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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Feb 15, 2006 -> 12:41 AM) Bonnaroo everyone was telling me how great the bonnaroo lineup was and while radiohead is my fav. band i'd only really want to see like 1/5 of the acts and their ticket prices are f***ing expensive and i've heard its always ran rather sloppily
  2. i have no desire to go to this...sure there would be some bands i'd love to see, but for 150 in sweltering humid chitown heat, with 6 dollar water bottles and backed up portapotties...i'll just pray that intonation happens again.
  3. hahaha, the duckhunt was sooo classic.
  4. i grew up with 3 older brothers so its hilarious to me...in 5 years he'll look back on this and laugh hysterically
  5. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 06:06 PM) I thought the title was funny also. Hopefully the guy is alright. it appears so, i'm afraid i'm not that knowledgable on what is used for quail hunting but it can't be that powerful if the guy took shells to the face and was never in any great danger even at age 75
  6. QUOTE(Texsox @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 12:07 PM) Funny thing is the GOP keeps talking about this stuff, it never happens, but by then people think it happens. Nice technique of divisivness. Notice that no Dem has even really talked about the accident, it seems like a non-issue to me. Accidents happen, it is a shame. The only ones talking about making it a political issue are Taa Daa, the GOPerheads around hear. Wouldn't the world be a betterplace if we didn't make paper tigers and make up stuff about each other? But if this is talked about, let's see how long until someone mentions Bill Clinton, y'all always do. just like how the liberals of the country would make sure that air marshall who killed the man who claimed he had a bomb would get fired right...that did happen right? No? They probably wanted it to, though
  7. bmags

    Fav. Classic Rock Song

    i'm doing an informal protest.
  8. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 03:56 AM) Perhaps they couldn't be sure of every gathering Abramoff attended. It was known he attended holiday events, whereas other dates his presence couldn't be verified. It's not the White House's obligation to prove they haven't crossed paths. Let those who are looking for any semblance of a connection collect their proof. If the evidence is located--and not just grainy photos rivaling Zapruda's film--then you have all the material to completely humiliate the administration (even more). if its not their obligation to disprove, then they shouldn't have made the announcement that they had only been to holiday parties together...
  9. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 12:59 AM) Sure, it contradicts a lie he never attended events aside from holiday gatherings. Still doesn't prove they met. why would they lie about that then? why not say they've met at holiday gatherings, but have only been in attendance elsewhere?
  10. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 12:46 AM) C'mon, I was that close to Clinton back in 1996. I was in DC for a friend's wedding, and his father was a big contributor, so the wedding party got the unofficial White House tour. While none of us got to meet him, I and the rest of theparty were at least that close while my buddy's dad went over to say hi. You think he remembers me? (If so, that would be scary!) This photo contradicts a lie. Hence it being published.
  11. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 11:09 PM) Difference is your sarcastic scenario is unlikely. You think mine is? Don't be naive. in my opinion cheney should be made fun of... "something about a bunch of 70+ year old guys jumping out of pimped out hummers shooting things..."
  12. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 09:50 PM) I'm surprised it took this long to reach Soxtalk. I woke up about 45 minutes ago, turned on CNN, and noticed the sprawling "Breaking News" title indicating Cheney accidentally shot someone. Immediately, I envisioned a fight breaking out between the conservative and liberal factions of Soxtalk. Guess it's too early for that. Cheney should just hope to God this man survives. He's in his late 70's and had a plate full of shotgun pellets lodged in him. hmm...i never actually read it...now i feel bad. The title produced some serious lol's though.
  13. LOL just kidding in the title cnn.com yet to find someone who doesn't find this a little chuckleworthy
  14. bmags

    Rap Sucks

    QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 02:53 AM) RIP Jay Dee. http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/news/06-02/10.shtml yeah i saw that today...sucks...his common tracks were great
  15. bmags


    QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 02:08 AM) Caught Land of the Dead yesterday and it was bad Devils Rejects was also horrid yeah
  16. its snowing here too! I feel like we are brothers!
  17. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Feb 11, 2006 -> 03:25 AM) Just basic carpet burns and bruises.. But there was that major charley horse which provided some good laughter. I hope that's what she was laughing at
  18. bmags

    Rap Sucks

    i love nas...best flow of anyone.
  19. i'm trying to imagine that...and i just can't...twisting your ankle on bed sheets...
  20. bmags

    Arrest Development

    QUOTE(3E8 @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 05:50 AM) Is Keenan wearing a star of David on that chain? Just when I thought that movie couldn't be any funnier. haha, no i don't think so
  21. bmags

    Arrest Development

    a friday night? Jeeze...nice send off fox
  22. bmags

    Grammy thread..

    i have to hand it to em...Dare and Dirty Harry are the catchiest synths i've ever heard...i love those songs.
  23. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 05:18 AM) ah, you're THAT guy at the shows. i remember that's the ONLY time i screamed...i SWEAR!!! nothing i cringe more at than "I love _____" or "Marry me _______"
  24. bmags

    Grammy thread..

    QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 04:36 AM) I didn't hear all of the first one so I didn't have anything to compare it to. I should get that one? I'm not much of a U2 fan. They are OK, but I don't go out of my way to listen to them. Thanks on the Gorillaz info. The sheltered life I lead, I never heard of them before last night. i like kanye west well enough so i'd say yes...as far as rap album goes i think skits are the one thing they have going for them to try and make their albums ... well albums...and i find kanyes the cheesiest of them all. Gorillaz songs to hear : DARE, clint eastwood, dirty harry, feel good lost...top four for me.
  25. bmags

    Fav. Classic Rock Song

    this whole thing was a conspiracy to eliminate my choices...
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