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Everything posted by bmags

  1. is the wind blowing in? That looked real good off of the bat
  3. f***in A i didn't realize this was on WGN
  4. So in other words...that high OBP we were praising last year should also subtract the amt. he immediately gets him self out on the base paths...
  5. i can handle myself...i'm in college i.e. i know everything.
  6. i assume most middle eastern countries didn't participate in this list
  7. well i'm not gonna deny that these kids are probably assholes...the question is whether they are rapists.
  8. QUOTE(Damen @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 06:10 PM) Just for the record, even if Anderson goes 0-4 with 4 K's, you're still wrong. Fatticus. "Hey hunny you need a ride?"
  9. QUOTE(Steff @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 04:00 PM) The only thing I was hard on was the folks giving bmags s*** for having a different opinion. turns out one was my brother so i'm fine with it
  10. QUOTE(Damen @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 02:11 PM) rovement. But that's enough baseball talk, I've got to start getting ready for Latino night at US BeerCo.
  11. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 03:08 PM) I live on the north side, you bastard. i was trying to figure out if this was my brother...sure enough it is
  12. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 06:46 AM) Pods is starting to get on base so I'm not sure where you have been lately. Are you saying that because we're the defending champs we can't break in young players? What do you suggest? Should we spend some more money, is being 4th in the majors in payroll not good enough? The guy has played 11 games this year and you've given up on him, that's ridiculous. You don't give up on a rookie that quick. I'm saying i don't need to coddle anderson and give him a cookie and pat his head for getting a walk and going 0-3 with K's against the goddamn royals. But hey...i like cleveland what do i know...
  13. QUOTE(Damen @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 05:58 AM) It's absolutely relevant. Anderson is a byproduct of having Jim Thome in the lineup. If we didn't get Jim Thome and only half of his contract, we'd likely have Frank Thomas. It's also ridiculous for you to give up on Anderson so quickly. Yeah he's looked bad so far. But it's his second week. At least wait until the second month until he officially becomes a waste of space. And for the record, I don't see a difference between Bad Crede's weak infield pop-ups and Anderson's K's. But we accepted Crede's poor batting average and never-ending string of weak pop ups with men on base because he kept up his end of the bargain on defense, and eventually he became one of our best clutch hitters. But you're ready to give up on Anderson after two weeks...that's a calm, rational decision. How does Thomes stats have anything to do with whether Brian Anderson is ready to be the starting center fielder at the present time? I mean, we'd be better off with our pitcher batting ninth...buerhle would be a better hitter than anderson at this point...how sad is that? To me...putting the ball in play is a far more productive out than striking out. It leaves that small chance...a collision, the sun in the eyes...of something good to come of it...it puts the pressure on the defense. And with crede we were not exactly defending champions...he was brought up at the end of another clear 2nd-3rd place finish...not exactly defending world champions. I don't know how much time we can waste giving the other team 4 free outs and only batting with 8 guys. especially with 1 being pods. but go ahead...praise brian anderson walking...and getting on base 2 in 2 games against the vaunted Royals pitching staff...( i swear its like you might live on the northside)
  14. QUOTE(Damen @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 05:21 AM) It's the second week of the season, broseph. That's a little early to give up on a rookie. He's produced at every level he's played at so far, he will eventually get a respectable batting average for the bottom of the order in the majors. More importantly, he needs to continue to play strong defense, which outside of one game, he has. And when this is the benefit of Anderson starting, you deal with a slow start. Thome .341/.526/.927 Thomas .171/.244/.439 the bolded is irrelevant... its not just that he's hitting .1 whatever...its that he's not even putting the ball in play. I mean jose valentin struck out a lot and had a low average but i don't ever remember being so confident that a kid would strike out as i did with anderson. I mean when Crede came up he had a lot of the same opportunities as BA does...bases loaded a lot...and he didn't get the job done but he was making contact...giving that tiny chance that something good can come out of it. BA is a waste of space right now. ... the kids not even close...
  15. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 04:24 AM) For pitchers, everything starts with the elbow and how high up you get it while pitching. It is not necessary for a pirtcher to throw overhand but it is vital to get your elbow up over your shoulder level. I have experienced this first hand. I had times where I couldn't straighten my arm for weeks. Whenever you see a pitcher falling off the mound, throwing across his body, or dragging his arm through the motions, he is destined for arm trouble. Best example I can think of at the moment is Greg Maddux, and for numerous reasons. He gets his elbow up above shoulder lever, minimizing torque on the arm, he doesn't drag through, instead, letting his arm follow his body, anf his followthrough is flawless, landing square to the plate. He also has a very long stride out, which helps with the routne of arms slots and of squaring up. great post... I assume the submarine motion would be an exception due to how its released?
  16. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 04:31 AM) You know, for a while, like, until Kap replied, I thought that said "I got some tonight. Explain why im a homer."
  17. QUOTE(Felix @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 04:31 AM) bmags, you are an indians fan. go hang out with SSH and qwerty. k i should've washed the red paint off of my hands
  18. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 04:21 AM) ??? they can't prevent a group from picketing, but if it will cause an unusual amount of disturbance... i don't know, we got an example that the gov can impose restrictions on a rally that would happen at 1 am in a neighborhood... it seems like this could be considered the same amount of diress hopefully the billwriting wasn't rushed and could be considered overreaching
  19. because you implied that i wasn't a fan because I criticised our starting center fielder for not only batting like .126 or some absurd number with no history that he WILL turn it around, but he's not even able to put wood on the ball *well, he is great at fouling off the first 2 pitches and K'ing quickly on the third*...if i admire him for one thing is that he pulls the bandaid off quickly...something like 5 k's against royals pitching? ye gods
  20. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 04:16 AM) Or Felix Hernandez. If Brian was as bad as you make him out to be(or half this board),he wouldnt be in CF for the Sox, plain and simple. He is a rookie in a slump, trying to find himself at the plate. See, us homers who dont give up on players after the 1st week like to see improvement with the players the Sox, and B.A. with a solid AB late in the ballgame was a good sign. Im sorry its fun for you to watch him K. fixed for accuracy
  21. the bill should work because of Time, Manner, Place precedent right?
  22. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Apr 19, 2006 -> 04:10 AM) You're as bad a Jeckle... yes you're right...Brian Anderson is doing great...he's done a wonderful job of helping this team get off to the start we've had. I should not be worried at all about how our CF is so godawful that its almost fun for me to watch how fast he can strikeout...i mean in all honesty if he could go up against buerhle he'd be sitting down before anyone noticed.
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