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Everything posted by bmags

  1. God, I was so shocked when I heard Russia lost 50% of their value in the market. Then we are at what, a 35% drop now? Jesus.
  2. thank you. I just got a new this american life on the economy I plan on throwin on the ipod and listening to today. Thanks NS and SS, I have a lot to learn but, god if there is any good for me is that this all has made the stock market incredibly pertinent and interesting to learn about.
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 06:48 PM) I don't necessarily agree with 2/3 of the things you've said...but if hypothetically I did, there's still one big problem you're missing...you can't exactly do a good job of explaining how you're going to be more fiscally responsible and do a better job with the economy than the Democrats and at the same time tell me how good of a job George W. Bush has done, simply because of the record. Either you have to attack the President's earmark record on something other than the stupid earmarks (anyone who can do the slightest bit of math simply scoffs at that) or you cede the economic ground to Obama. They don't have a charismatic fiscal conservative in their bunch right now, the only bright ones they have are social conservatives. All they could've brought out was Fred Thompson and Fred Thompson had absolutely no idea what he was getting into clearly.
  4. How does that happen? Can someone explain to me how you can short sell that much stock that doesn't exist and gain real money from it? If it's too complicated that's fine, but it blows my mind.
  5. Well, I guess my depth perception is super off. I can usually tell home run or pop fly to the outfield. But I'll be damned If I don't think every foul ball is headed my way. But as for the situation at hand, I'm too used to college football where there is pretty much a job to being a fan. A need to make home field as intimidating as possible, and I've found I've taken that into other professional sports. So I probably would've been the people standing up at every situation too and yelling and pumpin my arms up and all that. Seems a little strange after all the big game threads talking abotu how loud and crazy our fans were and then so many posts in this thread laughing at people who were so loud and hyped.
  6. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 05:19 PM) And she'd know something about witch hunts I laughed.
  7. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 01:56 AM) If you can't see thru your rage enough to realize that, there is no point in discussing that any more. Wow.
  8. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 02:29 AM) Todd isn't out giving campaign speeches, Michelle is. That makes her fair game. But yeah, they are giving such a free pass to the Palin kids. Just totally ignoring them. He's out giving interviews. And just how did the media go after her 17 year old daughter, they reported on the press release the McCain campaign put out?
  9. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 12:27 AM) Well, because they didn't ask Palin about the market and the economy. How dare they not expose her as if it's her (and the GOP, by default) fault. And therefore, RSO will then fix it because he's "better" then McCain and Palin (but that goes without saying). kap, take a breath, then read it again.
  10. Her husband is, and considering Michelle Obama was dragged through the mud in February I'd say Todd Palin has gotten a pretty free pass. But oh yes, the media is OUT TO GET MCCAIN, they built up his image for 10 years just to tear it down in some cruel trick! edit: oh, and here's your correction, it also ran on the second page of the paper: http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/09...s-not-a-member/
  11. AP style guide 2008 Party Affiliation: Let relevance be the guide in determining whether to include a political figure's party affiliation in a story. Party affiliation is pointless in some stories, such as an account of a governor accepting a button from a poster child. It will occur naturally in many political stories. For stories between extremes, include party affiliation if readers need it for understanding or are likely to be curious about what it is.
  12. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 07:54 PM) Waiting with baited breath for the MSM newscasts tonight to do a story on Messiah being a member of the NEW Party. They were all over Palin being a supposed member of a seccessionist party(false), so I am sure they will follow this story with as much vigor. First, he sought their endorsement and that doesn't make him a member, though it would've given him their votes, which now is considered unconstitutional I believe. Second, do you really think seeking the endorsement of a left leaning group is on the same plane as a group wanting to secede from the United States and whose leader had Hugo Chavez type language about the United States? I assure you it isn't. Obama's move was just a political play to get votes early in his career.
  13. I haven't driven my car in 4 weeks. BUT WINTER IS COMING
  14. You think Joe McCain will call West Virginia a bunch of commies now?
  15. I think it's cause by the time that he comes in they already feel committed.
  16. FISA should not even be a liberal ideology. Ugh.
  17. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 07:49 PM) Yeah his "....licious" crap was annoying. I laughed when he went home. Same with Mr. 3rd person Suede. Alright, enough of this in "The Democrat Thread", the Republicans who lurk will freak out. LOL! THIS IS A SNEAK PEEK INTO AN OBAMA PRESIDENCY, REPUBLICANS!!! FASHION SHOWS AND ENGLISH TEA!
  18. QUOTE (Heads22 @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 07:44 PM) Obama up 8 in West Virginia. My oh my. same pollers saying he's only up 1 in Minnesota, I think they are just piss poor pollers.
  19. It always starts with Larry king, lost, always.
  20. QUOTE (Soxy @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 05:55 PM) Right now I am sipping some organic Himalayan tea I got as a gift from some tea gardens out in CA. Usually I go for Stash English breakfast tea or Green/White infusion. No sugar and a splash of non-fat milk. You win, Soxy. I'm just an earl gray man with the same splash of skim.
  21. Anyone else feel "Holla atcha boy" was such a gimmicky ploy to be "fierce" or the catch phrase of the season, too? Damn that pissed me off. Dude was such a Christian wannabe, at least he didn't last that long.
  22. QUOTE (Soxy @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 05:48 PM) How bulls*** was last night? I'm still mad. Oh, and I drink tea. I think we all can admit I'm the elitist queen around here. . . What kind of tea? We'll see who the true hot beverage elitist is! Also, Yeah I've been kind of bored and pissed at the whole season. I realize they are picking these people based off of more than talent, and some of the people they picked I felt were purposeful rehashes of past characters. Leatherlady sucks and should've been kicked off right away.
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