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Everything posted by bmags

  1. He was suggesting that people are throwing Marquez under the bus because they are less familiar with them than if he were a sox prospect.He wasn't saying he deserved slack because Richard was a White Sox draftee.
  2. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Dec 21, 2008 -> 05:33 PM) While i understand what you are saying, I still think musical scenes have a much bigger influence on people than the internet ever will. Its one thing to hear a song from your computer, its a whole different thing to walk into a dive-bar and hear it in its uncut/unedited/un-studio-ed glory. tours.
  3. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Dec 21, 2008 -> 04:25 PM) How many young starting pitchers has KW acquired who have had an immediate successful impact on the White Sox major league team? Maybe you backed off of your Richard criticism but saying you deserve slack because he was a White Sox draftee and Marquez was not, making it a totally different situation is beyond laughable. I still haven't called Marquez garbage. The biggest slam I've given him is he's more like Lance Broadway than any of the other names mentioned. Of course, that may be considered worse than calling him garbage. I think what is more laughable is your false interpretations of others statements and then ridiculing the argument you made up as laughable.
  4. scenes are overrated. WHo cares where you are from anymore, anyone can get anyones music.
  5. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Dec 19, 2008 -> 07:32 AM) 96 - 3 95 - 4 94 - 7 91 - 1 Where does he get those wonderful toys
  6. bmags

    Films Thread

    there's no way that article was true. It also said they were considering someone for Robin, which clearly isn't happening. It was all bollocks.
  7. that damned wilder can go to hell! Gene too
  8. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 18, 2008 -> 11:00 PM) Of all the stupid things Bush has said and done, that isn't even on the radar. Talk about overanalyzing and overparsing someone's words. ha, it was a joke north side.
  9. Did KW cause the Economic depression just so the white sox could win a world series? ///////////////g////r/////e//////e//////n////
  10. QUOTE (Wanne @ Dec 18, 2008 -> 09:38 PM) the batters can time it.... Thanks.
  11. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Dec 18, 2008 -> 08:52 PM) Garland is a type B free agent so we'd love nothing. that's pretty pessimistic kalapse.
  12. what does "any one can time 100 mph if they see it enough" mean?
  13. I liked young liars ep a lot but dear science is trash.
  14. Well this thread is clearly over my head.
  15. QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Dec 17, 2008 -> 10:00 PM) tell me about MGMT? Should I tune back into TV On The Radio? - few good songs -NO NO NO NO. I tell you the only reason they are getting these high rankings on year end lists is it makes lost-touch publications like Spin and Rolling Stone feel experimental all the while supporting a band that is entirely marketed on a major label. That album was awful.
  16. bmags

    Thesis / No Thesis

    QUOTE (Texsox @ Dec 17, 2008 -> 03:24 PM) That was Psy or English, I decided English. From what I can tell, at least here (UG not Grad for me) there are no TA or RA positions until you have 18 hours. So the classroom route gets you paid quicker than the thesis route. It also seems our library is not well known for resources, like at a major University, so that may, or may not, be an additional hurdle. So most of the research would be internet based or inter library. Plus the no thesis route does seem easier. Just show up and do what you are told. As far as what PhD programs are looking for, I've received mixed advice. Some believe it is good experience prior to their dissertation, others believe it doesn't make a difference. I'm guessing they probably preferred the route they took. I also receive mixed advice on going directly to a PhD program or doing it in two steps. Looking at the credentials of many of the professors here, and at the colleges I've narrowed my search too, it seems most stayed at one University for two degrees. Either B.A. and M.A. the PhD somewhere else. Or B.A. and then M.A. and PhD somewhere else. Only a few have three different listed. Until I select one, and see the library, the decision is tough. The research is the key and if they happened to have 100 feet of letters and journals from an author I'd want to research, that would be one thing, if I was stuck with someone or some genre I'm not passionate about, that would be a long and sucky project. Afterwards? Teaching probably. Hence the eventual need for a PhD. What are you studying? I would go the thesis route, just because I would find it satisfying to be published and have a tangible item to look back upon my education.
  17. but of course at the time it was put out by I think Balta that polling places found democrats had the possibility of flipping CO, NV, NC and VA, that was back in March. At no point did John McCain seem like this invincible candidate that could not be tied to the president with 26% approvals. McCain only had a lead in his convention bounce. So the assertion in this article that a McCain win was likely, is more laughable here now that Obama won in a landslide, but also was highly questionable back then. the democrats were polling better with virtually every demo. than in 04.
  18. Just the premise that the electoral map is set, and the only way to flip a state is to have candidates from that state on the ticket is just so silly and completely ignorant of demographic changes that were influential in places like Virginia.
  19. Pulitzer. Be it through a literary work or journalistic one, go hard or go home I guess.
  20. bmags

    Whopper Virgins

    Why would someone who has absolutely no credibilty or experience in the subject be a more influential voice than an american who tastes hundreds of burgers? What are they trying to say? Oh, the problem is you all know what a burger is and have comparisons to know ours tastes like s***! If you knew nothing you would prefer us!
  21. did you see his interview on Maddow? It was pretty wonderful.
  22. bmags

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (SleepyWhiteSox @ Dec 15, 2008 -> 06:44 PM) How did they explain his missing lower body??
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