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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 2, 2009 -> 08:07 AM) i think that OSU is still the better team than Penn State, for what it's worth...but neither are dominant teams as for me, i'm happy to see Florida instead of USC as a Sooners fan...USC/Carroll already beat us once in a game we were supposed to win, but this offense against OU should be able to put up 50-60 on Florida, the only question is how many points the defense will give up, although they showed some signs of waking up late in the season Stoops' defense have done nothing in bowl games of late to give me confidence it can stop one as good as floridas.
  2. well when your second best team is getting beat by another conferences second best team ... it speaks somethin. That said I don't like Colt McCoy and he may well suck. The Texas d-line will decide that game, if they decide to play.
  3. haha, do you all remember how poisonous that 94 strike was? My dad didn't watch a single game until Ripken broke the streak, then he took another few years off. edit: so my point is that isn't a great analogy.
  4. I don't think the sox are going to be the only team with attendence issues this year, anyways.
  5. that hit on Robinson when he swept to the outside nearly broke him in half.
  6. I don't know if Maclin will be anything more than a Bernard Berrian-fly receiver, but I don't think you should judge one game where fat face chase couldn't hit a barn door as an example of Maclin "not making a play". Besides the fact that him and coffman were clearly our entire offense, Maclin had a beautiful catch that he couldn't get his foot down in the end zone because taco man threw too far outside, and in his career I've said "wow" to him more than any other MIzzou player in my 4 years. And it's not just because his speed. His career was only 2 years though, keep in mind. I don't know how Maclin will be in the NFL, frankly picking who will be a good receiver in the NFL is hard. This past decade I've seen sure thing after sure thing not only suck, but be out of the league in a few years. I would think that Dez Bryant would be that prototype first rounder that just doesn't pan out for whatever reason. He's tall, good speed, great hands - all the attributes I've seen busts have. Sarcasm. Maclin will at least be useful in special teams, so that's a plus for him. He'd be fun on the dolphins, I think.
  7. bmags

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (3E8 @ Dec 29, 2008 -> 06:08 AM) The Wrestler is my favorite film of the year. Mickey Rourke's performance is great (Marissa Tomei quite good too) and Aronofsky took what I think is a pleasant departure from the style I've seen in his other work. I can't remember the last time I wanted to go back to the theater to see a movie more than once did he stop the "hundred cuts per minute"s***
  8. titus andronicus-beach house-kanye-women-dodos
  9. well there was no right person to be elected in this election. I'm just standing up for Minnesota's election officials, who are doing a reasonably good job.
  10. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 24, 2008 -> 05:38 PM) Do you really think it is normal for partisian electoral officals to find 100 ballots in their car, all belonging to the same candidate, whom he happens to support? If you don't think things like that aren't going to make people cynical at what is going on there, you obviously are looking at this through partisian glasses. http://www.minnpost.com/davidbrauer/2008/1...car_story_false
  11. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 24, 2008 -> 01:24 PM) And if you read only the liberal blogs you'd think the Minnesota recount was handled fabulously. Do you know why recounts automatically happen when it's this close? Because the #'s are usually off in the rush to report during the day. Recounts take a long time, and if our barometers are Florida or, I think Wash. State congressional recount, then Minnesota is a hell of a lot closer to Washington's then Florida's. Recounts are goign to suck for one side or the other, but these accusations of partisanship in the election board of minnesota is just projecting your political cynicism to every political event. Do you think Coleman was unpopular up there? My friends from Minnesota thought there was no way in Hell it was even close. It isn't as if there is no strong republican party in Minnesota either. You know those sample ballots balta provided us with? Nearly all were rejected as valid. Most people thought more of those ballots should go to Franken.
  12. If you only read this thread you'd think the Minnesota recount was disastrously handled.
  13. I actually like Sickels honesty on Viciedo. At least he isn't judging based on one scouting report and acting like his word is gospel. In fact, I'd say I'm much more likely to trust him now because he's honest when he thinks he has a good grasp of a player.
  14. bmags

    Films Thread

    Has anyone seen Doubt? I loved the play. I haven't seen many plays to movies I've liked, though. But I love PSH.
  15. QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Dec 23, 2008 -> 09:33 PM) I don't really follow Kanye, but this was interesting: http://new.music.yahoo.com/blogs/blenderbu...ht-lip-synching Part of the reason I don't really follow hip hop is because most of what I've heard sounds horrible live. naw its great. Go check Hollywood Holt in Chicago for a show, you'll have a good time.
  16. was there a worse time for them to do it then right before commodities collapse? It was like a preview that we'll have to wait 2 years for the movie. They are certainly less scary when the ruble drops to a 3-year low, oil and nat. gas prices plummeting and their gov't action scared away foreign investors before the economy even scared away foreign investors. I hope it cripples them into doing somehting incredibly stupid. I hate Medvedev/Putin. Side note: DId Medvedev's propsed increase of term limits pass through?
  17. I'm having a hard time deciding between Beach HOuse and Titus Andronicus for my #1. Both had an equal number of songs on my best of 2008 playlist, and both were more than any other band. I think Wedding Bell is my favorite song though.
  18. I have to say, the moments before soxtalk loads feature a rush of anticipation. I like the feeling.
  19. Jim Cramer needs to be fired, man. Why do people listen to him? I don't care if he gets you ratings, the man is probably hurting people's lives. "SEARS is great man, go buy sears!" "The subprime mortgage crisis is a load of hooey" "Don't move your money out of bear stearns!" (when market is at 8300) "Get all your money out now, get it all out" Unbelievable. edit: also, Foreign Policy probably should've added a bloop of their own too...ha
  20. QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Dec 21, 2008 -> 11:53 PM) Do either of these even exist any more? No. Not impressed with the Smell scene being anything more than a nice anecdote for cool points.
  21. It's not necessarily being anti-gay, it's making being anti-gay part of your platform and being a political activist against it. BUt further, as soon as Obama picked a pastor they become recognizeable. No need to pick an asshole just because people know who he is. Hey, Jerry Fallwell, he's pretty recognizeable, albeit a little stiff at the moment.
  22. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 21, 2008 -> 05:41 PM) Here's his quote: And even if I hadn't realized I was off base regarding Richard, he's a totally different situation from Marquez anyway. Clayton is a White Sox draftee. And we've had little to no success in developing our OWN pitchers. So at least I would have a somewhat decent arguement in my initial reaction, even if I hadn't changed my mind. well, whatever. You still need to tone down your posts. I wish yours were laughable, but they are more annoying and grating.
  23. QUOTE (lostfan @ Dec 20, 2008 -> 07:20 PM) It's just the invocation, I mean it's not like Obama set out to change his agenda all of a sudden or anything. I can understand why they (the gay community and gay rights activists, whose fight for equality I agree with btw) don't like the pic, but they have to understand, it's not all about them. Obama's not going to spend his presidency governing specifically for one set of political views, and even said as such in his victory speech. This is something I noticed about the far left almost immediately after the election. I don't care, I'm with them. You can engage the bigot without having him swear you in. It's like giving him validation and availability.
  24. So did Peanut all the sudden move to the underrated Minnesota scene to "feel" it. Its not like Minnesota is the base and these bands rarely travel, they aren't Jon Brion with LA, the only difference between Minnesota and USA for these bands is Minneapolis will get 3 or 4 shows instead of 1. Its not as if we are talking bands so small they are reduced to playing one club in NY, all of these travel. Propping up a city for producing a few bands isn't that necessary. Omaha wasn't any better or worse of a town when that saddle creek mirage began, williamstown wasn't a harlem rennaisance because of TVOTR and fiery furnaces. For DJ scenes, there is more teeth to it, but elsewise it's all antiquated.
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