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Everything posted by bmags

  1. Still not doing homework: T.I., Kanye, Jay-Z, Lil Wayne - Swagger like us Juana Molina - Micael Silver Jews - Night Society Sonic Youth - Washing Machine J Dilla - U-Luv The Beatles - Wait British Sea Power - Please Wait Explosions in the Sky - Day Four Three 6 Mafia - roll with it Mclusky - F*** this band pretty pleasant 10 songs.
  2. Kirk Gibson. I don't know about this though, as bad as I wanna win this year I don't want his career to be ruined.
  3. outrageous, they fire a bunch of awesome reporters to spend millions for this guy? F*** them.
  4. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Sep 15, 2008 -> 03:32 AM) We aren't going ANYWHERE with this bullpen, but at least we won twice today. because the posters in this forum have been so prophetic this year.
  5. You guys act like yearlykos is a celebration of dailykos diaries, when it's really a collection of the top liberal bloggers and online sites to have seminars about the changing media landscape and changing political landscape in the face of this gigantic new tool on the internet. Once again, Dkos has thousands of people writing diaries everyday. It's not the same as a newspaper editor having reporters below him, kos enables a site that allows anyone to come in and write a diary.
  6. QUOTE (Texsox @ Sep 14, 2008 -> 08:05 PM) Think about this for a moment, how would McCarthyism have turned out if Edward Murrow was labeled as just some liberaly biased media type, or worst a communist? I do not think it is hyperbole to compare McCarthy's hunt for communist with the current hunt for liberal bias. he was labeled as that.
  7. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 13, 2008 -> 05:47 AM) I don't like the fact that any of the 4 of them are getting paid for jobs that they are not doing. Why can't they take an UNPAID leave while they run? Or at least refund portions of their pay for the campaigning they do. Voters In Illinois and Arizona elected their respective Senators to represent them in the Senate. If they are not there representing, they are not doing their jobs. It shouldn't matter if their vote 'would have made a difference' or not. In fact, all this non-voting is what hurts each guy, by "McCain voting with Bush 90% of the time" because he has only made like 10 votes all year, and Obama toeing the Dem party line 100% of the time because he has probably made just as few votes, if not less. I have disagreed vehemently with Northside with this sentiment. I just totally disagree. Is anyone to run for president then without disavowing to their job. I'm sure people of Arizona, Illinois, Delaware and Alaska pride themselves more that the potential leader of the free world is from their state than is hypothetically stonewalling action in there's. Research has shown that it doesn't matter. In Congress, the President is in his lame duck year with nothing legislatively to be done. In statewides, I'm sure they are taking it easy waiting for the results, and I'm sure Alaskans will tell you there is no pressing measure. Meanwhile, we are in the most important election of my lifetime, so some things just deserve the attention.
  8. I have volunteered every sunday from 1-3 since June.
  9. bmags

    Sarah Palin

    QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 12, 2008 -> 01:15 AM) Keep your blinders on to the words i wrote, that's fine. Do you deny that he misstated what she actually said there? So, she could just re-clarify what she said. What a difficult job for her.
  10. bmags

    Sarah Palin

    oh, right, this complete puff piece interview by Gibson was UNFAIR to Palin. Give me a break.
  11. bmags

    Sarah Palin

    QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 12, 2008 -> 01:46 AM) GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush doctrine? PALIN: In what respect, Charlie? That is wha you say when you have NO idea what they are talking about. Make them give you something to work with. If Gibson had shut up, she'd have had no answer. No, that's what you say when you want the questioneer to be a bit more specific so you don't get caught up in a gotcha moment. If you knew what the Bush Doctrine was it absolutely specific enough. Do you agree with the Monroe doctrine? Andrew Jackson: In what respect? Do you agree with that policy? Andrew Jackson: Like?
  12. bmags

    Sarah Palin

    QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 09:43 PM) Which is of course...exactly what Obama suggested we should be doing. And frankly, if we can get the guy... That was my point. In the end I think Bhutto's husband won't be much of a deterrant as long as we can stop hitting so many civilians. In my opinion, dude's probably in power because we want him in power.
  13. bmags

    Sarah Palin

    meanwhile the US is going into Pakistan on raids without their permission.
  14. bmags

    Sarah Palin

    that is such a black and white answer. None of us can really pretend to understand Georgia/Russia and most can say it's a lot more delicate than we could admit. That statement is just absurdly dumb. Why are we puffing our chests with Russia? We could seriously screw over some allies that depend on their energy exports.
  15. bmags

    Sarah Palin

    QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 09:05 PM) Policy wise, yes, they have a fair amount in common. Not everything though. But in terms of management and leadership style, and personality, I think they are quite different. I think they are very much the same in management, they both get dominated by the people they put around them.
  16. bmags

    Sarah Palin

    QUOTE (Cknolls @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 06:34 PM) Who stopped the bridge from being built? Congress, largely.
  17. bmags

    Sarah Palin

    QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 10, 2008 -> 08:09 PM) I try to get out, and you drag me back in! If you would have read the story, it says it was her first year vs his last year. So apples to apples. AD, I really wasn't trying to be snarky, maybe my eyes failed me, but I couldn't find the link so I thought you'd forgotten. I must've missed it, they can be tricky sometimes.
  18. Let's look at this F******* campaign that McCain has ran. For the past month, what ads has McCain ran that listed anything he would do? I haven't seen any (i'm in a battleground state) What ads were just shallow attacks on Obama not having substance? about half What ads were just completely FALSE, not politik misleading half truths, but categorically false ads about Obama? About half. What ads did Obama have on McCain? Two ads about how McCain would run the economy, using McCain's own words in political fashion. Whad ads did Obama do showing how Obama would run his presidency? About 3/4s. So, you all complain about how individual Obama supporters in workplaces and messageboards have annoyed you so much with Obama. Well I have the same complaint with McCain, except it's his actual campaign that is doing the sleaziest, most irresponsible ads I've seen. That Bush ad with the wolf? I hated it because I thought it was just scaring America to fall in line. BUt alternately, it had no falsehoods, and was implying that Bush will protect America. The Kerry windsurfing ad? Took actual things Kerry said and brought it against him. Hell the Willie Horton ad contained undeniable truths, but linked them in a political way to a candidate. Now McCain's ads are WORSE than Bush. Isn't that something? McCain, who wanted to run an honorable campaign about the issues, has not ran on the issues since June, has not even ran AGAINST Obama's issues, just Obama's character. And in the end, what does that show about McCain's character. This is Obama-Keyes pt. II. A man running a completely sleazy campaign. And I hope it sheds as much light on McCain's lack of character as it did on Keyes.
  19. bmags

    Sarah Palin

    QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 10, 2008 -> 02:55 AM) Just in travel alone, according to the story linked here, she spent $93,000 compared to $463,000 (!) by the old guy. That right there cut out alot. She was also entitled to take a per diem for her kids. what's the time frame on this alpha, because if it isn't a 18 month to 18 month comparison it is moot.
  20. bmags

    Sarah Palin

    QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 10, 2008 -> 11:55 AM) She WAS on his pac. Just like Obama WAS on Ayers board. She helped a corrupt politician run for the very office he will be corrupt in. Obama wasn't on a board giving new ideas for Ayers to build bombs with. Just a dumb comparison.
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