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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 03:07 PM) What if the hecklers were Japanese and Kramer said..."Didn't we drop a bomb on you like 30 years ago?? Shut up and get out of here. Get the little jap men that can't see out of here. Get the f*** out of here" because there would be a hint of comedic cleverness there. instead of just shouting "HE"S A N-word"
  2. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 04:10 AM) And for reference, I am one of Carlos Mencia's biggest fans. People who don't like his comedy are the real racists. Listen to what he says, but before you do, knock down that wall you have that completely disregards and racial issues that are talked about, and really, REALLY listen to what he says. I dare anyone to tell me he's wrong. i just think he's unfunny, completely and utterly unfunny. I guess that makes me a real racist.
  3. QUOTE(Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 22, 2006 -> 01:09 AM) Are you serious? Have you been on a college campus in the last 4-5 years? There are student groups who honestly believe military personnel are evil, regardless of whether they're defending the evil regime that is the US or actually being imperialistic. Hell, my alma mater Illinois Wesleyan had a student group that PROTESTED on VETERANS DAY. They disrupted the entire ceremony just to prove a point that US actions do more harm than good. The same morons believe that we are to blame for the terrorists trying to attack us. These are the people that she's talking about. And you'll find an unfortunately large number of college kids who really believe this. It's pretty sad. student protest groups are the media, y'know
  4. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 21, 2006 -> 06:51 PM) My question here is why should we bend so far backwards to accomodate Islamic Law? This is another example of how these people think their religon is the be all / end all of existence and that nothing else matters. What was stopping these guys from doing their prayers before takeoff? Before they came to the airport? They totally should have been bounced from that flight cause they thumbed their nose at the rules. Maybe if Muslims were more tolerant and accomodating of American Culture ( which still is for the most part tolerant of their culture being a guest in our country ) they would find less hostility to them. how did we bend far backwards for 'islamic law'? They were removed from the plane.
  5. yes my father does. It scares the crap out of me everytime and the oil can get expensive but boy is it delicious.
  6. my mp3 player got stolen
  7. i mean i have to say that there's a difference i just can't explain it. I've seen hilarious and sometimes racial explosions in addressing hecklers by bill burr (philly), david cross, bill hicks, carlin, etc. but there's always came with such cunning cleverness, addressing the person at hand. Richards just so blatantly stoops to a racial slur, perhaps the worst of all, in a way that just seems so shocking than the rest. It isn't funny at all. I don't konw, just my two cents. But i also hate hecklers.
  8. OH s*** THIS HAPPENED IN LA? campus police are campus police, they have the jurisdiction of the campus and are routinely called off by the town police dept. whom are better trained and better equipped. and routinely have overuses of force, be it in Madison, columbia, LA, or champaigne.
  9. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 19, 2006 -> 01:03 AM) These were the real police. Most campus departments at major universities are real PD's, have all the same authorities, and in some cases more, than that of local cops. If you read the article, it refers to them as "police", not "security". Let the campus cops handle it themselves. Otherwise, why have them there? yes, they can huff and puff like they are the real police, but we all know they are glorified meter maids that will take any chance to assert their authority in unneccesary situations. At mizzou they never check id's, only one time at the med library and they said a week ahead of time they would. I think mizzou wants its college to be a part of the community though.
  10. "guys, i'm funny cause i call them 'bword'" :shakes head:
  11. bmags

    The Office

    ha, that was great, thanks kevhead
  12. and there were people laughing. Ugh. This is as bad as carlos mencia.
  13. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Nov 20, 2006 -> 04:13 AM) A lot of songs are used illegally as well. Generally a small band can't afford to do anything about it. I know The O.C. used a Kings of Convenience song without permission. They were extremely pissed off about it but couldn't do a damn thing. That said, I think it's a different case with commercials, as they are going to be played over and over. I don't have much of a problem with it, though it did suck hearing Sam Beam's voice over an M&M's commercial. But I do agree that rap artists "whore" themselves out. I don't think we'll be seeing Will Sheff hosting a reality TV show any time soon. And bmags, I wanted to ask, have you heard the Julie Doiron-Okkervil River split? I'm pretty sure you mean Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven is an LP name under GY!BE no! explain more...is this a this year thing, i've heard nothing about it. / do you know who released it? I'm going to kid koala on wed. at abbey pub, i'm pretty psyched And FA, i'm saying there is a large difference between lending a commercial you're song. ANd being a spokesperson in their ad campaign. He may not use his original music, but to create a jingle and put your face out for a company, essentially forcing people to associate yourself and your music to a corporation, is just ick to me. I hate when bands sell their songs to commercials, but it is hard for me to argue when isaac brock says "if i have to choose between paying my rent or selling a song, i'll sell the song". I've never been as poor as these guys are, touring nonstop and making albums that never recoup. And i'm saying that times, such as when cocacola used a tom waits imitator for a song when waits refused, I can understand figuring you might as well sell your song when they are just gonna use a song just like it, and have people relate that song to you anyways. However, when people see gap jeans now, they are gonna think common, and when they think common, they'll think gap jeans. I just think that kills any artistic integrity he could hope to have. Add that to
  14. yes i read this. Pretty cool how fast they can map genomes now isn't it?
  15. bmags


    i'm amped to see the fountain next weekend. So damn divisive!
  16. QUOTE(False Alarm @ Nov 18, 2006 -> 08:43 PM) i've heard mojave 3 in hummer commercials and lift your skinny fists like antennas to heaven! in a dockers commercial, IIRC. mogwai in jeans commercials. every time i hear the who now i think of a product or TV show. plenty of other examples. it ain't just hip hop. and at least common wrote a jingle, essentially, for it, rather than using one of his actual songs. if he sells "watermelon" to jolly ranchers or some s*** i might just off myself. i don't think i have to point out that there is a difference between being a spokesperson and selling your songs. Plus considering when independent artists decline their use of songs, the companies just hire people to do songs just like it, so they take the money now anyways.
  17. i can't believe jones is only 29, seemsl ike he's been up forever.
  18. bmags


    sweet, i like when writers try to take difficult characters like a former sex offender and make them a complete character, not just a drooling child molester. Like peter lorri in M. Awesome performance. You hate this guy the entire time and they almost make you sympathetic for him at the end. It's brilliant.
  19. one thing that's always bothered me about rap artists is their complete willingness to commercialize their music. As if their songs are nothing more than a marketing campaign for themselves. Not true for all, but for quite a bit. that said the new Clipse is the shiiiittttt
  20. i'd like to think i'd be your secretary of partying down.
  21. i hate to tell you this tex, but being i'm in the core demographic, all my friends have mp3 players, from creative machines to dell to ipod to some generic title, and they've all crashed and burned, and then again some have lasted for 3 years, my friend still has a first gen ipod. So i don't really think there is a science to this, just get a best buy 5 year warranty and live life with all the upgrades.
  22. bmags


    explain little children... also...pan's labyrinth is gonna open like dec. 29th and i'll sadly be in hawaii (don't cry for me!) so i'll have to wait until i get back. I can't wait to see it though. And the fountain, f the reviews.
  23. Well, i'm not sure what 'work with itunes' means, but i remember reading a big article that people were pissed with microsoft because not only will it not take any itunes bought songs (duh) but it also was opening its own service so it wouldn't take any songs from a big mp3 seller...(freeplay or something?) Which was supposed to be a big advantage for microsoft that you could use any songs on it.
  24. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Nov 5, 2006 -> 06:07 AM) one review at a time hopefully. I LOVE my gigabeat...and it gigabeats the hell out of the 30g (and 80g because of the price) Ipods. It has a larger viewing screen and equal style. The only reason I could see staying with an Ipod is itunes, but here again, I'm not saying Ipods suck, I just think that Apple easily has competition. Unfortunately, it is the consumer that is lazy. a gigabeat.
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