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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 05:23 AM) parents always threaten with dumb stuff like that... its to get you to shutup and be good. and later take prozac
  2. guys, heres how its gonna go down. AL East - Mike Ditka AL Central - Mike Ditka and the rest you know
  3. i like it when he hits the ball hard.
  4. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 28, 2006 -> 12:45 AM) Where are you going to put the hookers?! are we still allowed to bring a small plastic bags with 2 unopened water bottles and sandwiches? Cause i was gonna put em in there.
  5. i remember in 03 i saw like 8 journalists picked the sox to go to the playoffs and i was like man, these guys get it... this s*** it is so meaningless. I mean if thome gets injured, jenks sucks, and a few other injuries. We are f***ed guys. We would be proper f***ed. No biggie...just need some good luck again. And positive club houses seem to get good luck. So rock on yo
  6. guys were gonna have my bro's bachelor party at a sox game in august but shhhh this is a secret
  7. my dad threatened to pull this car over and leave me at the side of the road, but it never happened...probably cause we never traveled by trains so we weren't late.
  8. bmags


    i saw V for Vendetta. I have a few complaints but i don't see how people could complain about the terrorism/anti american thing. I mean for something set so far into the future you don't think they'd mention the most powerful country in the world in responding to how the history of this new world was built? And i thought they did a good job of questioning whether V was a hero, or a villain, and natalie portman was gorgeous even with a bald head and a hospital gown.
  9. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 27, 2006 -> 08:00 PM) Are you serious? You're comparing Putin, who has led Russia out of the dark ages and done pretty much everything right with the economy and public safety, to Hitler? Where amongst Putin's actions and decisions do you see anything remotely like imperialism, or cultural cleansing, or government control of industry? Russia has been giving up government control of tons of business. If you are really thinking that way, then all the facts in the world won't convince you otherwise. I guess consolidating power and controlling the media outlets doesn't strike you as dangerous. I have no doubt in my mind that Putin does not like the US and is not going to be a cooperative partner as he and russia begin to get more powerful. And yes i'm comparing Putin to hitler. Cuz hitler also seized control and corrected the economy whilst consolidating all his power and stripping away freedoms. that much sounds familiar. I can make that analogy without referring to the holocaust. There aren't that many good analogies of democratic societies being taken over by power hungry men and succeeding.
  10. thomas in his prime i'd easily take without hesitation
  11. bmags


    QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Mar 27, 2006 -> 06:55 PM) I saw it Saturday night and liked it a lot. Not as much action as I expected, but a very good movie. I'd recommend it. By far the best movie thats been out in a while (most everything out lately appears to be garbage). aw man just wait for snakes on a plane then... i'm gonna go see the matinee for V at 3...so then i can finally talk about it. Spring break is boring but i'm looking forward to catching up on the cinema i've missed.
  12. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 27, 2006 -> 12:24 AM) I strongly disagree. Putin is the best thing for Russia since Gorby. He has done more to promote real business in that country than all his predecesors combined. Corruption is still rampant but being pushed down. People are making money. There is a real middle class now. Putin barks pretty loud, but he has been a great leader for that country. hitler was pretty great for the economy too...consolidating so much power for the government and controlling all the media outlets therefore controlling the information...he can f*** himself he's leading that country into a place America's never stood for (as long as they weren't fighting a worser evil of course)
  13. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Mar 27, 2006 -> 07:08 PM) This story is not new. It's been out there for years. But now that the NYTimes published it, it's "real". Ahem. (I'm not saying whether it's true or not, just pointing this out is all) i don't think this should be a criticism...i think a newspaper taking a memo thats been out for years and explaining it in a way the average citizen can understand is operating under its duty. and WC, muckraking journalism was great for the country come turn of the 20th century. It was the yellow journalism that was the problem.
  14. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Mar 27, 2006 -> 07:36 PM) Actually i do know how it works here, and my statement is correct. I still would love to meet someone here that has rushed and not gotten into A frat. I'm not guaranteeing you get into "the" frat but if you want to be in the greek system, it's a matter of choice. seriously...and if you didn't get in it's likely because you were disabled or an unpopular race (not white)...cause honestly frats are either grossly prejudiced or just geared towards caucasions. I guess a fraternity is our pre-country club.
  15. bmags


    QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Mar 27, 2006 -> 05:29 PM) On a more positive note...I still have some faith in the United States. The Larry the Cable Guy movie only grossed 7 million dollars this week. There is still a little sanity left i honestly thought it could be the highest grossing film of all time...no joke.
  16. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 27, 2006 -> 05:14 PM) Yeah, because the last Democratic administration was scandal-free! :rolly yes you've managed to find the most liberal poster here in controlled chaos as much as i disagree with what CCs reasons are for what he said...you completely misinterpreted him.
  17. QUOTE(KWs OK for Me @ Mar 27, 2006 -> 01:26 PM) I am one of these "fratboys" that a lot of people here seem to hate and I completely agree with this statement. I'm at another big ten school thought, not U of I. If you rush a frat hard enough odds are that you will get into it. Fraternitities are almost always looking to take as many people as possible at the beginning and try to weed them out as time goes on through pledging. The one thing I don't understand is all the greek hate, maybe because at Wisconsin the greek system is relatively small as compared to IU and U of I. But, at least in my case, I don't think either way about people who aren't in frats, why the hell do they than think of me with such cliche stereotypes. A frat is a cheap place to live, a good way to meet friends freshman year, and a great place to have fun. It is no more or less than that in my opinion. People boast about their pride in whatever frat they are, but honestly who gives a f***? If they think that their house is something special and greater than everyone else than let them. You will always have people on both sides of this. Personally, I don't understand how people get so wrapped up in "the history and legacy of the house." Yea I know we get it in engrained into us during pledging (and trust me everyone tries their hardest to get the pledges into that, pledging was not an easy experience for me) but I never understood how someone can so blindly get attached to things like that. On the U of I admission things, what this topic originally was, I have no problem with U of I raising their admission standards, however, I think they need to change their admissions procedures. If they are going to do a rolling admission with the deadline for early action (or something like that, I remember it was around November 1) I feel that they have to get back to people, all people on a timely basis. If they are on the bubble and not decided yet they should let them know that they are deferring their decision until Feb/Mar/Apr/May or whenever it is going to be. The 1 simple reason why I am not at U of I right now instead of Wisonsin is because U of I waited too long to get back to me. It took them nearly five months to send me my acceptance, and I don't think I was really that borderline of an admittance (top 1% SAT, top 3% ACT, National Merit Scholar, Top 20% high school class). From personal experience I feel like that turnaround time is important, but with such a large application base U of I has no real reason to improve these methods. i pretty much agree with everything in this post...and wow we had the same test scores but not that great class rank. I didn't apply to u of i for silly reasons which i've mentioned before (i had no idea what i was doing when i was applying for colleges) but wisconsin waitlisted me while a kid with a 3.5 gpa, top 10% act, no sat got in right away to wisconsin so i was like f*** this i'll do journalism at mizzou and haven't really looked back (except for our lame ass halloween.)
  18. QUOTE(Soxy @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 09:18 PM) Women, dutch or otherwise shouldn't be punished for having big boobs. If anything they should be rewarded. No, they should be equal. Sorry, this thread gave me a Ricky Gervais moment. haha, did you see the simpsons tonight? Gervais was a character it was great
  19. those professors should be the russian presidents then.
  20. QUOTE(SnB @ Mar 26, 2006 -> 03:17 PM) why would I be jealous when I can easily join one if I wanted to? For me, I don't understand going into an organization and making friends with people with different interests. I make friends with people who have the same interest as me, not because we want "to be part of something". I'll agree that organizations like these have a good premise, it's just, at least at our school, they're filled with alot of the wrong people. Kids at our school think about the greek system as a kind of "special party system". The frats at our school are filled with "those guys", you know, the ones that everyone in your high school thought were jerks, but never told them because they were too popular. So maybe I have a skewed view of the greek system, but from my eyes, there is absolutely nothing that makes me want to join one. I'll make my friends by who I get along with and have common interests with, and not just because "they're in my house". It's definitely not about jealousy, because there isn't an inch of my self that wants to be around those kind of people. i have to say i've been to U of I a lot...and your greek system is ...seems...a lot different than ours at mizzou. Maybe its because our campus is such a dry campus (SUCH)...but your frats really did come off as the way you say it. Coming to college i never wanted to join a frat and in reality this is the only one i would have joined...due to friends who joined/lack of gay hazing ... NIU's frats were terrible too. So i guess its college to college.
  21. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 02:23 AM) For any techno headz out there check out the Fabric 27 mix by Matthew Dear. Solid. i loved nathan fakes new album... also... this ghostface is so f***in good god damn.
  22. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Mar 26, 2006 -> 04:05 AM) Ding ding ding. We have a winnar. Not every frat/sorority member is a douchebag but most of the douchebags I've ever met belonged to one. i'm pretty much an asshole and i learned that assholes and douchebags aren't neccessarily a good mix...sometimes i rule thou.
  23. russia owns all their media outlets. Putin is a f***ing joke piece of s*** that is gonna destroy any chance russia had at a free society.
  24. QUOTE(Reddy @ Mar 26, 2006 -> 12:00 AM) except what if the story that we all know isnt the real story? thats the thing. especially that but i was scared of the backlash if i called it stupid factless propoganda
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