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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 06:21 AM) This movie is going to be a timeless masterpiece. I can't wait. And for those who feel the need to b**** and moan IN EVERY SINGLE f***ING THREAD, please, stop yourselves just this once. Recognize legendary filmmaking when you see it. I wasn't alive when "Gone With The Wind" came out, but this has to be like the next best thing. don't even compare that trash "gone with the wind" to snakes on a plane.
  2. i don't think i've ever felt i've done a drug to fit in. Curiosity is what kills the cat. I do both and i don't think much of it. I think its far less of a moral issue than its made out to be. I have a bunch of friends that don't drink or anything and we respect them for it and they don't question us. True friends wouldn't pressure somebody to go against their convictions. But yeah i doubt more than 30% of high school kids both smoke and drink on a regular basis.
  3. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 04:36 AM) What I do understand is that the studio is using people like you to hype a stupid movie over the Internet for free publicity and to increase their box office receipts. What I don't understand is why you allow them to. Or maybe Weekend at Bernie's 2. i bet this movie is anti-bush too!
  4. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 01:27 AM) Point taken, although opposition in this country was minimal at most then. The movie was written and filmed years earlier. We weren't at war in 1930... ... or 1946. Still very early on in the Vietnam War, before opposition became strong. Which, ironically, was right smack in the middle of Vietnam but about the Korean War. I wouldn't say that it's "as anti-war as it gets" but, yes, the fact that they were medics makes it definitely anti-war. Vietnam still in its infancy... And we were out of Vietnam by then. wow, do you even realize that this post proves our point for us? A movie, written for a previous time period (OR A TV SHOW cough cough MASH) showing during a later time, that happens to have stuff going on COUGH COUGH VIETNAM...Once again, this isn't the first time topics from previous time periods get rehashed later and made a little more currently. Bush sr. had no sex scandals...clinton had many, including jennifer flowers and the long nosed lil girl, both before 1998, when most people saw that movie they thought Clinton...not Bush. But oh no the sky is falling everyone in hollywood is out to warp our minds against a flailing president. and a lot of those you say we weren't at war...we were in the cold war from "essentially" the end of WWII until the end of the 80's... There was also movies like Salvador that criticised our involvements in the central americas...Reagan. So you're argument that V for VEndetta, a comic book written about the Thatcher administration, an anti hero fighting a tyrannus government, is sympathetic to Bin laden and undermining President Bush just doesn't hold much water... (furthermore, it wasn't ironic that MASH was about the Korean war at all. That means that Jarhead would've been ironic it was about the first golf war...and it wasn't ironic. Irony : the state of affairs that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often humorous. If it was ironic M.A.S.H. was on during Vietnam...a 10 year plus war, then it was ironic that Hogans heroes was set during WWII...and that wasn't ironic.)
  5. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 21, 2006 -> 01:02 AM) It's amazing how the Internet can hype and popularize complete garbage. Do you REALLY not understand that its being hyped BECAUSE Its complete garbage? It's all a big joke man. They made a serious movie with this premise and people are laughing at how stupid not only the title, but the hilarity of whose casted. I don't know how you don't understand this.
  6. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 11:53 PM) CBS tried to take down Bush right before the '04 election with a fabricated story. If you still want proof that the media has it in for him, there's your smoking gun. So, Hollywood was against Bush 41 back then as well, huh? What a shocker! How ironic that after it's release, the movie unintentionally depicted the actions of Clinton during his impeachment hearings. Talk about a gun backfiring! i don't think i can argue with a propoganda machine anymore. So, do you guys get like emails everyday with your daily GOP sheep catch phrases or is it a phone tree or what? and That's not irony, thats intentional. You see, movies with older themes try and update them with some current themes facing people today to keep it fresh and interesting. That's not irony. BUt i bet a dictionary is too liberal for you to use.
  7. QUOTE(TheBlackSox8 @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 11:31 PM) dark horizons reports that it was a leaked teaser....with incomplete CGI. They said the actual trailer will be in a month or so. yeah i heard this too... Oh well...it will still be badass!!!
  8. QUOTE(My Dixie Normus @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 09:54 PM) Every fan of any team asks themselves that question every so often. I know I did of the Sox, the Bears and the Blackhawks at one time or another. The only one that I answered with turning in my fan card was the Hawks. If they win Lord Stanley's cup, I wouldn’t cross the street to see them play. Not until Wirtz is out as the Hawks owner. It has been several years since I had this epiphany and I have never regretted it. As for Sox paraphernalia, I have 5 Sox hats. The black, the black w/Series logo, the green, the official champs (grey and black) and the classic Sox logo circa 70s-80s. The official stays in the closet with the t-shirt (never to be worn) along with the newspapers from the entire post season. Just this last week I was traveling up to Muskegon Michigan to meet a supplier on Friday. While I drove up, I had on my classic black w/Series logo on and had the green on the back dash for the Friday (St. Pat’s) trip home. We stopped for gas once and had dinner at Damon’s in Grand Haven. Each place we stopped, someone said something positive about the Sox. It was a good feeling. I bought a ton of stuff late last year. But the best item I have is something that I did not buy. A friend of my folks kids went around the Beverly/Mt. Greenwood area and took photos of all the retail marquee signs with “Go Sox” or “Congrats Sox” etc. McNally’s, Cork & Kerry, Coaches Corner, Brewbaker’s, the 9th District Police station. …. All the favorite hangouts from my youth. The put them all in a monster poster size picture. When I first saw it, that is when it really sunk in. We were World Champs. No one can take that away. this makes me want to buy the black WS hat cause the gary one looks fragile i'm afraid that globe is gonna fall off eventually
  9. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 10:46 PM) Wag the Dog was released well before Clinton bombed Iraq during his impeachment hearings. And you don't have very many other examples to back up your claim. If you want to believe that the release of Syriana, V for Vendetta, and Jarhead two or more years after our invasion of Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with the Iraq War, go ahead. I know better. you know what you want to believe...i'm saying they are comments on our times not malicious attacks to turn the nation on bush, he's done that well on his own. Social commentary pieces aren't time specific to the dumbass policies of the current president. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wag_the_dog "The film drew attention at the time for similarities to the Clinton sex scandal, although the movie also makes reference to the Persian Gulf War as an example of war used as an electoral tactic" hmm...sounds familiar...written about a former politician but released at the time of a current politicians similar situation...Where have i seen this before...where o where...
  10. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 02:26 AM) I was actually hoping it would look cornier... i don't know, i didn't want them to realize what ajoke this was before ending filming...i hope its just naturally terrible...anyone seen shark attack three? I want it to be that bad. I laughed so hard at the trailer that i doubt i won't have at least 15 lols in this movie...
  11. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 08:26 PM) I don't know how I'm making any sense at all of your poorly-worded posts. I'm still waiting for your examples of "these types of movies" from the Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, and FDR administrations. And I'm still waiting for an example of a Syriana-esque movie during the Clinton or Carter administrations. I said these types of movies are made to make us think about our government officials policies. as well as modern day institutions...and then you came to think that meant anti war...that statement encompasses far more than anti war. the V for vendetta comic books weren't anti war...syriana was more our middle eastern policies with oil ... jarhead was a best selling book adapted for a movie...and i saw it an i can't really say it was anti war...just the story of how boring it can be, a soldiers account - howeve sensationalized he made it... anyway these movies just raise issues to think about...no different than Traffic (war on drugs) Crash (Racism) North Country (women in the work place and such) Erin Brokovich (corporate responsibility) and these types of movies are prevelant throughout cinema history. They haven't all the sudden been created for the Bush administration. HOw about Wag the Dog, a claim of the diversionary tactic very similar to the balkans during the clinton administration? Primary colors - the sleeziness of campaigns? Full metal jacket came out in 78...an anti war movie.
  12. QUOTE(The Critic @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 07:37 PM) There may have been a fair amount of spectators out there, but I gotta say, I've never seen so much Sox gear in one place before ever! A lot of the spectators bought World Champions shirts and caps, that's for sure! non baseball fans bought sox gear... there are a lot of people in chicago that just thought it was a great thing for the city... edit: i'm not gonna budge on this one...
  13. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 07:43 PM) Wow, that makes absolutely no sense. There were anti-war movies during the Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman, and FDR administrations? Would you like to cite some examples? And could you provide examples of a time when three anti-war/fasicm movies came out within a year during the Carter and Clinton administrations? see, anti war? I don't know where you're finding these words in my posts...
  14. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 07:28 PM) Which was right around the time the decision was made to fund and start production on them. What a coincidence! They have the right to release whatever they want. And when it's obvious that they're pushing a political agenda, I have the right to call them on it. And I guess that I should just shut up while you and your liberal friends in Hollywood tell us what's good for America and what isn't? Talk about censorship. :rolly FWIW, I never called for theatres to "censor" these movies. I'm simply calling out Hollywood on its movtives. No, I think I'll wait until "Snakes on a Plane" comes out. That looks like a real top-notch flick. Calling out their motives? You are putting in a bush agenda where there isn't one. There is a think about the motives of your elected officials agenda. As there always has been, and always will be...there's no use in getting all soft just because the man you elected was in office. There were these types of movies during clinton, bush, reagan, carter, ford,nixon, johnson, kennedy, eisenhower, truman...half-o FDR likely, hoover, coolidge...and i'm not real familiar with cinema pre 20's so i'll stop there...
  15. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 06:30 PM) I haven't seen it, but here's a take from the other side... V for vendetta, T for terrorist, and A for "that's a-okay" Mar 20, 2006 Review by Megan Basham I have seen the terrorist, and he is me. And you. And all of us. So says Evey (Natalie Portman), an acolyte of V (Hugh Weaving), the swashbuckling savior of future England who disguises himself as Guy Fawkes. But don’t worry, because being a terrorist is now a good thing. As we've been told by the media, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter…or masked superhero as the case may be. In fact, according to The New York Daily News' critic, Jaimi Bernard, even the term "suicide bombing" is now relative. "One person's idea of social liberation through symbolic fireworks is another person's suicide bombing," she insists in her review of V for Vendetta. So even though V threatens to detonate a load of explosives strapped to his chest, killing dozens of innocent people at the BBC (oh, excuse me, BFC) if they don't give him air-time, just think of him as Batman — a little overly-dramatic and conflicted perhaps, but also sexy and an undeniable force for good. Defending the REAL meaning of the Constitution This book provides the first ever clause-by-clause examination of the complete Constitution, revealing its real meaning according to the original intent of the Framers. Save 20% and support Townhall.com! I can see him this way because of all the Wachowski Brothers have taught me. My eyes have been opened, and I am no longer an automaton of the Right-wing religious-military-industrial complex. Thanks to this "parable about terrorism and totalitarianism" (Roger Ebert) I have been "prodded to think" (The San Francisco Chronicle). And I now think that the Bush administration blew up the twin towers and tried to blow up two other U.S. targets on 9/11 in order to scare Americans into giving them more power. I think that conservatives hate art, literature, and music—especially jazz music—and want to lock it all away because, well, they’re just mean like that. I think that Catholics are in league with Republicans, and that together it is they, and not radical Islamists, who would like to exterminate all homosexuals and execute anyone that produces material critical of the Church-State. I think it is Christians who persecute people for reading the Koran and not Muslims who persecute people for reading the Bible. I think that the West's military personnel are the ones who place hoods over innocent people's heads then mercilessly torture and kill them, and that broadcasts of Islamo-fascists doing so are so much laughable propaganda. But most of all, in true V style, I think that documents, like buildings, are only symbols, and that burning them can change the world. Therefore, I propose that we storm the National Archives and torch the Constitution—the document responsible for unleashing the Great Evil that is America. After all, that's what the Wachowskis want, isn't it? When [spoiler alert] the English masses gather and cheer as Parliament, that British symbol of representative government burns, aren't we too supposed to cheer? Aren't we supposed to want to run out of theater ready to don our Osama Bin Laden masks, ready to confront the world's biggest terrorist mastermind on the White House lawn? Oh, but wait, the movie is "dystopian" and therefore has nothing to do with current events. The "yellow-alerts" the vile dictator employs are a coincidence. The campy television show in which vaudevillian Al Qaeda operatives torture busty blondes, suggesting that the threat of terror is as fictional as it is ridiculous, means nothing. The balding talk show host with a pill-popping problem isn't intended to smear a real person. And the fact that the script takes glee in constantly referring to the "former United States of America" and "their war" that left them "the world’s leper colony?" Umm, okay, that's a little hard to explain…let's just call that comic justice. I could go into more detail, but really, there is no point. The fact the film's release had to be postponed when V’s final heroic act of loading explosives onto a subway car in the London underground proved too realistic illustrates how in-sync the Wachowski’s are with actual terrorists. Forget not being worth the price of admission, this ode to Al Zarqawi and his ilk certainly wasn’t worth the price of pretty Miss Portman’s flowing mane of chestnut hair. But the worst part of Vendetta isn't the anti-Bush/anti-Blair agenda it pushes so feverishly. It's the legions of film critics who have lavished that agenda with praise. To be fair, some admirers claim that it's only entertainment: "If you find a way to apply it to George Bush or Tony Blair, it’s only because the film's themes are so universal." (Cinema Blend) But most argue that the ideas it brings up are "important": "That it so cannily reflects specific concerns of this moment in history makes it an almost important movie." (Los Angeles Daily News) The hangdogs can't have it both ways. Either the movie has nothing to do with the War on Terror and it's awful, or it has everything to do with the War on Terror and it's appalling. Incidentally, after reading the script, creator of the V comic book, Alan Moore, insisted Warner Bros. remove his name from the project. He told MTV, "[My comic] has been turned into a Bush-era parable by people too timid to set a political satire in their own country… [The film] is a thwarted and frustrated and largely impotent American liberal fantasy of someone with American liberal values standing up against a state run by neo-conservatives — which is not what "V for Vendetta" [the comic] was about." Thankfully, cartoonish acting and a juvenilely self-reverential plot means no one except teenage boys (the ones in the row in front of me kept muttering, "Yeah, anarchy!" as London blazed) and crazed George Clooney disciples will take this movie's "important ideas" seriously. Those are the people who are this very moment wailing, "Free speech! Free speech! The Wachowskis have every right to promote their beliefs!" To them I say, yep, they sure do. And I have the right to unmask them for the ignorant, irresponsible, paranoid filmmakers that they are. man...and they cry about the PC crowd of liberals haha. Anyone that is in more Favor of a TOTALITARIAN REGIME than people trying to REGAIN their freedom - NOT BY TARGETING CIVILIANS - but by the very politicians who have controlled them and taken away their liberties. Jesus, if this movie was reorganized so it was the 18th century, britain was still britain but V was an american, I wonder how different this would look. You know what...the movie the Patriot was pretty pro-terrorist too!! Blowing up that ammunition ship!!! Sneak attacks!!! MEL GIBSON SHOULD BE TRIED FOR SEDITION!!!
  16. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 07:02 PM) How much time have you spent in Iraq to actually witness the regime change that you're railing againt? HA, the same question could be restructured for you...
  17. QUOTE(WCSox @ Mar 20, 2006 -> 04:20 PM) Not as silly as somebody who watches "Snakes on a Plane." So, I guess it's just coincidence that movies like Syriana and Jarhead came out during the Iraq War? :rolly If you believe that, I have a bridge over in Brooklyn I'm looking to sell. They didn't come out during the iraq war...the iraq war was in march 03 to april 03 they came out during the occupation of Iraq. And that is looking like it will be around for a while. I guess hollywood can't cover movies with current events for a long time. I guess we should just cover a bunch of stuff that happened in the nineties i guess...because WCsox has put a censor on anything with any relevance to today because america has troops in another country and a movie recognizing that is seditious!
  18. QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Mar 17, 2006 -> 08:42 PM) It IS a Cubs town and will ALWAYS BE. Be careful what you wish for, guys. Already, season tix are gone for 2006. I tried to buy an Ozzie plan and they were all upper deck, NO Cubs tix included and NO special games (like 1/2 way to St. Pats or 4th of July). So while the Cubs will ALWAYS outdraw us, our attendance has SKYROCKETED. I almost keeled when I saw all the people at the parade--where the hell WERE these people all season? Not at the games! I was--I have pix of me and the other 8,000 faithful shivering in May games last year. LOVED the idea that the Sox I had all to myself. No more. I walked into a sports store on Michigan this week. Last year, if you walked in, it was 95% Cubs stuff and you were lucky if they had maybe 2 Sox jerseys and a couple of crappy t-shirts. Now it's reversed--they have an entire WALL of Sox stuff, about seven jerseys, and even my local WHITE HEN has a little White Sox kiosk with pennants and the DVDs. I for one am more than willing to accept a LOSS of attendance if it means enjoying full access to the park, like last year and years prior (until the playoffs, that is). This is just too much. LET the Cubs have the attendance--TRUST ME. They sold out all last year and they SUCKED. This year they will be even worse. But no matter how you slice it, we are World Series Champions. Period. a couple points...as for the parade...frankly there aren't many ticker tape parades in chicago...so a lot of those people were just spectators, non baseball fans, cubs fans and sox fans. It was quite a sight! and secondly, you know...my dad was a baltimore orioles fan for his entire childhood...moved to chicago 23 years ago...and he's been a loyal sox fan for 16 years...Bandwagoners aren't as bad as people make out sometimes...
  19. if you can pitch you can pitch...i've personally always advocated moving our first round pitchers directly to the big leagues to find out if they'll fail or succeed without hesitation...
  20. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Mar 19, 2006 -> 09:57 PM) It's on tonight at 9 pm. Besides that, that's about it. Should be a nice way to conclude my weekend after returning from a fabulous day of shopping and facial treatments at the local salon. hahaha, man, i just had to explain to my roommate why i laughed so hard...which was awkward.
  21. is there something else you want to tell us f. tizzle?
  22. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Mar 19, 2006 -> 08:43 PM) Yeah, that's what I am thinking I am going to have to do. But I am hoping to not have to do that, as even $75 is a little tough to find right now. Anybody want to start a charity fund for me? say you are running the chicago marathon
  23. if logan had a sex change... actually i'm not really sure where i'm going with this...
  24. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 19, 2006 -> 07:13 PM) You're a very hateful young man bmags. You hate every band and every film. go watch some more The Health Inspector previews
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