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Everything posted by bmags

  1. i was just about to say i saw his myspace page. What sickened me most was one person like congratulated him on bein "a true killer"
  2. QUOTE(Yoda @ Feb 5, 2006 -> 09:04 PM) Wow Rex, that’s a pretty good list, but I was only asking for two. Is it possible for you to choose two songs out of that list? lol, i was gonna say something like that but i figured so many people already broke it... btw, god only knows is the best and you all know it. I can't sleep until i get validation.
  3. bmags

    Jim DeRogatis

    my best songs of '05: Doves - Snowden The Constantines - Soon Enough Animal Collective - Grass Jamie Liddell - Multiply Sufjan Stevens - Come on! Feel the Illinoise
  4. bmags

    Jim DeRogatis

    QUOTE(The Critic @ Feb 5, 2006 -> 06:24 PM) The nominees are: Rascal Flatts "Bless The Broken Road" Bruce Sprinsteen "Devils & Dust" John Legend "Ordinary People" U2 "Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own" Mariah Carey "We Belong Together" ( by the way, about the nominees..... :puke ) I don't think he was being ironic. Here's his comment: "Yes, it was a guilty pleasure, but the emphasis is on the pleasure." ewww, that man saying pleasure makes me cringe. I don't even want to think about him dancing to it. So basically, it seems that the grammys just looks if springstein, mariah, and U2 have an album out and then put the tracklisting up on the wall, throw a dart one of the songs and nominate it. Pretty hugely boring list. And John Legend, Ugh, he is the most samey, seen before, nothing new artist i've seen in a while. Perfect pick for the oscars.
  5. bmags

    Jim DeRogatis

    oh god. Maybe he was being ironic?
  6. bmags

    Betty Friedan dies

    this isn't as big an impact as grandpa munster but its still tough
  7. bmags


    Paul Giamotti has quickly become one of my favorite actors since american splendor
  8. bmags


    QUOTE(Soxy @ Feb 4, 2006 -> 09:15 PM) *finally* went and saw Walk the Line. Really, a good film. Joaquim Pheonix was incredible. I really felt like it was Johnny Cash I was watching. Really good. Even my non-Johnny Cash liking friend enjoyed it. Tonight: Capote. good movie
  9. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Feb 3, 2006 -> 02:56 PM) Which three bands? Are we talking about my three actual bands, that I was in? For Cheap Trick, I am partial to "Daddy Should Have Stayed In High School". Something about the grit in that song. I will also take all of the One On One album, which I consider one of the greatest albums ever recorded. sorry, green.
  10. its odd, because, i get more chills reading peoples reactions and reading about what happened in the game then i do actually watching the highlights over. Because sometimes its not the play its how much tension and everything that was going on, and that's what made it so special. This was the first time in my life i'd ever ever been in anything like this. It was incredible. OH MY GOD was it beautiful
  11. i read that as "hundreds of dead poets"
  12. QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Feb 3, 2006 -> 05:09 AM) And many consider it to being "Born To Be Wild", if for no other reason than the phrase "heavy metal" appearing in the song. I stand by it though that it is not a good song. But this is just my opinion, and no more valid than somebody claiming one of my favorite bands to being crap, as many do. you're three bands are s***e, yo
  13. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 3, 2006 -> 05:52 AM) But the Pumpkins were a great group. That said, without James and D'Arcy, it's not going to be the Pumpkins. What was the band Corgan and Chamberlain put together after MACHINA? I saw them once on Letterman, and it seemed really forced and flat. yar...i heard they got D'arcy thou...still...no Iha no pumpkinds. He wrote mayonaise yo
  14. bmags


    QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Feb 3, 2006 -> 05:46 AM) oh geez, there's a remake? it was the henry fonda original i know...it'd be like remaking snakes on a plane...in like 50 years
  15. i'm suprised my two choices weren't seconded...:sad:
  16. bmags


    QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Feb 3, 2006 -> 03:15 AM) I saw "12 Angry Men" for the first time last night... Excellent, excellent movie. i hope it was the first one and not the remake
  17. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 09:39 PM) Public intox doesn't require driving - and how they got caught at the prom. Drinking under age IS illegal.. and he could have imposed a harsher punishment from the get go.. But didn't. And got a slap in the face for it. Read the article again.. they got over it, pulled the ringleaders ass out of college, and took away her car. Polly's comments now: "Polly Meerschaert said the experience has taught her that parents can't be too careful. "Peer pressure is tremendous," she said. "Years ago, kids didn't think twice about getting a buzz. "Now, I'd say to parents, 'Check the purses. Check the limos. Talk to the limo driver. Find out who else is going.' I would second-guess everything." Will it still be silly if your kid drinks themself to death.. or, God forbid, does get behind the wheel and kills someone. Long time away... I know. Agree to disagree. no it doesn't require driving...your example of a DUI case does...which is why i found it irrelevant. Realize though there is a difference between the examples you gave, and what these kids did.
  18. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 08:51 PM) How was it not relevant..? the kids did not drive, they didn't harm anyone else, so comparisons to anything OTHER than MIP laws or drinking under age aren't relevant. The parents were pissed, and i didn't see them say they accepted the ruling, i only saw the "judge had a vendetta against the kids, as soon as he was personally involved he should have removed himself" and the one person who agreed with it was part of MADD, not involved... i still can't believe the kids got probation, my friend got a drinking under age ticket in high school at a party, paid like 200 bucks and had to go to a class. He got suspended for 3 days at the school. his punishment was actually harsher than others in that he had to go to a class. This is just some judge on his high horse trying to make the papers. I'm sure there are pictures of me drinking on facebook somewhere, doesn't really bother me. ANd i'm saying f*** the judge in all those pictures, too. Him bringing them back for 15 days of jail is just silly to me.
  19. i went to feist last night, pretty good show, seemed short though. i got her setlist...
  20. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 08:17 PM) An adult gets a DUI or public intox.. gets probation.. violates it and gets sent to jail. Want to play like an adult.. be prepared to pay like an adult. An adult has a sandwich, puts on too many hot peppers, gets severe heartburn lets all think of great examples that don't pertain to this subject!
  21. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 08:11 PM) with the arguments you have presented in this thread? Absolutely. The argument that the typical punishment for underage drinking is a fine and then a suspension from the school, but the judge decided to put them on probation that apparantly was long enough to span the months of them entering college, and for some odd reason they started to drink, and then busts them after seeing them on the internet and THROWS THEM IN JAIL!??!!? is a little OVER THE TOP in this case... yes, REALLY ridiculous
  22. Please people did i REALLY have to put that in green to show sarcasm?!?!?
  23. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 08:02 PM) Gotcha. Basically the notion that you are going to get near-instant measurable levels of some contaminant in tissues a couple of links up in the food web is flawed. For fish to show an accumulation of a toxin they are taking in through an oral route, the toxin has to be taken up by organisms at a lower level on the food chain, and that toxin has to pass up the chain to ultimately accumulate in tissues of top predators. It's more or less the same for shellfish, even though they are suspension feeders lower on the food chain. They have to filter lots of microalgae in order to accumulate significant tissue quantities of the contaminants. interesting...i was also questioning that article, as he said that human feces was common to seep its way into flood water, then he never mentioned it, and then said "people buy supplements for more iron and such" and all seemed a bit contrived and silly. But i think the journalists were giving their interpretation and i'm guessing some of that water looked pretty nasty...
  24. QUOTE(Iwritecode @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 08:01 PM) Next time you get pulled over for doing 50 in a 45 (yes, it can happen) try telling the cop that because eveyone else does it and gets away with it that you should be able to do the same thing and don't deserve a ticket. You might have a few seconds to drive away while the cops is rolling on the ground laughing. There's no such thing as "a little bit illegal". I am, and then i'm gonna get Probation and take pictures of my speedometer going 90 in a school zone flicking off the camera and saying "f*** you cop" LOL OLKLOLOLOOLOL and then he'll bust me LOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOL
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