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Everything posted by bmags

  1. bmags


    i have a hard time believing people didn't "get" miami vice.
  2. sounds like that fastball song
  3. the busta rhymes album was pretty trash.
  4. more like dutchess of pissin pants amirite heyoooooo
  5. like 7 years ago they had a story in naperville about a girl who talked to angel dolls
  6. i've been into suburban kids with biblical names lately. Not as good as jens lekman but they are still good. kyyle if you read this...sorry man but my internet went out this week, as we speak i'm typing in a computer lab.
  7. people who don't like colbert report are just trying to seem cool. Cause we all know its cool to seem like you don't like it
  8. i've been sayin it for years...er, months
  9. bmags

    SNL classic skit

    QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 04:18 PM) Does anyone actually think Fallon is funny? I can't stand him. I'd like to take a swing at him with a barbed-wire bat. he's awful
  10. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 01:54 PM) Nope, I had other schlitz to do....like stay otta the heat. I gotta pick your brain later about some of the acts at Lolla. Starting with Gnarls Barkley vs. Sonic Youth, both on at the same time. Who would you see? I'm leaning toward SY. Eels, or Panic at the Disco? i hope that second question was a joke. well, everyone keeps saying how great gnarls barkley is live, but everytime i see them cee lo is just standing still and upright ... not exactly sam cooke. As for sonic youth, i'd go see em but, when they tour after an album they play that album for the high majority of the songs...so if you go to see them you should like rather ripped a lot Okay guys...i'm gonna be gone for the next 2 weeks on vacation/setting up for school i'll see if i can check in but have a good one!
  11. did you not go sunday lmb?
  12. sunday, july 30th, 2006 The better day...when we woke up we looked down at the list and just said "ye gods, theres not an act i want to miss"...but in reality when its that hot out and you are that tired, you make sacrifices in order to satisfy your bodies needs, it is you at your most existential. Missed tapes n tapes and Nels cline but i heard not so good things! Danielson - I know a lot of people dislike daniels voice and thought p4k way overrated Ships, but i've been rockin out to this since january and think the arrangements are fast and interesting and great. And live - better than i expected. Played a good setlist and even without the horns, it didn't lose anythign in translation, in fact maybe it was better than the album. Its hard to be objective when the sun hates you and you hate the sun...Good half a set i saw. Jens Lekman - One of my most anticipated acts to see, i loved "oh, you're so silent..." and just find jens to be the best of the swedish ssongwriters making a splash internationally. This was a highlight performance. He had an all girl backin band with horns, drums and a bass while he played the acoustic. The songs sounded sooo good and his charm and playfully childish songwriting just put everyone in a good mood. Pocketful of moneya nd black cab were almost worth paying the 20 bucks for sunday...but it turned out sunday had a spiff load in store for us... The National I thought alligator was one of the best albums of 05 and highly underrated in the stupid scene, damn scene!, but after hearing a couple minutes i just thought "no, no this should be in a club" and walked off to see posters and happened to fall into the Dj tent... CSS The best performance of p4k. Oh man, so much energy and funk and dance and groove and jumping/sweating/fun...i had never heard of css but am glad that subpop picked em up if it means they are gonna tour. Here is the scene. The DJ tent has a very small, maybe 2 foot elevated stage right in the crowd, no space in between. On the stage is a male drummer/renassaince man, a woman bassist and i think 2 woman guitarist and a hot chick lead singer who was absolutely insane. She jumped up and down waved her arms, had a sexy vocal delivery and was falling over jumping in the crowd tearing out her hair extensions...and the best part is that it felt like a small club. People were packed in jumping up and down...one of the performances where you say ... "i am gonna get every damn record by this band". Lucky break i caught em. liars - They sounded really good. All the drum's songs had great acoustics and survived despite and awkward juxtaposition with 98 degree heat in the sun. Angus is friggen tall. He was in a robe and flashed the crowd his tighty whiteys a lot...the worst part is the set seemed soo short and liars was one of my main reasons for going. But whatever it was worth it, i love liars. Aesop Rock & mr. lif - aka FOOD COURT TIME...no offense, labor days is one of my favorite hip hop albums...but i was hungry and he was sacrificed. Mission of Burma SOOO good. soo good. Really really good. Thats basically the thoughts in my head. They friggen (what is this gosh darn stuff?) nailed their set list in an ease that makes me smile that maybe at that age i won't be a crippled wimp whipped by my dominant feminazi wife into a state not unlike an abused dog. hell no, i'm gonna be rockin in front of 15000 people...a pirates life for me. Dev Banhart - I like dev banhart but i wasn't in the mood. But my sit was a fantastic sit. I thought he should've played his more upbeat hippytastic stuff and he did at the end but he's much better in a small club where its almost a spiritual experience. Almost. yo la tengo - its hard to put in words how bad the yo la tengo set was. My friend tiff had vip passes due to an internship at p4k and she brought my other friend along, and she hadn't heard many of the bands before, and i was talkin up yo la about how excited i was. And about 3 songs in, she turned and said "this is boring i think i'm gonna go" and ... i couldn't disagree...i wanted to leave, i wanted to sulk in unhappiness at how bad it was...i mean what the gosh darn. spoon - i was really lookin forward to spoon as i'd never seen brit daniel and co live before. But Diplo was on at the same time...so he played a nice set...but too much off of gimme fiction which didn't lend itself live in that setting i thought, and after "i turn my camera on" which i was excited for, i went to see diplo Diplo - diplo is really good at what he does. perhaps its a they. He mashes awesome pop songs so cohesively, with so much energy that its hard not to dance/fist pump. The tent was going nuts, His live stuff sounds suprisingly similar to his albums so effortlessly, i wonder how much material he has to work with. Great set. Good job Dip. Lookin forward to yr next mixtape. OS MUTANTES - I first got Mutantes, then i got the tropicalia box set, and it took me a few listens before i was hooked and having portuguese lines stuck in my head at all times. They sounded great live...30 years later and it sounded so great. I couldn't help but think how nice it was to hear melodies and rhythms in the music haha. Truly a standout performance. They had the crazy laugh sound effects in their songs put into their live stuff and it made me smile widely. And when they played minonha or manh whatever, i went nuts. The first two songs off of Mutantes...don't ask me for titles..it sounded brilliant. ANd that chick who stood in did a great great great job. I'm glad they are getting some money and recognition. I guess kudos to p4k for doin stuff like that...i'm sure not that many people knew of the mutants before they made a big deal of their revival...but i rec everyone to get the tropicalia box set!! its the best box set evaaa also sunday i talked to Dero and Greg kott...they talked about their new show tryin to get back on and the radio show and they wouldn't let me leave it seemed, i guess they really liked bein talked to...!!!!!!! haha...anyway...sunday > saturday...but it needed some more hip hop/pop acts / give some of the dj's the main stage. CSS woulda rocked 50 times the people if given the chance. WOOO
  13. Pitchfork Music Festival Review 06 edition: Alright, good times good times. I had a better time at p4k than i did at intonation due to the company around me, but at the end of the day despite actually listening to more of the bands at pitchfork regularly, i think it really lacked sorely in the diversity department. In fact the dj tent may have been the savior, there was some really sub par performances, and it was crowded as gosh darn. But the record area was great and i got a cool poster and it was pretty well run again, so good job schreiber you lucky gosh darn. Saturday, July 29th, 2006: Get to the city at 1130 and stopped at a friends house, left around 1230 and had a long EL trip. We missed hot machines but caught my first act o' the day... Chin Up Chin Up - CHI band, pretty good music music but the guys voice was kinda irritating. At this point i was amazed how much I had already sweated and was in awe that my shins were shooting out beads of sweat. My shins. MY SHINS!!! Man Man - awesome, i think my reviews are gonna be themed in how they were in the context of a festival, and man man was great. I don't listen to them that much but they brought tons of energy and theatricality that boosted the crowd up and made everyone in a jolly mood. Band of Ho-o-o-o-oorses - for some reason everytime i say this band in my head i do the thing from the B&S song "judy and the dream of horses" but whatever. Guy has a great voice, and the songs really played well. I kinda got bored at the end right before funeral and decided to check some other stuff out but i really like band of horses sound and i think once they get more touring under their belts they are gonna be a lot more fun to see. The Mountain Goats - I really enjoyed how the mountain goats/danielle realized that at a festival when people are hot and miserable, that you gotta play upbeat...i mean "play the hits". By FAR the best set list next to Os Mutantes of the bunch. Ended with terror song, started with annie...beautiful. One huge negative...my god the jokes were so terrible. At one point he leans into the mic and says "I need to fix my TUUUNING" and people laughed and i just thought to myself...jesus christ, the power it is to hold a guitar and be 5 feet above people that they laugh at that. His jokes were so bad i felt awkward for him. Destroyer-Oh, how i love rubies, i love love love rubies and nighthawk and i just love Bejars work in general be it solo or with The new pornos, but after he played your blood and euro oils I hit this wall of heat and exhaustion where i needed food and it was sparsely crowded enough i thought i could get it and get back for the end of the set but to no avail. It did seem a little quiet, but my god when he hit those great guitar parts on rubies and euro oils, oh man...chills abound in 98 degree heat. Art Brut - didn't really care, i layed in the shade and ate corned beef sandwich. Corned beef sandwich review - 10.0/10.0 Ted Leo and RX - Great setlist, good energy, i was in a bad soundspot, but i love ted leo/everyone should love ted leo that i still really enjoyed myself. He seems like such a cool dude, he shouldn't talk in between songs though...please. The Walkmen - really good setlist and performance minus the fact that he doesn't need to scream every note, it sounded really good despite the fact that i was in a Tewwwible sound spot where all i could hear was thebass, so i moved but i had to move so far back it wasn't that quite enjoyable but the songs sounded good because i know the songs. The Futureheads I went to walk around and saw the DJ set, then i heard "hounds of love" come on so i went over and danced a bit then left for a good spot for ... Silver Jews - just how long have i waited and how long have i had "night society" stuck in my head before i saw em live. First, his wife is hot. real hot. Second, I hope that they get a bit more stage presence about them, but the guitars sound so good, its such a trip to take just listening to all the hooks he takes you. Smith and jones forever was great...so dark and moody...but, i can't help but feel that they were a poor choice to close the show. Despite my love. Saturday review - where's the chicks? rap? noise rock? prog? 6.5/10 sunday up next
  14. i'm wondering if there should be a pitchfork festival thread or just keep it in here...i hate sifting through this much.
  15. bmags


    "thats one hell of a cargo" *kills self*
  16. what the hell...horrible.
  17. QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Jul 27, 2006 -> 04:11 PM) Their first CD is self titled and has a damn good bass heavy jam called The Sinister Minister, start their and if you like it, keep reading. UFO Tofu is their third album I believe, and Magic Fingers is one of my favorite Flecktones songs so I'd suggest that CD next, and then go to Left of Cool, this came out around the time the band collaberated with DMB. Which is why I began listening in the first place. They have a new album out but I havent checked it out yet. But they're definitely worth a shot. Victor Wooten is an AMAZING bassist. I respect that, I obviously feel differently, and I don't know how much you've listened to the band, but I'm sure you've mostly heard the radio popular stuff thats really not even close to the good stuff that they've put out, granted their last album was garbage and so was Everyday, but Before These Crowded Streets is a masterpiece. no, my brothers were huge dave matthews fans, i can't tell you how many god damn shows and songs i was sadistically treated to. I've heard every album/solo album of him. I just had to concentrate on the drums. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jul 27, 2006 -> 04:45 PM) The Avalanches. you know there are many days where I cannot come up with a better album that came out in the 00's then "since i left you"...
  18. i think kel got hooked on crack and found jesus.
  19. QUOTE(Jake @ Jul 27, 2006 -> 06:19 AM) Totally unrelated, but everytime I see Snakes on a Plane commercials I think of your sig and laugh. i'm glad...everynight i go to bed thinking ... "there is a chance this will be the greatest action movie of all time, and i will feel embarrassed, but also pride"
  20. QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Jul 27, 2006 -> 06:00 AM) Well sir, then you have talked to the "stereotypical" Dave Matthews Band fans in regards to OAR, dispatch, and Jack Johnson. It's weird, I get lumped into a stereotype because of the music I listen to, I'm sure you all think im the popped collar drunken frat boy too huh? Here's my spin with DMB, and I'd like to hear what you DMB haters have to say. I think the reason the band is so hated is because of the groups popularity and with it, come stereotypes which many find unfavorable. Its something that's really a bad stereotype of an actual DMB fan, like Ligue and such for the Sox, we aren't ALL like that. I'm really looking forward to a better answer of why nobody else here likes DMB that isnt just, They suck, or Dave sucks. /rant you could have tooken that as you might like dispatch too there high horse. QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Jul 27, 2006 -> 06:00 AM) Well sir, then you have talked to the "stereotypical" Dave Matthews Band fans in regards to OAR, dispatch, and Jack Johnson. It's weird, I get lumped into a stereotype because of the music I listen to, I'm sure you all think im the popped collar drunken frat boy too huh? Here's my spin with DMB, and I'd like to hear what you DMB haters have to say. I think the reason the band is so hated is because of the groups popularity and with it, come stereotypes which many find unfavorable. Its something that's really a bad stereotype of an actual DMB fan, like Ligue and such for the Sox, we aren't ALL like that. I'm really looking forward to a better answer of why nobody else here likes DMB that isnt just, They suck, or Dave sucks. /rant finally read the bottom...and no...i just don't like dave matthews. The fact that he's popular just gives me more opportunities to not like him. I dislike OAR just as much, but i don't have as many opportunities to say why i hate them. I don't hate pop music because its pop...i hate it because it's excrement. I miss the days when the bands i listened to were aspiring to be number 1 on the radio...but whatever its not that bit of a hit to my experience with them.
  21. to me it seems that everyone who likes dave matthews inevitably likes bela fleck, phish, and dispatch. Sometimes jack johnson and widespread panic and stuff, but its pretty consistent that they all heard of those four. and O.A.R.
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