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Everything posted by bmags

  1. passes. And baker loses. And McCain will probably win missouri. This state, man, this state.
  2. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 06:42 AM) You know what also changes the demographics. Life changes. Marriage, children, a mortgage, making more money. These all change your personal views. I am sure that a single person making 20k welcomes the social programs and tax breaks meanwhile fast forward that same person to 33 making a lot more with kids having a different view on their giving their hard earned money to the government. Hell I used to a be a hard core democrat, knocking on doors, precinct captain, working as an election judge, getting tapes back to headquarters for the election party. Then I started to see my party move further to the left, and I was moving further to the right. People change, views move and change based on your life changes. I understand that. But historically speaking you see these dynasty cycles, and I have a hard time believing that Obama's presidency and a majority in both houses is still in the midst of a cycle. It's the beginning of another one. And as these shifts you are talking about happening, it is moving towards the dems as seen by these shifts in VA and NC.
  3. That's the good point, There was a political scientist who looked at americas political history in terms of political cycles, with a creator, one who keeps those ideas, and then people who see it off. It makes sense Post civil war - G. Depression - Republicans G. Depression - Reagan - New Deal Democrats Reagan-Bush - Reagan Republicans The people who grew with this latest dynasty are getting older. Meanwhile, this whole large younger demographic has a hard time believing in the ideals of the Reagan era when the Bush presidency was such a disaster. So Obama has a chance to build the next political era. I think he knows how heavy a task this is, but also the reason he went bottom up.
  4. It sold some papers and ads that's for sure.
  5. Wonderful speech. I felt a wave of emotions throughout all of it.
  6. The culture war + big spending + incredibly broad foreign policy
  7. Thank you for this post. I hope you all can appreciate, that I am in a scary time in my life. I am facing the real world, with no clear picture. With what I'm entering into being the most tumultuous economy in 7 decades. And for me, I needed hope to win out. Beyond policies and all of this, it is important and obvious that a president is so much more. We look to him or hopefully soon Her for guidance, for trust and for stability. I needed to hear the yes we can, not the world will end. This election was very special to me.
  8. I have extreme misgivings with his campaign, and if it wasn't who he was, he should own up to that. BUt that said, I'd rather say thank you to the conservatives of this site. While this last week was heated, from september to october, during classes, I couldn't wait to get in here to debate. It was fun. To kap, mr. g, ss2k5 and any of the other regulars, Thank You for the best message board give-and-take I've been involved in.
  9. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 04:27 AM) Obama up by 5 points in Montana. this appears to be the one state where third parties mattered.
  10. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 04:29 AM) It's all about Prop 8 in Cali now. No is currently winning by about 31,000 votes. Here's to hoping that No can keep that lead. I hope so as well.
  11. concession speeches are rarely bad. That said...if I may...I won't forgive him for his campaign.
  12. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Nov 5, 2008 -> 04:04 AM) Grats everyone. I know a lot of you really put a lot into this election. Truly a historic win. Thank you. I sincerely mean that.
  13. OBAMA!!!! God this feels great. All the phone calls. All the message board fights, the last minute persuasion of my roommate. 8 long years. I'm so happy. Do us right.
  14. AHB, so we are only 4 years away from star wars technology? That's encouraging.
  15. When the first hologram came up my roommates and I were crying laughing
  16. So awesome, flipped map. New President.
  17. Energy bill soon as well. I thoroughly agree with Tom Friedman that the key to a prosperous 21st century america is leading the world in energy technology
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