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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 10, 2006 -> 04:18 AM) Since you hung up, I take it you weren't feeling horny? lolz
  2. QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Mar 10, 2006 -> 04:00 AM) Did you tell her she's gorgeous? i really wanted to go up there and comment on the faults of 24 hour news but I was too busy staring at her eyes.
  3. Soledad O'Brien is a morning anchor for CNN and used to work for NBC... first off, holy crap she is gorgeous! WOW! much better than even on TV. Very endearing and a great speaker and very funny and captivating. Topics brought up in her lecture: What it means to be a journalist today : "seek the truth", fair accurate, let others respond, accountable, accuracy driven home, transparant How she started: Decided early on she would never again cover like this: For the OJ simpson trial she was in san francisco - where Simpson's mother lived - and she was advised to stay on her porch until she came home and wait for her to say something. Also - asked to go to the home of a man whose 8.5 month pregnant wife was just killed by a drunk driver and get a comment. He was very gracious and declined, she felt so disgusted she refused to do that ever again. She said that at NBC was mentored by some guy forgot his name and he taught her so much about journalism ethics, and it was her job to pass down. First, never ambush. Make sure that the person is prepared for the interview and be honest on what you will ask and that it is ON the record. Ethics should not be dictated but woven into the newsroom (D'uh!) Its the viewers responsibility too to ask and pry the media to hold true. She said that Katrina coverage was just as dictated by the viewers being angry as the media. Said New Orleans was far worse than any picture could portray. She brought up jason blair a lot and the lazy bias and how important it is to go that extra mile to ask. She talked about CNN and how their meetings are run and how things are picked. When asked abotu 5 corps owning 90% of the media, she just said that she has felt absolutely no pressure from corporate in 17 years anywhere, but i was hoping she'd comment on how this affects the news in her opinion nationally. I was completely entertained and I found her brilliant and captivating...she certainly has a fan now. I might even wake up early to catch her show (not bloody likely). As a journalism student it's great to find these wonderful rolemodels talk to you. There are far too many lazy as journalists out ther. So i thought i would post this and have your thoughts on ethics in journalism and such. I thought the filibuster would be better so ... i wasn't sure.
  4. i love wings...i haven't had em in 7 months...god that makes me cry.
  5. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 9, 2006 -> 04:20 PM) Anyone else diggin 'Morningwood' (the band)? That is a FUN ass record! srry
  6. QUOTE(Drew @ Mar 9, 2006 -> 12:29 AM) I like American Roots music, jazz, blues, bluegrass, old country, folk, and really good rock and roll. I particularly dig a lot of the bands coming out of Detroit in the past few years like The White Stripes, Soledad Brothers, Brendan Benson, The Come Ons, and the Detroit Cobras. And a whole bunch of other stuff that's too much of a mishmash to describe. you must be excited for the raconteurs
  7. 1) A White Sox starter will win 20 games (might as well leave it the same ) Fiction: I've thought this would happen for a while but i'll say the highest will be 18 by Buerhle. No pitcher with less than 14. 2) Joe Borchard will get the last roster spot Fact: Nice power bat off the bench. I like it. I don't think we'll keep 12 pitchers. 3) Lopez will be the 2nd left handed reliever Fact: i don't see anyone else close right now. But its so early...f***, well i'll be bold and say yes this early. 4) Thome will hit more than 35 homers Fiction...He'll hit 32. 5) Uribe will still be hitting 2nd at the All-star break Fact: I really think this will work. 6) Javier Vazquez will win 15 games Fiction: He'll win 14 dominating performances and lose 10 terrible games. 7) Brian Anderson will hit over .260 Fiction: I don't see it happening. I'll say .250 with an obp of .315 8) Jon Garland and Jose Contreras will have ERA's under 4 (please elaborate if not) Fact: I don't think there will be the fall off people say with these two. I think this has been 3 years in the making at least for these two. 9) Scott Podsednik will steal more than 45 bases Fact: NO hernia or groin issue. 10) Bobby Jenks will save more than 35 games Fact: Please be true. 11) Tadahito Iguchi will hit over .280 Fiction: I think he'll drop to .265 but his power numbers will go up up up 12) Jermaine Dye will play more than 145 games Fact: I don't know how to elaborate. 13) Joe Crede will hit over .260 Fiction: I just don't trust that to happen. 14) Paul Konerko will hit over 40 homeruns and drive in more than 100 again Fact: He's been consistent enough to disprove this. 15) The Sox will improve their team ERA (3.61) Fact: If i said fiction that would contradict the Jon and Jose era thing. 16) The Sox will make a trade for a major league player at the deadline Fact: Every year we do... 17) The Sox will finish in the top 5 in the AL in runs scored Fiction: I don't see us improving THAT much 18) Jermaine Dye will drive in 90 runs Fiction: naw...prolly like 75 19) The Sox will win the AL Central (this one better be fact ) Fact: i hope. f*** cleveland. That's an answer. 20) The Sox will return to the World Series Will not jinx.
  8. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 09:45 PM) "When they came to mizzou i went and yelled "play Stella was a diver!" and the guy went on this f***ing ego trip and started yelling. I did my part so i left." LMFAO, why'd you even go to the show? At least Interpol allowed like 20 years to go by before ripping Joy Division. What's it been like 5 years since Antics came out? Nope, no love for SWR. I know the bouncer at mojos so i get to get in for free and they let me drink at the bar there. Its only .50 cents for a can of beer so ... i'm there a lot! Live shows are like every two nights...it was an awesome coincidence they were there. Its funny...they had the smallest crowd i've ever seen at mojos and that place is a hole in the wall bar. Maybe like 200 capacity?
  9. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 08:18 PM) I dunno. Other than to basically ridicule news networks for doing stupid stuff like this (and it is stupid). I still find the whole thing funny. As much as I don't like what Fox News is doing to media in general (and I don't mean in an ideological sense - but more in a 'way the content is presented' sense), at least they have a sense of humor about things. fox has too many "argument" shows that are terrible for america. That's my biggest gripe. Their actual news content i have no qualms with.
  10. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 06:25 PM) What I've heard sounds a lot like Interpol. It's too soon to be ripping off Interpol. but it really is a ripoff of interpol...Fred dursts label signed these guys...which were 2 djs in LA, and when this album first came out, most of the people on the music message boards i went to thought it was a joke like a mash of interpol stuff. Its a DISGUSTING rip off. It is literally almost exact replication of how paul banks sings on antics, which is different than how he sang on TOTBL which was very reminiscent of Joy Division. BUt nonetheless that was a delightful rehashing, this is a disgusting money making ripoff of a band very popular in general but a huge following ..."underground :rolly ... shaving down anything interesting and trying to sell it as style for mass sales to 12 year old boys. When they came to mizzou i went and yelled "play Stella was a diver!" and the guy went on this f***ing ego trip and started yelling. I did my part so i left. These guys are an absolute disgrace. And their lyrics are the biggest pieces of s*** i've ever seen. Paul banks has diarrhea from his mouth about 8 times an album, these guys have it 8 times a song. I'm sorry but this band bothers me because this is the most blatant ripoff for sales i've ever seen. This is typical "all fluff, no substance"
  11. bmags


    QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 8, 2006 -> 02:53 PM) I agree, I think most of the time the musical numbers seem out of place and kind of goofy. I love Moulin Rogue, . The musical numbers actually tell the story. The vision and the attention to detail in that film is amazing, to actually make it come to life on film is astonishing. yeah i like moulin rouge too...i know there've been others but i can't think of em. I like the old time musicals...and disney movies have been pretty ace.
  12. what if it knocks the moon out of orbit!?!?!?
  13. myspace giveth, and myspace taketh away
  14. yeah but he led a b****in life...45 years of his life is probably equal to like 143 of mine...143.6 prolly
  15. damn if konerko hits like this every game in the regular season he's gonna have like 150 HRs!!!
  16. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 11:07 PM) OK, here's a primer. Start with what the John Birch Society is -- an ultra-conservative society formed in the late 1950s to fight the "growing threat" of socialism/comunism in America. All the "looked for Commies under my bed. . . refs in that song are based on that Birch/McCarthyism paranoia about comunists. The line about taking a shot of malaria to cure a cold is lampooning the notion that fascism ala' Hitler is better than communnism. The bit about quitting his job to become Sherlock Holmes is about the Red Scare paranoia causing neighbors to turn in neighbors family to turn in family etc., as suspected Commies. The George Lincoln Rockwell refs are to the founder of the American Nazi Party. The last lines about him sitting home and investigating himself and hoping he doesn't find anything (ie, turn out to be a Commie) is the over the top absurdist conclusion of the paranoia of that time. oh hehe...brilliant feller he is...i also was laughing out loud during talkin bear mountain picnic massacre blues
  17. QUOTE(The Critic @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 09:58 PM) LOL. That's my wife!! She says she doesn't want to load it up with songs she just "kind of likes". She wants to LOVE every song on her iPod. I just don't like dealing with hers, so I doubt I'll ever get one for myself. see the reason for my ipod was to consolidate all my music...i'm running outta gigs now
  18. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 10:01 PM) That song kicks ass, especially the Witmark Office demo from 1963. There is a classic 2CD set of Witmark Office demos, and the stuff is much more emotional than the officially released stuff from 1962 and 1963, with few exceptions. Some of my favorites include Walkin' Down The Line, Girl Of The North Country, Farewell, I'd Hate To Be You On That Dreadful Day, Masters Of War, Baby Let Me Follow You Down, Guess I'm Doing Fine, etc. God damn, I looooove me some Bob Dylan. i really wanna get the jokes thou...cause...everyone is laughing except for me.
  19. QUOTE(The Critic @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 09:19 PM) I rarely do, but when I'm working on Sunday nights I do listen to Q101. And remember, iDon't have an iPod because iHate them. iCouldn't live without mine... although i must admit i don't understand the people that have only like 150 songs on theres...
  20. bmags


    QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 02:53 PM) Finally saw 'Match Point" last night. I loved it, but probably because one of my favorite sayings is: "it's better to be lucky than good" and the film is all about luck. Scarlett J. is incredibly sexy in it, but the more I see her, the more I realize she's just above average as an actress. I thought the supporting actor and actress should have played the leads, but I guess they weren't pretty enough. i wanna see it. I love woody allen. It was playing at our local mom and pop cinema for like all of february and i still missed it. Because i'm an idiot.
  21. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 06:46 PM) I like them, but I admit I don't get a lot of the local vernacular in the lyrics. but that is supposed to be one of the things that is making them really click with the local UK fans. yeah their lyrics have gotten them some attention. Yet they also have some terrible lyrics, like one is like "Your right arm's the rocket and i am the shotgun" and a lot of complaining about bouncers and s***. So music for frat boys or something. Still, i hate to hate on these kids so much because i would still much rather listen to this on the radio than most of the garbage hawthorne height, panic at the disco, fallout boy bands on it now...i think. I haven't listened to it in a while. i have to say i can't stand matisyahu either. I hate rapping with a jamaican accent. Its such a gimmick. To me he sounds like the jack johnson of hip hop and that is a big thumbs down.
  22. QUOTE(samclemens @ Mar 7, 2006 -> 02:10 AM) oh yeah, carters nobel peace prize for his work in the middle east. he really saved that area of the world. as a result of carters work, there is now peace in the middle east. paint chips
  23. wow this thread has become...depressing.
  24. jeeze guys, just laugh at the death and move on.
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