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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 13, 2008 -> 05:18 PM) I also think Mizu will be a "landslide" state. It wont be the decider state, it'll be part of the landslide. VA is the decider state to me. Missouri predicts presidents. Virginia's just trying to be cool.
  2. atta boy, MIZ. doesn't matter though, Missouri will be decided within 4%.
  3. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 13, 2008 -> 05:00 PM) All by itself, no. In a bi-partisan situation like this, both parties needed to get majorities in their caucus to push it through, obviously there will be dissention and compromises that some house members find reprehensible. By most accounts, the House members took this opportunity to push their own, unreasonable plan that wouldn't get through, and distanced themselves from a weak party and leadership. A group of more than 100 house members in a caucus of one party, during a bi-partisan measure, can absolutely kill a bill. Could the dems have passed it with 100% yays? Yes, but that's not a realistic proposal. The dems did their part, the republicans didn't. And so the bill that ended up passed just needed some great pork projects, because, hey, if you're spending 700 billion, what's 100 billion more?
  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 13, 2008 -> 04:45 PM) And we all know that the GOP always gets what it wants Seriously. You don't think a block that big in Congress could do harm to a bill?
  5. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/...elective_m.html The Bradley Effect - discredited. edit: this wasn't meant to be a reply to AHB.
  6. bmags

    The Art of the Pickup

    When you walk up to them, make yourself look real big, so they know who the dominant male is. Don't blink when talking, either. Blinking is a sign of weakness. And don't show your teeth, that's the sign of a witch. Also, if they are staring you in the eyes, don't break eye contact until they turn away, again, for dominant male. Make high pitch screams to any male that also walks up, it warns off other predators. This is the art of the pickup.
  7. bmags

    Films Thread

    QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Oct 13, 2008 -> 02:01 PM) Watched "The Happening" last night. As brutal as everyone said. I was hoping with the terribly low expectations going in that maybe I'd kind of enjoy it. What a waste of time. Heh. Right now you are in Phase 1 of a "The Happening" viewer. A feeling of disgust. A feeling you lost 2 hours of your life. Phase 2 is more contemplative. Questions arise. You start to replay it in your head. Mark Wahlberg talking like a 14 year old with his balls in a vice. The man with his arm ripped off by the lion. The scene where the kids are shot. You start laughing hysterically. Phase 3. Acceptance. YOu realize, that in some strange way, this trainwreck of a movie was more interesting in its awful execution than previous given credit. Behold, M. Night Shamylan, the 21st century Ed Wood.
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 13, 2008 -> 03:49 PM) OK, so how in the hell did the failure for the first bailout vote fall on the GOP with most journalists, when they aren't in control of Congress? because they wanted that credit.
  9. PERSONALLY, I do think that having a split party Congress/WH is usually a good thing. HOWEVER, for the next few years, I want to see Health Care done, so the Repubs can go sit in a corner and cry about following their leader. But clearly the tensions between Clinton and Gingrich led to some fiscal responsibility that really moved us forward. Unfortunately of course, that fiscal house GOP method that took over in 94 turned into the evangelical conservatives of today.
  10. Is this to do with Europes weekend response?
  11. LOL, that whole video is priceless. "Few people know that community organizing is actually training to overthrow the government. I mean here he was, in NY making 50-60 thousand a year, and he comes to Chicago to make little? Hard to believe, I think New York he probably met Bill Ayers who convinced him to come to Chicago, and then Obama trained under Bill Ayers while there" hahahaha. What's funnier than this, is Hannity calls himself a journalist. My friend, I do not think that word means what you think it means.
  12. thank you so much this was a treat!
  13. Wick Allison now for Obama: http://www.dmagazine.com/ME2/dirmod.asp?nm...6A3EF81822D9F8E
  14. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 12, 2008 -> 04:02 AM) It's never good when you get booed at a photo-op: Did McCain-Palin campaign not realize they were in Philly? Those people boo'd santa clause for goodness sakes.
  15. any episode where there is a solo storyline for D sucks.
  16. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 07:48 PM) OK, you guys are misreading what i said. One poster on here would have been creaming his jean with joy at the story, and would have it posted within seconds, much like he did with the troopergate post. Then the others would be on here trying to downplay the initial posting as not being a slam dunk (much like some of you did in the troopergate post http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...&p=1779258), but still say that it is bad and not good (again, much like some of you did in the troopergate post http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...&p=1779291). Second, as far as the meeting goes, you would think that ANY staffer going to a Muslim outreach meeting would at least inquire as to who the hell would be there before committing to go. Unless his Muslim outreach staffers are all brain dead f***ing idiots, which wouldn't speak too well for Obama's Hr skills then, would it. Yes, NSS, they both hang around with some scummy people, usually lobbists or people who take and/or receive bribes. CAIR and KKK are a bit fringy there, and neither one deserve to be heard by presidential candidates. Well, as long as you are admitting you are on the same level as AHB I guess we're good.
  17. QUOTE (knightni @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 07:04 AM) You may disagree and be disgusted by this political malfeasance, but, it still won't change anyone's mind, come November 4th. The poor part of this logic is that you think the only purpose of these findings was to sway voters minds, or sway approval ratings. Oh, people don't care so it doesn't matter if she abused her office. That's pathetic.
  18. QUOTE (Texsox @ Oct 12, 2008 -> 04:58 PM) Which is something we all should agree is not what we want from any elected official again. That was wrong then and would continue to be wrong in the future. But we get what we accept. I want to have him investigated, and McCain. In fact, that should be the minimum we do anytime someone runs for office. I wonder however, because of his lack of managerial experiences he just hasn't had the opportunity to do something like this. So in a sense Palin, because she has the most of any of the guys, is at a disadvantage when comparing records., Nobody is at greater disadvantage than senators.
  19. QUOTE (Texsox @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 06:08 PM) http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5i4OpiwX...lig0FgD93O3N3G0 I applaud McCain for his honesty. Too bad it doesn't work to get elected. I am starting to feel sorry for John. I'm happy that he is doing what he is doing, but I wish it hadn't come after people had to call him out on it. And, really, this is a result of the kind of campaign he's run.
  20. I couldn't believe some of the stuff they did in this episode.
  21. QUOTE (knightni @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 02:36 AM) The people who are against her, already think that she's incompetent. How will this change their view? The people who are for her, will side with her "soccer mom" family bias in this matter. How will this change their view? The borderline people will look at this and see her as a politician who did a political thing that a lot of politicians do. Is there a politician out there who hasn't used their office for some personal gain? i didn't see this but I disagree with this. the US Attorney firing and this are very big deals. I don't care how this pushes polls nationally, the fact that another person could be in the white house that did the following: Makes everyone follow their exact ideology (loyalty tests when she first became mayor) Fires people for personal reasons (troopergate, US Attorneys) croneyism sickens me to the core. After 8 years of this crap, of the complete politicization of departments that were. not. supposed. to. be. politicized. I can't imagine another woman getting away with this. The worst part, this s*** keeps happening, and all that happens are reports come out saying "Hey, people acted wrongly here" and NOTHING happens to them.
  22. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 04:28 AM) That's kind of funny because last night's episode was by far the worst in the show's history. Truth, it was also the first one all my roommates watched. It was terrible timing.
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