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Everything posted by bmags

  1. maybe he'll let more players rest if they want it...what say you to that?
  2. jeeze they whine and whine.
  3. QUOTE(sti3 @ May 1, 2006 -> 02:47 AM) LOL I heard of Jose Gonzalez 4 days ago because i was reading up on The Knife and he covered "Heartbeats" for a hit in Sweden. DLed his album and I think I like it. And I don't get why The Knife isn't bigger. If you need someone to buy you a beer at Intonations I'll hook you up. i actually like jose's EPs better than his albums. His covers are pretty classic, he covered "love will tear us apart" pretty awesomely and a couple others. I like veneer, i think his new stuff will be awesome. Sweden is pretty hot for music right now with The Sounds, Jose Gonzales, Jens Lekman, Slamskobbeteln (totally spelled wrong, means fight club i know) and even though they are from finland i'll throw serena maneesh in there. i might take you up on that man. I bought my brother a ticket just for that very reason as well haha. He's only heard of bloc party but i think he'll like a lot more. As for the Knife...they are p4k darlings now...i'm sure they have a pretty good following.
  4. it is on Youtube.com as well if you haven't seen it. COlbert has huge balls to do that, it was hilarious, (except the skit) and everyone seemed scared to laugh. "The president refers to his wife as his "better half" and polls show the country agrees with him"
  5. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Apr 30, 2006 -> 10:59 PM) did you drink syrup before you went in? sipped it and popped my collar...( slobbed my knob ) and sti3, yeah i'm gonna go too, i'm really excited for Jose Gonzales, lupe fiasco, the cons, the streets, and bloc party. Wanna hear some panthers and others. The sSTills are alright too i guess. sucks its 21 but i guess i've gotten used to it. I turn 20 in july (holy s***!) and soon i'll have some fun in the city. I saw the cons in mizzou in the fall, they are so great live. Soon enough is one of my favorite songs.
  6. i went to three 6 mafia last night. it was awesome.
  7. "I don't know what I did. I just ran to first. Maybe he should have hit the guy who rolled the ball back to the pitcher." lol
  8. bmags


    QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Apr 29, 2006 -> 03:10 PM) Is it just a re-enactment on a time line? If so, how is it different than say a Dateline piece? I haven't seen the film and I'm not challenging you to defend your liking it. I'm just curious. Greengrass filmed it to be like it was a documentary being shot in real time, supposedly it makes it feel like even the camera doesn't know whats gonna happen next. Greengrass is a great director so i bet he makes it work. Seriously check out "Bloody Sunday"
  9. lets see: he's our smartest baserunner he's our best arm in the outfield he's a our second best defense in the outfield (i'll give brian that nod) he's f***ing smoking the ball right now and how much is he making? maybe KWs best move last year
  10. QUOTE(Damen @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 09:31 PM) You didn't know what VORP is? i have a life.
  11. pablo looks uhhhh...**********
  12. QUOTE(Damen @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 09:18 PM) You mean the constant statements like... "This is the best 5 man rotation I've ever seen" "This is the best 3-4-5 lineup I've ever seen" "Crede's playin the best defense I've ever seen" "Contreras has the most movement I've ever seen" And the best, after KC beat the Sox to win the Series in April, Hawk said this in reference to the jugernaut reigning in KC. "Don't be fooled, this team is good." Between the ridiculous Sox hyperbole, and his calls of "stretch" for every flyball within 10 feet of the warning track, Hawk's gotten very difficult to listen to. Unfortunately, DJ's play by play "uh oooh" is no better, and the oasis of Rooney/Farmer is no more. So I'm forced to watch the Sox, waiting for ESPN to pick up a few games, so Chris Berman can provide his neutral, professional, call. post was all like
  13. Short answer = kill the person you want gone or is it green?
  14. bmags


    QUOTE(Brian @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 07:39 PM) Went and caught "United 93" this afternoon. Very well made. The majority of the film is 9/11 from the view point of air traffic control which I thought was interesting. The first hour is them edited with United 93 boarding, waiting on the runway, etc. The film only contains events that we know happened on the plane based on phone calls and such. For the first hour, I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Just the suspense building up from what inevitably was going to happen. I agree with all the critics in that it is well done, does not exploit anything, and is a movie, if you can handle it, should be seen. thanks, at first i thought it would be a stupid propoganda piece making money off of the emotions of the American public...but then i saw Greengrass was directing it and all worries were arrested. Bloody sunday was magnificent! Great director/writer
  15. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 07:37 PM) You all are making a mountain out a molehill. I could really give less than a damn if Gage was broadcasting a game if we're doing well... If we are talking about broadcasters i don't understand why my post is making a mountain out of a molehill...if we are just talking about sox baseball, i could see where this would be nitpicking. But we are talking about the broadcasters...so no its not. I mean weren't we all complaining about Berman last year during the redsox games? the soxtalk don't complain police back in full force and addy, i'm not holding it against singleton, i'm holding it against the score for not finding an adequate replacement....
  16. QUOTE(AddisonStSox @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 07:25 PM) Hawk has to be the most pompous, self-righteous, egotistical announcer in sports. And another thing, I'm noticing a lot of, "I used to hate DJ, but, now..." comments, yet, there are still people out there calling Farmer and Singleton the worst radio tandum in history. Last I checked, that was Darrin's first job in broadcasting as well. Correct me if I'm wrong, Soxtalk, I know you will. addy, considering we are listening to a season that really likely could be one of the best seasons in our tenure as sox fans...i think we are complaining because we are gonna have terrible radio calls for important plays. I mean, Do you realize how much fun it was to post the rooney calls last year? His voice is attached to those memories...i mean imagine... "Ball hit middle uhmm. uhh uribe...he throws it to konerko...and um uhhh out ...and uhhh the sox oh uh champ world ...oh uhhh ohh no..oohh"
  17. i think it is the comedic factor...listening to DJ used to make me angry, now i laugh at him for a bunch of stuff...he's a nice guy thou i'm rooting for him
  18. I want the tropicalia box set BADLY
  19. QUOTE(3E8 @ Apr 28, 2006 -> 02:48 PM) The Gnarls Barkley album really growing on me.. s***s hot! DOES THAT MAKE ME CCRRAAAZZAYYY?!??! good stuff.
  20. how long before this all becomes funny? 2 years...lol yeah it'll be funny then
  21. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 08:09 PM) Because you don't need to know everything? What good is it to know that we have detention centers for terrorists? What would it change? If we get information from these people, it's worth it, and it SHOULD be COVERT. we have a right to know how our governor is treating prisoners especially in times like these where no charges are brought up...but whose to say in the future the people being put in these camps won't just be "known terrorists"... i'd rather know. History isn't on the side of noble gov'ts prevailing without the watch of its people.
  22. why people want their gov't to be so secretive is beyond me...
  23. QUOTE(BoKnows @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 03:03 PM) If you want some great new albums go with the following: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Show Your Bones WRONG
  24. QUOTE(sti3 @ Apr 27, 2006 -> 04:12 PM) If you're in Chicago and old enough Smart Bar has a ton of minimal events. Lots of Kompakt artists rolling through. One CD you can probably get used for $5 which I think is an underrated gem is Miss Kittin's Radio Caroline mix. i'm in Columbia MO right now, suprising lack of electronic haha... i'll be in chicago mid may...question: how old is old enough? Is this a 21 place like the empty bottle (f***ing nazis) or will 18 get you in with a stamp
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