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Everything posted by bmags

  1. bmags

    dream job

    soxtalk moderator.
  2. bmags

    darnit bush

    just delete thread (offensive word)(offensive word)(offensive word) (offensive phrase)(offensive word) k
  3. bmags

    darnit bush

    Because i'm literally asking God to damn this press conference so the PIR can be televised. it didn't bother you last month i see...
  4. bmags

    darnit bush

  5. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Oct 11, 2006 -> 05:57 AM) I'm staring at the new The Hold Steady right now, still in it's wrapper. I won't get to it til Thursday and then we're going on a road trip. Hold Steady winter tour 12/9 Columbia, MO
  6. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Oct 10, 2006 -> 06:23 PM) Exactly. That place used to be a Dub Reggae goldmine because of all the UK users with definitive collections. I have pretty much everything that Lee Perry or King Tubby ever made, which is no easy task. There are easily 150 albums combined just between those two, and you're not gonna find the vast majority of them at any store, so soulseek was invaluable to me. Nowadays, that place is maybe 1/50 of what it used to be. What is the new soulseek? I need a site with a ton of UK representation. I haven't downloaded anything since 2004, so I've been wallowing in my own ignorance over here. Like you guys, I'm just looking for stuff that you can't find in stores. People ruin everything when they go on servers to download Bob Seger's "Greatest Hits" or whatever. you need OiNk, invite only, its brilliant. excellent quality control. If i ever get invites i'll let you know.
  7. i got the new hold steady. Its a really good club rock and roll album. But NSFP = not safe for parties. btw my music website is up its www.45rpmzine.com , i'd appreciate all the hits but i'm still kinda workin on my writing.
  8. soulseek users are scared after the record companie execs have been saying "we know about soulseek"
  9. can you just tell me... is it kfed?
  10. see i think of b****es brew which i've never been a fan of. i just got that madlib doing blue note album and its pretty great. I'll check some of this out.
  11. jazz is one genre i've very shallow in. sketches of spain is my fav. jazz album, most of my stuff is miles davis or thel monk or kirk or coltrane. But i've never been much of a fusion jazz fan.
  12. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Oct 8, 2006 -> 01:04 AM) Anyone hear of "The Hidden Cameras?" best songs about enemas ever.... yeah fun album.
  13. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Oct 6, 2006 -> 10:45 AM) Have you heard their new EP? Yeah, is it just me or does australia get all the good eps.
  14. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Oct 6, 2006 -> 04:09 AM) Before I got into them, I saw them open for The Decemberists a few years back at The Metro. Okkervil River was the worst show I had ever seen ... and then The Decemberists played. i was at the same show and felt the same about them. Then i got their albums and saw them play three more times and they became one of my favorite american bands.
  15. man these past 2 years have been an absolute disaster for the republicans...they all try and distance themselves from bush to get re elected, then there is a huge sex scandal with teenage boys, so america sees whatever they see is wrong with bush above, and a sex scandal in the house. THE MONTH BEFORE. disaster.
  16. okkervil river was f***in great. f'n great.
  17. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 05:43 PM) Personally, I think a size 0 is just as unhealthy as a size 20, just in different ways. They need to promote health not size in regards to models. i totally agree
  18. couple questions since i'm in between classes and can't read the whole thing: have you guys seen the aim conversation where he is talking to the kid WHILE VOTING in the House? and the press conference where the head of the NRCC (and why are they in charge of this anyways) brought kids up on stage in the press conference designated to talk about the scandal, and when asked if he could ask the kids to leave since it was an adult subject, he said "these are my supporters and they can stay"... the scandal is bringing out the worst in a lot of people
  19. bmags

    LOST! thread

    can i get a spoiler alert?
  20. how many notes you can play in 10 seconds means nothing to me, its not how many notes you can play, its knowing how many you should play. And that to me, is why rush, and most of prog, is useless in the history of music.
  21. bmags

    LOST! thread

    yeah but i think this season will focus more on uniting those dudes back to the clan and telling us of the others with later seasons focusing on how weird that island is.
  22. we can compare rush to fozzie bear's standup and the result wouldn't change FOZZIE>>>RUSH BA-ZING, TAKE THAT RUSH FANS
  23. bmags

    LOST! thread

    If Eko died...i'll stop watching the show.
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