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Everything posted by bmags

  1. The damage will be done. What a stupid state. Honestly, you won't find a dumber area than SE Missouri.
  2. It'll be interesting pick. I think Jarrett could be right.
  3. Great. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle5090077.ece
  4. And we have a brand new P.O.S. in Blaine Luetkemeyer so enjoy him, America. Thanks Missouri, you never...oops, sorry, you always disappoint.
  5. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 06:50 PM) That's more something for generals to discuss isnt it? Unless i'm missing your point What does this mean? I'm fairly certain he was referring to transparency. To a degree I think that will be true but it's not like Obama's campaign was an open book to media. I just want accountability. Too many scandals were able to be crushed by Bush hiding behind executive privilege. Breaking the law is no privilege.
  6. QUOTE (Middle Buffalo @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 06:44 PM) We've seen very little evidence of the loser having an impact post election. I hope McCain changes that. I hope he "reaches across the aisle." That would be great. I didn't vote for him, but it doesn't mean that I don't respect him or that his voice shouldn't be heard. I think that we need more than one voice in politics, and hopefully Obama's promise to change things will actually happen. I'll believe it when I see it, though. The only loser that I can think of that stayed active in politics is Ted Kennedy. Other guys kept their seats in the Senate or House, but they didn't make much noise. I hope McCain is just as active in voicing his opinions in the next few years. I hope the guy that ran in 2000 re-emerges. I'd like to see Obama's advisors be picked based on skill, not friendship. Pick the best people from both parties. That's change. John Kerry has stayed active, and if you are to make the list, as you did with Kennedy, primary losers who stayed active, it's pretty big.
  7. This is despicable. God, any time bills are passed to specifically NOT grant rights, you'd think people would stop and think how they would feel if it were them.
  8. gentleman, I watched it last night. Her boobs are too big, makes it urealistic. Basically Russian troops ring the doorbell ask to use her phone. The rest "snowballs" from there
  9. Sometimes I'm not sure how helpful it is to repeat myself...but. I agree with Tom Friedman's view on Energy and America. This is what could push us to the forefront.
  10. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 04:36 PM) Well, there goes the "bi-partisan" thing right out the window, because this one's known as an "elbow pusher" for the Dems. Kap, don't start this so early. As soon as he picks one democrat "bi-partisan" is out the window? Rahm knows the Congress and is an asset to get bills through.
  11. Can someone console me on Prop A passing.
  12. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 04:09 PM) FYI: I think it was Chris Matthews on MSNBC last night who said he's talked with senior Obama staffers who have said Obama's inner circle / cabinet will be 3 things: Bi-partisan Diverse No Retreads / Youth Basically, they want a bi-partisan group of diverse individuals who havent been around the White House too much before. I'm glad because youth means they probably don't know what they can get away with...unlike Bush's.
  13. My friends a big republican, and with the lack of talent in the IGOP we both agreed maybe their only shot at governor is Joe Birkett, especially if he convicts this case he's on. But, if Madigan doesn't get the Senate, she'll probably go for Governor, and in that case it would be funny if Birkett goes against Madigan again.
  14. if we scrape a bunch of money together we could bribe Blago to put a soxtalker up there. I'm under 30 so I can't. Anyone need a job?
  15. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 03:59 PM) This is how the country really voted: So different from 04
  16. Well, you shamed people on knowing more than them on intelligence, which was equally as important.
  17. One of the reasons, besides timing, that HRC's healthcare failed so badly, is you don't create a bill like that without consulting congress, they pushed a bill that congress didn't create so they all got pissed. I think energy is first. and also...
  18. Thanks to all those fellow posters who made phone calls donated and canvassed. It was fun I'm kind of going to miss it. I'm also going to miss rallies every day.
  19. Actually I read that turnout was greater than in 04 by %
  20. QUOTE (HawkDJ @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 03:39 PM) Anyone know where I can find a pic of Obama with the skyline in the background from last night? I don't know about skyline but check out the trib online.
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 03:32 PM) I am thrilled that all three incumbants on our school board were voted out last night. That makes 6 out of the 7 seats having new members in the last two elections. Hopefully that means we can drum our superintendant and move forward. same thing happened here in columbia, unfortunately here I don't have much hope for our new administrators. as good a night as it was for Obama, don young and Ted Stevens were re elected, Norm Coleman probably is, Judy Baker loses to an absolute moron. IT wasn't the greatest night for congressional races.
  22. you have to think it's partly due to cali's massive population still coming in.
  23. Indiana is BLUUEEEEE MO is tied by I'd bet McCain wins NC has 100% reporting and Obama up 11 Gs, but not called. The map looks beautiful
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