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Everything posted by bmags

  1. disco 2000...oh man...OHHHHH...i love that song so much... "what are you doing sunday baby, would you like to come and meet me maybe? You could even bring your baby OOOOh OH OH OOH OH OH OOOOOH" ahh, i can never hit the high OOOHs but there is no song i sing to louder... Jarvis Cocker = coolest nerd on planet.
  2. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 09:41 PM) Teams have their own little homeruns derby's that no one ever knows hears about. I think a little too much has been made out of it... i mean they also use to have weekly homerun derby's on tv and it is doubtful that they were thrown off left and right. The players that are always pointed to are the players that slump in the second half... aka the aberrations. Players can slump at any given time... for an extended period of time... and a home run derby is definitely not gonna be the sole cause for it. qwerty is awesome.
  3. we are not in trade talks about damaso marte.
  4. so what are we supposed to talk about, everyone? Just how great everything is? Gets boring real quick. If we can never bring up our weaknesses this site is gonna go down the drain.
  5. you know i've made fun of VAfan as much as anyone...but he makes legit points here. How long will our offense cover up for our defensive and pitching woes?
  6. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 05:27 AM) I surrender on the first two fronts. But I do not think Radiohead is a modest band in even the slightest regard. The only thing I think they've led is pop to the indie genre. I salute their first five albums because I once was a big Radiohead fan. That was until Hail to the Thief. Pablo Honey aside everything, The Bends and OK Computer were big with the British crowds, just as Oasis was even with their later crappy music (for at least a little while longer). Kid A and Amnesiac brought more praise from the American crowd, but less in their home market. To this, they decided they'd combine the two genre's of music into some uber-indie music and try to appeal to the biggest market. (Sellout? Anybody?) Not only did Hail to the Theif sound poppish and misguided, Thom Yorke tried to throw in a political twist with lyrics that never start to make sense. Instead of handling their business like Dylan did when the Brits criticized him for the eletric guitar, saying to them all, "You don't like it? You're probably not American." There was a lot of anticipation for Radiohead's 6th album, mostly because people thought Radiohead would revert to their younger rock days. I like bands that find success in what they do. Not bands that find success in what people like. Radiohead is a British band, I wish they'd act like it. uber indie music...so electronic and ... britpop... the indie market is maybe 3%(MAYBE) of the population... Radioheads sales far surpassed that. People like radiohead the way people probably liked pink floyd. They are experimental enough that people feel like they are hearing something new, but poppy enough to have the hooks to get people to listen. If anything they are a gateway band for people to hear the bands truly trying to do something different or already had done something great. I think HTTT did sound misguided, one from Godrich's terrible production, which was quite suprising, and two...i just don't think they knew what to do with themselves anymore. It was more of just perfecting their technique...skttrbrain/2+2 sounded like earlier days, but myxamatosis kept eering towards amnesiac...but sail to the moon, f***...and others...started to remind me a bit of songs from shoegaze bands like slowdive. having heard their new songs...this is a return to the bends...but its not just a f***in hey lets roll up the distortion and have a 3 guitar go at it...they've become quite good at the layered sounds...and to ignore that would be silly. That's what HTTT suffered from...the confusion of where to go next whilst encompassing all that they've learned...Do i think LP7 will be a return to form...prolly not. They are probably dead like all my favorite bands are...but i Disagree that they are selling out. I think you have a bit of a skewed view of what people like...as i do too...sometimes i think a band must be really popular only to go to a show and me be "surrounded" by 15-20 peers (the constantines...) Electronic and the smiths-esque sounds of radiohead are not very popular in US. But radiohead put their spin on it and its commendable. I think Radiohead has played tastemaker in a lot of ways with OK C and Kid A. I think a lot more americans are familiar with Aphex twin because of radiohead. That said as far as influential goes i think its undeniable don't you...a bit gagging... but Muse, Travis, Coldplay, Keane, aqualung...all that garbage. btw...i was gonna make a point on how dylan has exploited news stories for hits and in an attempt to stay relevant in his later albums...(the undeniably embarrasing "joey") in which he bypassed all facts in a last gasp of hope that it stuck. This was no hurricane or jackson...but i decided not to because i like dylan too much and i don't want to argue against him... champ debate though, i've enjoyed it very much.
  7. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jul 3, 2006 -> 01:48 AM) Pulp wasn't REALLY good until Different Class, first of all, and second of all Oasis RULED the rock world much like Radiohead thinks they do today (for my money, there aren't many albums better than Definitely Maybe). And face it about Beck. Guero sucked, Sea Change sucked and Midnight Vultures was barely average. He'll never see Mutations/Odelay days again. His n Hers not really good?!?!?! madness... besides Blur broke first with Modern Life is Rubbish...all these bands came up together including a bunch of bands i used to listened to that i've since forgotten certainly i can't here oasis in pop bands today..and bands like White Stripes, Strokes, blahBlah whom have followed the retro movement seem to have been influenced more by a bunch of E6 bands and T. Rex and a bunch of late seventies garage bands and wire and s*** like that. Maybe the late nineties i'll give em...no...i just don't see oasis as very influential at all. Good pop band though...had a good 2 album run. Sea Change sucked...bollocks i say...godrich did a damn good job and that album had more soul thatn 19/20s of the garbage being peddled out now as soulful... and you are completely discarding One foot in the Grave and Mellow Gold. Plus i liked midnight vultures. Guero did suffer thou. "like Radiohead thinks they do today" I just disagree with this...one of the more modest bands you'll see, any arrogance can be attributed to being british(nooffense deploderer) but i can't think of a band more cautious about their fame than radiohead was/is.
  8. QUOTE(Dick Allen @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 10:43 PM) Politte sucks. Its evident he can't even be used for mop-up duty anymore. The Sox need to remove him from the roster. That said, this game is on Buerhle. That was one pitiful effort. seriously...buerhle looked awful.
  9. i really am worried about our staff...especially if contreras keeps having trouble finding his arm angles. Come playoff time, i'm not willing to count on offense in the playoffs.
  10. QUOTE(BobDylan @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 09:13 PM) Outkast and Beck? Beck has one good album under his name and a bunch of bad to average ones. What the hell has Outkast ever done? Regardless, you're missing 2 of the bigger ones: The Pixies and Oasis. Oasis rode the wave of a bunch of bands that were all doing the same thing...its not like oasis came in and all the sudden Pulp and others were like, oh, yeah oh this is a good one... I don't think you realize how Influential southernplayalisticcadillacmusik and ATLiens and Aquemeni have been on hip hop and their latter albums have been on pop music... and as far as beck goes...you are just wrong.
  11. was guillen not watching the game today? In a race thats gonna be this close we can't be giving away games with decisions this poor
  12. QUOTE(WCSox @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 12:47 AM) I wish that they'd cut the number of interleague series in half. Other than that, I like it. And when NL teams play at home, they take the best bat away from many of their AL opponents... or force the opposition's best hitter to play in the field, creating a defensive liability. I don't consider that a "total advantage" favoring the AL. ...hmm...I don't know what you read...but perhaps you should read it again.
  13. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jul 2, 2006 -> 12:28 AM) I'll maybe give them a tiny bit of credit for actually showing that they maybe care about and are maybe getting sick and tired of the horrific product that they have to see on the field...And that place is a s***hole anyways... its called "stop buying tickets"
  14. whats funny is that the NL has the total advantage in interleague play...they usually take away a great hitter from the opposing team at home...and when they play away they get to add a better hitter in their lineup
  15. seriously...i want to go back to playing real teams not these AAA ones.
  16. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 1, 2006 -> 10:39 PM) If you want to defend Vazquez, you probably shouldn't compare him to Cliff Politte. hahahha
  17. QUOTE(SHAFTR @ Jul 1, 2006 -> 05:30 AM) 10 Influential Bands since 1986: Nirvana The Pixies REM Radiohead U2 Rage Against the Machine A Tribe Called Quest The Beastie Boys Public Enemy Metallica I can't give Slint or My Bloody Valentine too much credit since we are only pointing to 2 albums. Sonic Youth who has rage influenced... and come on Loveless and Spiderland have inlfuenced a lot more bands then entire discographys of other bands...I can get behind your hip hop but i dont think public enemy influenced that many...i think eric b. and rakim were much more influential.
  18. QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Jul 1, 2006 -> 04:21 AM) I need to listen to more from "The Pixies". Interesting call about Fugazi. My initial foray into "alternative" music was through dancehall, punk, and ska-core. I found Fugazi a few years ago, tried to get into them, but failed. I'm mostly a sucker for easy indie pop songs these days. I also enjoy "synth pop", or "glitch pop", and electronic and undie hip hop. Pretty much I just love music, and love talking about it. Kinda like the Sox. me too...specially when i'm stuck home on a friday night with a few beers and spiderland
  19. well, as far as influence goes... My Bloody Valentine's Loveless was a huge influence on grunge, as well as The pixies' Doolittle...a bit rough around the edges if you don't like black francis' yelling. 20 years...thats what 86...Fugazi - The argument... but probably big three...Slint, Nirvana, Sonic Youth. as far as hip hop...prolly Dr. Dre and Rakim, electronic - Aphex Twin or Autechres - Confield. Radios up there but i don't think they've spawned and changed the music scene as much as other bands QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Jul 1, 2006 -> 04:11 AM) Yo, name some influential bands Mags that you think eclipsed Radiohead. I'm interested as I'm a huge music fan. Lets, see, that would be 1986. I was born in 83, so a bit young to remember those bands, but I remember the mid 90's well, and early 90's not so much. Here are some more off the top of my head. Nirvana Radiohead Beck Pavement The Smashing Pumpkins Outkast haha, awesome...very good, i was gonna put pavement but people say weezer did more despite being affected by pavement which were influenced by the fall...i guess what it all comes down to is everyone sounds like the velvets...
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