights activist and talk-radio host Michelangelo Signorile has posted an amusing piece of audio of Ken Blackwell during the Republican National Convention, telling Signorile that homosexuality is a compulsion that can be "restrained," and he's quite confident he would be able to suppress it within himself -- though of course he's never had any sort of problem like that. "I've never had to make the choice because I've never had the urge to be other than a heterosexual," Blackwell said, "but if in fact I had the urge to be something else I could have in fact suppressed that urge.""
  21. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 09:38 PM) I wouldn't like to have Mauer when its contract time no kidding. That position and that production...arod cash.
  22. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jan 12, 2009 -> 09:18 PM) There is a huge differnce between being partisan in the process and then not going against the DIRECT law that is written. Of course he can't sign it, it's VERY f***ing black and white in their law. This vote valid? For Coleman? Naaah. Looks like they checked two boxes. For Franken? OK, looks good, it was just an accident and they INTENDED to vote for Franken! Yes. That's what's happening. Do you remember all those sample controversial ballots that balta posted on here that we all guessed spiritedly on? They were pretty much all thrown out, including that check for franken, but write-in for lizard people, or anything where two boxes were filled in, like the one that said no. So how is that happening? The secretary of state and governor could sign a provisional certification to seat Franken while the legal challenges are done.
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