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Everything posted by bmags

  1. bmags

    Fav. Classic Rock Song

    i will forever hate the Dead for all they've spawned...and although i realize they had some great musicians...i find the unstructured 2 hour drivel of greatful dead concerts to be pretty boring and standard.
  2. bmags

    Grammy thread..

    i thought Late registration was a very good follow up to college dropout...for one i loved what jon brion did and i thought there was some filler songs, but i mean i think rap really isn't made for albums...and i thought it was a pretty good rap album as far as that goes. I can't believe U2 keeps getting nominated for such bogus albums. The grammys are such a joke its almost an insult to say you won a grammy. I loved when the simpsons made fun of it at pretty much every episode Gorillaz is made of : Damon Albarn, Deltron 330?, and...like 28 other people. DJ Danger Mouse produced it. Like most of his produced albums: like 5 gems...6-7 borderling awful songs.
  3. bmags


    i write notes in cursive. but yes it was a great hoax in elementary school
  4. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 10:58 PM) Mascis' guitar sounds like a jet on take off. Fans of the band have kind of a running joke with Lou where everyone yells out 'turn your bass down' between songs and Lou flips everyone off. I guess when the band split up, they had a fight onstage over Lou's bass being too loud. ooh, i want to be cool and do that...and then everyones gonna think i'm a jagoff...damnit. College town with high turnover...DAMN THAT... feist was nice and looked right at me, and said "oh yeah?" course i was too drunk to remember what i said...i'm hoping it was interesting. Haha, i have to remember to do this at Dino Jr. and not Built to spill haha...
  5. wow, 25 bucks for dinosaur jr.... that's crazy. Most i'll spend for a concert all year.
  6. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 10:40 PM) You'll need earlpugs, please do not go without. They are very loud, but not distorted, which is the beautiful thing about it. Some bands turn everything up as loud as they can with no balance or reason. I never saw MBV, by the way. i'll bring ear plugs...but if i look like a nerd...oh boy...you are gonna hear about it. i haven't seen MBV either...i've just heard they are notoriously loud...or...were rather. broken social scene live always bugs me because they never get the vocals for the girls right.
  7. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 09:34 PM) Lucky bastard. I feel you on that. Built To Spill is playing 2 shows at Metro in mid April. I want a FULL review of Dinosaur Jr.............. and don't forget the earplugs. does dJR play loud? My Bloody Valentine loud?
  8. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 08:59 PM) haha...tell me about it, better late then never right? haha, i was just kidding, sometimes i'm embarrassed at how late it took me to get into things i knew i'd like...but its like getting an xbox right when it comes out or 4 months later...in a couple years you won't give a s*** when you got it. The people who brag about finding bands are ridiculous.
  9. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 08:23 PM) CD I just received in the mail that I absolutely love: Pilate, Caught by the Window. Very mellow, but a great Canadian band. Other new acquisitions: Sufjan Stevens (yes I know I finally have it) The New Depeche Mode somebody is a year behind i don't listen to Illinoise as much as i used to but theres no denying how good chicago and feel the illinoise are...tremendous tracks.
  10. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 08:21 PM) ON THE SAME BILL ??????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haha, no , 2 sep. dates 2 weeks apart...Honestly i'd prefer it that way because then i have 2 days to look forward to instead of one. Plus 2 opening bands... its like how when i was younger i'd split the chicken nuggets in half so i would feel like i had more.
  11. dinosaur Jr. and Built to spill are coming to columbia!!!
  12. bmags


    i thought we were talking about the band :sad:
  13. bmags

    Rap Sucks

    dammit, i'm the only one with my hand raised
  14. "so....what took you so long" HAHAHAHAH oh boy! they PAY speech writers for this?
  15. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 07:22 AM) Why? Doesn't Flash have the right to express his views? Wait ... there is something ironic about this. LOL edit: for the record...i agree with flash...i think a lot of people don't understand the context of those cartoons from denmark.
  16. bmags

    Fav. Classic Rock Song

    bump for god only knows... and KG...pet sounds and smile are all i like but i really like them. I love those melodies...i like brian wilson a lot
  17. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 03:50 AM) i thought surely he stuck his two fingers in something else... come on man, gross, its six year olds
  18. bmags

    Rap Sucks

    raise your hand if you can't wait for the new ghostface khilla *raises hand*
  19. bmags

    Rap Sucks

    QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 06:00 AM) Can you imagine the uproar if I started a 'Dave Matthews Band Sucks' i'd be the one starting that thread
  20. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 04:42 AM) Well maybe if the president before bush actually had taken out Bin Laden when they sighted him with the Predator a few years before 9/11, maybe it wouldnt of happened. But then again that president throught it was a f***ing law enforcement issue. See how fun it is to go back and paint revisionist history. well maybe if bush had read and given serious credibility to intelligence reports telling about airplanes attacking major targets we could've stopped 9/11 revisionist history is fun!
  21. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 02:31 AM) it was in the context of G.W Bush stopping terrorist attacks in the US edit: reading is fun way to justify that... :rolly
  22. bmags

    Rap Sucks

    QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Feb 9, 2006 -> 04:17 AM) You suck. i used to think this but then i got my head out of my ass and realised there is great stuff in every genre, even polka.
  23. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 08:23 PM) I'm all for doing more to stop littering, but this is not the solution. The restaurant isn't the problem - the lazy asses who litter are. Want revenue for clean-up? Tell the cops to ticket for littering when they see it. And tell the press you intend to do that. The combined effects should help. WORD
  24. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 05:48 PM) See, with that attitude, you'll make a bunch of us old guys proud! Tracing the roots, not many people do that. But with a love for Tim, and him having such a huge love of where he came from, any fan of his isn't a true fan unless they look to where he came from. The Punk genre needs more Tim Armstrongs on top. It would sure help the scene from what is happening to it now. than why did rancids new video have those good charlotte dunces...
  25. QUOTE(daa84 @ Feb 7, 2006 -> 06:20 PM) not a great performance, but one of the best pictures left in my mind was brandon pitching against boston, and i want to say it was to varitek or trot nixon, and he started out changeup, curve ball, fastball, curve, change and the batter looked lost on every single pitch that was thrown. To me it was teh AB that signified that Bmac had what it takes not only to pitch in the bigs but to make big league hitters look plain silly ^^^ first game i watched on mlb tv
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