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Everything posted by bmags

  1. the ink stain was set and it was my only pair of jeans...so i'm like i know i'll sand a hole through that spot...but it didn't work well. edit: i joined because ours was new (2 years) and a bunch of my friends who were real characters joined and i have no back bone but we have fun. We will control it in two years and run it in the ground. take down the system from the inside... hey guys lets go sing to a sorority post haste!
  2. QUOTE(THEWOOD @ Mar 25, 2006 -> 09:32 PM) A lot of hate towards people who were in a Fraternity or Sorority? Care to elaborate? I was a Sigma Chi at OSU. Also, you really still see people popping their collar? That is pretty old school nowadays. I mean I thought it was big back about 3-4 years ago. I forgot to add that I also own a NorthFace. i just joined a frat at mizzou...i realized that all the negative predispositions i had against frats were correct. but...such is life. It's not that bad but then again my frat is 2 years old and such...frats like pike all those kids who stare at their arms when they open doors...god..f***in hate them. I hate myself too so... edit...i don't wear a northface but i had a large ink stain over my pocket from a pen...so i thought to sand it out... i accidentally sanded through the pocket too...i wondered what had caused my sudden loss of intelligence...you guess...
  3. i didn't even apply to u of i. i'm not sure why...i wish someone would've given me more advice on choosing colleges, my parents didn't go so i was just kind of wingin it...i love mizzou though.
  4. anyone not want to see that 9/11 movie? cause i'm thinking i don't think i could see it without thinking they made money off a tragedy so soon after a tragedy that the story didn't yet need to be told
  5. the sox fans in the comments portion did a good job defending...i would have incredulously made fun of everyone in that thread. But. Such is life.
  6. bmags


    QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 25, 2006 -> 08:22 PM) Have I? s***, I've had the video for nearly 8 years. Typical Troma production:Cheap effects, terrible script, odd 80's soundtrack, plenty of gore--especially the scene at the end when the Zombie's head is blown off. I recently bought "Chopper Chicks in Zombietown" from a video store in Park Ridge which was closing. Interested in watching this pile of crap. the black soldier was fantastic...he deserved the academy award not denzel
  7. why was utah used? I'd like to see Texas vs. california...and despite that for maybe 8 years of that kids life as a conservative he may be liberal and if the lazy ass kids my age ever get up to vote then the dems still have that. I'm more worried about the implications that this really means : more larry the cable guy fans are being born than david cross fans. scaaarryyyyy. ^last part joke.
  8. bmags


    QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 25, 2006 -> 05:55 PM) Anyone remember an early 80's film titled 'Southern Comfort'? Same premise, military guys go messing around in the Louisiana swamp lands and piss of some crazy Cajuns. Anyone ever seen Troma's "Redneck Zombies"? that was the best lost in the southern hickville movie ever made! And zombie movie for that matter
  9. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 25, 2006 -> 01:50 AM) The only force that can stop the momentum of this movie is its release date. IMO, August 18 is too far away. Even bmags has to admit five months of "MOTHERf***ING SNAKES!" is pushing it. If New Line Cinema would releases this movie in June it would pull in respectable box-office numbers. i agree...but ... it is right before i head back to schoo...thats a f***in treat right there
  10. when i first saw the title i was gonna make a joke about it but then i saw it was a joke and i was almost disappointed...sad.
  11. bmags


    QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 01:09 PM) Now someone has to convince the Wachowski brothers not to make a sequel. this is true
  12. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Mar 24, 2006 -> 02:35 AM) classy. no he's right, apparantly conservatives attract the irrationally sensitive folk in america these days.
  13. might be a crackhead got messed up with the wrong limb and said go up and act like you a leprechaun boy
  14. QUOTE(YASNY @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 05:19 PM) You had a reason for posting this garbage. It portrayed conservatives in a less than favorable light, and that was all the reason you needed. When you can post something that is meaningful and substantial, we will give it the proper respect. When you post crap, you get no respect. So, grow a brain will ya? wow i had no idea you were that sore that one time in your life you cried and called for mommy. This was posted/discussed in a lot of places and in a lot of places people just laughed it off and moved on... but no sir YASNY HAS NEVER CRIED IN HIS LIFE EVERYONE ...and he will dick cheney anyone that claims otherwise...
  15. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 08:26 PM) gas was the least of my worries. I was always worried about brakes, shocks, suspension, tires(both popped and just plain worn out), bad radiator, 2 stolen radios, 150 stolen cds, 1 stolen amp, and broken oil reservoir seals. Oh, and then there was the time my timing chain broke. Then the gas prices shot through the roof. Safe to say Im glad I dont do that anymore. if i wanted to hear someone whine i'd go talk to a conservative
  16. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 06:07 PM) We always smoked the pizza guy up, and let him chill for awhile as well. Delivering pizza sucks, I did it for a week and I ended up losing money. yeah i can't imagine with these gas prices anyone making money.
  17. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Mar 23, 2006 -> 05:10 AM) http://today.reuters.com/news/newsarticle....S-PORN-WINE.xml that wine grading system is bulls***...so i hear but that's pretty cool that someone with so much potential could finally reach the mountain top...both of em. In an amazing scene.
  18. i think what is likely here that this was a very large write up of a very long term spanning study and i wouldn't be suprised if this finding was a very small part of it but when read people found it the most interesting. I'm sure there were more accurately reported results in this study which were far less interesting, but were more controlled and closer to a true experiment. But for this small sample size, in this small study, he found this to be true, there's nothing to get so wound up about, jeeze, so you were a whiny baby...who cares? Are you whiny now? Nothing in psychology can ever be declared fact, but through years upon years of verification can something as close to true as possible be declared. Just read this as a funny anecdote and move on. Ridiculous over response to this thread.
  19. i see the conservatives are finding their inner child to whine about this one.
  20. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Mar 22, 2006 -> 07:01 AM) Crossfire hasn't been the same since Kinsley and Buchanan left. Or since Ted Turner left either for that matter. the whole concept of the show is flawed though..."hey, i have this idea for a show, we'll bring up a current issue, not discuss it in detail but have two talking heads pull out their daily party cliches! And it'll be cheap!"
  21. their morning show is really good. Getting rid of crossfire was brilliant ... that show was terrible with terrible hosts. Show sucked.
  22. i just bought LIars - drum's not dead and McLusky - McLuskyism(3cd farewell from my favorite group of welchman that just make fun of everything) this McLusky is awesome... i've had liars forever and its my favorite of the year so far. It's so beautiful. They got this studio in east berlin where the commies used to do stories over the radio so they had these 5 rooms in the studio with incredible acoustics where they'd record like crunching footsteps and stuff so they used all the rooms and its just this incredibly atmospheric album with amazing drumming...
  23. i don't understand how its a good answer.. the essential question: why did you want to go to war in Iraq. the answer: 9/11 durrr the taliban is in afghanistan durrr durr durrr i thought iraq was a threat. ^joke...but seriously why did he bring up afghanistan? It had nothing to do with the question. He's just doing that diversionary must reference 9/11 in speaking of iraq war to drive home to people that some how subliminally they'll think that iraq and 9/11 are synonymous and stability in iraq is retribution for 9/11. It's just not true! I want bin ladens head on a stake. ANd stuck up in the middle of NYC and people can spit on his face as they walk by. I just find it interesting what bush considers threats and what he doesn't.
  24. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 05:05 PM) No, it's just incredibly stupid and not worth $8. But whatever floats your boat... you still don't get this is all a joke do you? Interesting.
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