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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 06:38 PM) Both candidates sit at a table. are there follow up questions?
  2. What's the format for this one. It better be improved from the last travesty.
  3. The reason edwards' was so much more acidic is how he used his wife's battle with cancer, and the fact that people love Elizabeth Edwards, to gain some political capital.
  4. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 06:15 PM) i have bad news for your analysis. questioning an opponents vision for America is standard during presidential campaigns. painting the other candidate as a radical outsider has been done many times before, think Reagan in 1980; he was supposedly a psycho intent on launching nuclear weapons and ending life on earth as we know it. I have bad news for your analysis. When the outsiders of your campaign are creating pamphlets calling him an arab, writing books about how he's a muslim, and bringing on guests saying Obama only came to Chicago "probably" because of Ayers and is now just a puppet for him, while the candidates are saying he's palling around with terrorists, questioning who he is - 20 months in -, making ALL their ads negative - most not having anything to do with policy -, these all fuel one message. And the difference, the reality, is that Obama is black and has an arab name. So these same statements applied to Ronald Reagan vs. Barack Obama bring out different reactions in their intent. So, McCain can swoop into these rallies, Palin can swoop into these rallies, say these things that have roots in previous claims, all though being an outsider is usually run as a good thing (Palin can both run as an outsider and blast Obama for being an outsider! ), and leave acting oblivious to how their message is received. But when these phrases, along with fueling this relationship with Ayers, and him being black with a Muslim name, are clearly igniting in people hatred and racism, THEY are responsible. If these motifs they are spreading, whether intended to frame in a different way, are being received in another, THEY are responsible. THEY are responsible for these racist crowds. McCain is more than capable on framing this election on experience and taxes, he hasn't done that. He's done it on character, against a black candidate. So yes, in a world that deals with realities, McCain's campaign absolutely has infused racism into it. I didn't even mention the elitist, UPPITY Obama uses.
  5. QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 06:12 PM) No such thing as victory or defeat/surrender... I'm sick to death of hearing politicians do this too. Naw, Ford won Vietnam right?
  6. I'm tired of people acting like unless McCain says "You can't vote for him, he's black", that he's not injecting race into this election. These attempts to paint him as an outsider, that he's not one of us, he doesn't see america the way we see it, these are racially charged, whether you want to question their intent or not, they are responsible for the way they are received. So to be shocked at the vitriolic response from the crowds is naive, and that is the parallel John Lewis was trying to make.
  7. How about sexist, keep that crap out of here.
  8. QUOTE (Texsox @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 06:26 PM) Sad when being a role model isn't even factored in as President of the United States. The thing is, it's such a new phenomenon, that these scandals are reported on. It's now well-known that JFK cheated on his wife, that FDR cheated on his wife, most of our founding fathers had mistresses, and yet we look at them as great leaders and great morally. Now if you are caught with a mistress your career is over and you are a pariah. For personal reasons I hate people who cheat on their spouses, but it's clear the type of personality fearless to lead a country are likely the kinds that are fearless to risk their careers.
  9. It'll be the last time he'll be able to appear on the national stage with this amt. of people watching. So I guess so. He is in deep s***.
  10. Ah, well lucky Obama is up 14 points in PA, then.
  11. I'm anxious to see what becomes of Chavez after this term, if it's a putin like leave. The people have spoken.
  12. QUOTE (Texsox @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 01:15 PM) Forbes Article Along with the "Stock Market Game" that some schools use in the classroom, it seems that we should be doing even more to prepare our kids to be adults. Me and a few other kids were picked to do that in fourth grade. Me and my group all picked the hot stocks like lucent technologies. The other group picked their favorite stores. We got killed. Ain't that a b?
  13. If ONLY! ISU is the Walter Cronkite school, no? Did I spell his last name right?
  14. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 01:27 AM) Id compare it to Obamas ad that has been on TV a lot lately, where they talk about all the tax cuts for oil companies. They know damn well that the actual tax proposals are for all businesses but they spotlight oil companies to mislead the public. Now, is it true that oil companies would benefit from the plan? yes, but so would a small business owner struggling to stay above water, but you dont hear about that. Both sides throw stuff like that out to let the publics imagination run wild with it. It may be close, but the hate for oil companies is no where near as venemous as the hate for calling someone a terrorist-sympathizer
  15. nonetheless its clear that the 00-04 electoral map will not be recreated.
  16. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 15, 2008 -> 12:14 AM) I think it's a real long shot, but worth the effort. I thought I heard a while back that Obama moved some people out of GA and into NC and VA. So, I think they think they cant win it either. But they wont give up the ground game, especially with McCain in a free-fall. Well, back when Gpratt used to post about how Obama couldn't win because the south was solid red and Obama couldn't win Ohio and Fla. My theory, was that due to Obama opening offices in every state, McCain likely would not win in the solid red states by as much as Bush won them. It is the reason why I thought Obama would win the popular even if he lost the electoral. But, also the likelihood of higher black turnout in states in the south closer to Obama. And it looks like this is happening, on top of the economy helping out Obama and the awful campaign being run by McCain.
  17. So I'm in this international reporting class. It's hard. I keep getting these papers get back saying, great paper, but I got a D and a C because because there are standards for AP errors. AP is REALLY hard to edit for. It's like studying a dictionary. Anyways if we get it published we get an A. So BOOYA. http://www.columbiamissourian.com/stories/...4/poor-posture/ And don't worry, I'm under no impression that my writing is good enough or ideas brilliant enough to be be beyond criticism. It's the reason I'm posting it. This is my first editorial i've written, and I probably won't take an editorial writing class. I already caught a spelling mistake that happened post-editing, and I'm angered! In reality I think I made Russia look too weak. BUt them getting loans by using shares as collateral is funny, to me.
  18. Is that implying a third party candidates runningmate?
  19. Michelle Malkin isn't a conservative she's a hate monger destroying this country.
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