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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 08:02 PM) Actually, your speeding reference was irrelevant. using Like or as constitutes an analogy...
  2. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 08:02 PM) Not surprised.. lol? another witty comment from steff
  3. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 07:59 PM) How do you feel about drunk drivers? If they make it home, it must be ok? You must be a pretty lenient guy. did these kids drink and drive? No, irrelevant.
  4. QUOTE(Steff @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 07:58 PM) Yep. I've said it before and I'll say it again.. until some asshole harms you or someone in your family it's "ok", no matter what the law is. i've read that second sentence like 15 times and its still not making sense to me.
  5. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 07:34 PM) Sure, kids coming to prom wasted is ok. It happens every day so it shoudl be made legal. We should just eliminate all of the underage drinking laws because they are broken every day, right? These kids got what they deserved, just because you sympathize doesnt make it right. When i graduated in 1996, there were 7 guys at my prom who were busted for drinking at the prom. This isnt something out of the blue, this is a common occurence now. Why? Because underage drinking is illegal. the "underage kids drink everyday" came from you justifying posting that article without copyright and saying "people do it all the time" I'm in college and i drink. i'm underage. Do i feel like i'm doing something wrong? no. You know why? Because i know that the legislators who passed that 21 law likely drank before 21. To me its like going 50 in a 45 speed zone. So do i agree with a judge giving kids probation for drinking at a twice in a lifetime event notorious for drinking and popping cherrys, then finding pictures of them drinking in college, alerting their probation officers, bringing them back in court and jailing them. And saying badass statements like "maybe you should think about a different line of work". NO N...f***ing O
  6. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 07:42 PM) Uh, sorry. Basically, I agree that the term "toxic soup" was thrown about rather casually, but I think the author cherrypicked the indicators that best conveyed the picture that N.O. was flooded with water that wasn't overly polluted. I've been in lots of water that most people would not willingly go into – stagnant mangrove marshes, mosquito impoundments, and whatnot - and it doesn't much phase me. But then again I've developed a couple of contact dermatites as a result of some of these outings too. And that had nothing to do with coliform, or any sort of contamination. Knowing the sheer volume of petroleum and industrial pollutants and human waste that had been released when the city flooded, you couldn't have paid me enough to get me to go into the N.O. floodwater unless human safety demended it. Despite what the man who suggested we spend too much on HIV research has to say about it. thanks, i think it was the bioaccumulants that did me in before
  7. i understood like maybe 4 words of your post jim
  8. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 06:55 PM) It isnt a members only article, I got it off of a Sports Radio host blog. I dont think I am doing anything wrong posting that article here, people do it every day. people underage drink everyday seriously the kids should never have even been ON probation. I think the judge was ridiculous and the school
  9. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Feb 2, 2006 -> 06:11 PM) we started at about 7:30 from what I remember. 5 pm for me...
  10. whatever, they should have never been in court in the first place. Drinking at prom?!?!? OMG!! SINCE WHEN DID THAT START?!?!?!
  11. some of those were really funny... and good for the newspaper...
  12. QUOTE(travelinman89 @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 12:58 AM) I remember the Dye walk off pretty vividly 'cause as soon as he came up I said to my brother, "No one I'd rather have up there right now." it was pretty cool. its funny, i think me and my bro said "walk off right here" as a joke but when it happened...just like any sox win...singing in the tunnels, jumping up and down...great game.
  13. psssh, you guys don't know how to watch Bush.
  14. name yours: i'm fairly confident this is NOT worthy of the political thread first and foremost... here were ours...: Drink until they stop clapping...we had to stop this one bush says terrorism=5 drinks bush misspeaks = 5 drinks seeing that lady in the yellow dress = 5 drinks bush winks = 60 drinks he f***ed us.
  15. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 08:30 PM) Oh really? I think that's just the opposite. oh you're right, in japan, hong kong, europe, and singapore among others you are born into your class and never can grow or drop. How could i forget?
  16. QUOTE(mr_genius @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 12:21 AM) i've been listeing to my old New York no-wave albums a lot lately. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! Brian Eno did a great job on it...\ D.N.A. is my favorite edit: i read that as "i've been listening to my No New York No Wave album a lot lately
  17. QUOTE(False Alarm @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 10:33 PM) he put danger doom among his tops of last year and madvillain as one of the best of 2004. he did ignore edan last year though. no excuse for that. interesting...i was going off of "sound opinions" cause i only get the sunday tribunes occasionally
  18. chicken doesn't make that sound when you chew it...the rest was too unbelievable for me to even watch
  19. bmags

    Soxtalk = BANNED

    QUOTE(heirdog @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 10:01 PM) Replace one vowel in "Soxtalk" and you have your answer. The firewalls probably have simple "worm" codes that randomly seek key words and anything close so unfortunately, yours is a blind earthworm that misreads vowels. Of course, you could petition the mods to change the name of this forum but I don't think you'll have success since it will dilute the brand equity already gained by the site over the years. OH...
  20. well, if that is the definition we are going with , its a no brainer for me... God Only Knows - The Beach Boys A Day in the Life - The Beatles
  21. I have to make an EXTREMELY HIGH recommendation on the new Neko Case - Fox Confessor Brings the Flood, I feel this album would be great for a lot of people in the SLP forum. Neko Case is a female singer/songwriter who sings with the New Pornographers and has one of the most distinct and in my opinion the best female voice in modern music...its really great, really really great
  22. bmags

    Soxtalk = BANNED

    QUOTE(DukeNukeEm @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 09:50 PM) Its not message board. I get on NFL-Fans.com easy as 1-2-3 I think its becasue this board is active as a phillipino whore fans isn't? they have pretty similar traffic
  23. bmags


    QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 09:06 PM) Youngin. Pick up some Curtis Blow and then we'll talk. i can't wait when i can say that to people...oh wait...i can very much wait for that... also...ehhh on ludacris...i can't stand that accentuation on every R sound he makes...sounds cheesy to me like trance music or something...
  24. bmags

    Soxtalk = BANNED

    i think schools block any message boards and a bunch of generic things...i remember back in high school nearly everything was blocked because of "games" even if it wasn't a game site
  25. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Jan 31, 2006 -> 08:16 PM) I'm sorry... and this is going to make me sound like such an ass... but NO WHERE in the ENTIRE WORLD do people have more of an opportunity to better themselves then in this country. sooooo shortsighted
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