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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 04:14 PM) So, thankfully, the government has no interest in any non-terror-related phone calls and can be completely trusted with that information. It's not like they'd pass ones they thought were funny around the office or anything totally inappropriate like that, right? D'OH. They shouldn't be over there in the first place. Right?
  2. Yeah what's wrong with you Tex? McCain in some tight jeans with no back pockets as to not mess with the lines...oh yeah
  3. not really. Nothing much I can do about FISA except start mobilizing some heavy opposition to when it ends in 4 years. I wrote a letter to Feingold thanking him for his opposition. If Obama tries to push anything with Ethanol through Congress I'm going to raise hell to my officials. Unfortunately, here in Missouri ethanol is so popular because it has revived many communities. So I guess I'd have to contact my naperville rep, Rep. Biggert. She's a repub, though, so it shouldn't be a tough sell. I guess I could go to Sen. Durbin, too.
  4. I watch project runway. I also drink coffee. I suppose I am an elitist.
  5. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 03:19 PM) So the press will not mention this if McCain were to win, right? Alright, so if, in this election states that Obama is up +6 or however much he ends up losing, and the internals for, say, white males showed him with maybe 45% but he only carried 35% of them, I will give credence to this theory. But as of right now I'm sure it's just interesting theory that people want to latch onto to seem smart.
  6. Lost, you can only use your wife for cover so long. You have no excuse for watching The Hills.
  7. No, I don't watch Larry King, I didn't know people still did. BURN
  8. QUOTE (Texsox @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 03:10 PM) Obama is bringing new faces into politics. Younger voters especially are ignited by has candidacy. McCain's supporters are generally older, more subdued, and with more experiences to fall back on.So the styles of the campaigns are different and the supporters are generally from a much more diverse background. No wonder these types of comments arise. This statement doesn't excuse posters on this site from the incredibly annoying characterization of Obama posters in the filibuster when, with the exception of one, it is without merit. For example, the first three posters in this thread discredited this, some Obama supporters, then PA spouts off about "how could Obama supporters make this an issue!?!?!"
  9. nude pics of McCain in every post.
  10. QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 03:05 PM) She may as well just join a black separatist group and get her money's worth, she's already being treated like she is in one. I just would really wonder the reaction if she had been on TV talking about "I'd like to give a shout-out..." damn, I just said money's worth! We are on the same page lostfan, the same page. BTW how does Michele have to act to be considered folksy. Ugh, is the only way she would be likeable to some people if she talked like the 30s Paramount movie extra "Yessa Ize is so happy thats my huzbin iz runnin for de presidenzy!"
  11. If I'm going to get characterized the way PA and others have characterized every Obama supporter no matter how I act, I might as well get my moneys worth and start acting obnoxious.
  12. bmags

    Films Thread

    If you are just going off of Ebert's star system I could see you thinking he was way off. But the beauty of Ebert are his written reviews, which will let you know at the end whether this is a movie you will like by naming all its faults and weaknesses, giving you the option to decide whether those weaknesses are something you care about.
  13. SOOO, this all got sorted, out, They shook hands vigorously right after the debate ended, it was when Brokaw said "You're in front of my script!". This, from what it appears, McCain hit Obama on the back, Obama went to shake his hand, but McCain intro'd his wife. So likely, it was McCain going over to Obama to present his wife to him.
  14. Andrea Mitchell holds herself professionally very well. Erin Andrews? jkjk Leslie Stahl, Heidi Collins or Campbell Brown
  15. I love how people just took this one example, from twenty years ago, that was a theory, and have projected it to the current political race.
  16. I'd be in favor of a woman moderating the debates again. Couric gives woman news journalists such a bad name, why not let another woman showcase their abilities so they can get recognition and be more represented in the late night news programs so rooted in the past.
  17. I'll add this article: http://www.newsweek.com/id/162789?from=rss The article is about how minority lending pressure is being unfairly blamed for the subprime lending debacle. But, the following is in response to Soxy and Northside: I don't know if either of you saw the Daily Show last night, but it had on an author who also appears on This American Life, I forgot her name. They were talking about Palin, and Stewart brought up how it angers him when people like Palin come to New York, make themselves sympathetic to the tragedy of 9/11 and spirit of the people, then when they leave badmouth the residents of the city as elitists and not "real" america. The latter half of that sentence was a combination of both of their arguments, being that they both live in New York. It reminded me of how angry I got during the primaries when Clinton pushed that since Obama was getting great support from people with college degrees, that she was the candidate of "real, working Americans". How odd and silly a statement. You can't preach to America, all politicians, about how important education is to moving forward our economy, then marginalize the people who get that education.
  18. QUOTE (Reddy @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 11:37 PM) sorry buddy, but MANY rookies experience a sophomore slump. so you're looking at both Quentin AND Lexi there. Danks may avoid it, being as this WAS his 2nd year and he's solid, but i also think Gavin will regress a tad as well. I got w/ TCQ, Lexi and Gavin. All regressing Quentin wasn't a rookie.
  19. The Bradley Effect is a load of horse s***, in my opinion.
  20. I feel like Andrew Jackson would be the man to condemn for that.
  21. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 07:10 PM) honestly i thought both failed. What a terrible, terrible waste of 1.5 hours. Anyone who has heard the names "Obama" and "McCain" knew everything they were going to say tonight. Not a single new piece of information was discussed, except McCain's mortgage bailout, but even that got about 30 seconds in 1.5 hours. Instead both candidates attacked each other a little about not-so-important things, totally failed to fully explain their true positions, and then defended their points by simply attacking the other person again. I'm more pissed at Tom Brokaw. What piss poor questions to ask. 1) they were the same questions as the 1st debate, by and large. It's fine to ask a "what do you think of the bailout and how it will work," but we got the same questions about the economy, healthcare, russia, iran, etc. Boring. 2) Why can't we get some actual character questions? Who are your role models? Why would you be a good manager? How does faith play a role in your life, if at all? What effects your decision making? Or what about other issues? Immigration anyone? And I was angry at the fact that both guys said that every issue that was discussed was the most pressing of our time, or the most difficult task of our generation. Sorry, no. Stop making it seem like the world is going to end if you don't get elected. No s***, not to mention Brokaw's last question was one of the worst questions I could imagine. I think the only interesting question was "do you think the failing economy will end America's role as peacemaker". It wasn't answered very well, of course.
  22. What a stupid format. Hey, lets reduce all interaction among candidates and not allow follow ups and act like the crowd is interactive when in fact they might as well just be the moderator asking the question. That's informative! That's entertainment! Won't vote, wish I hadn't watched. Only enjoyment was how badly McCain's jokes bombed.
  23. It's amazing how some people can just look at numbers and understand them so much better than others. He also understands polling theory so well. Guy is amazing.
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