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Everything posted by bmags

  1. i was lookin forward to tommy john...but whatever...i'll be gone for 1/3 of the season anyways
  2. hernias are painful. that is all.
  3. bmags


    QUOTE(farmteam @ Jan 11, 2006 -> 04:04 AM) That makes a lot of sense. I just seem to have a lot of random questions about Missouri (it's where I'm most interested in), so I hope I'm not overwhelming you. What's the sports atmosphere like? Like, are there loud student sections at football and basketball games? Thanks for answering all my questions! sports atmosphere for football = disappointing...to be fair they have an awesome sports package that for 200 bucks i got tickets for every single game (volleyball, football, basketball, baseball, blah!) and the football games were fun, but very long and the crowd sometimes i think doesn't cheer that well. Haven't been to a bball game yet because it didn't match up well with test days.
  4. mines kinda like arod except bmags its pretty terrible i should change it
  5. QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 07:40 PM) I was talking to Southsider, who I believe made the original post. I went to 22 years of catholic schools, I'm supremely confident I have a pretty good idea what missionary work has involved over the centuries(Unless what they tell you about missionaries is all lies, which I suppose wouldn't be the first time). Enough of a working knowledge to make the comment I made. And, if you disagree so vehemently, please share with the class why you disagree with what I said regarding missionaries. It would make it alot easier to respond to i don't deny that there are some missionaries that are corrupt...but what your saying is that the poor uneducated people don't genuinely believe what they're being taught, and i find that arrogant and untrue. Is it that hard to believe that people could actually believe in a religion. For instance, in ethiopia, there are three religions...the orthodox christian church, Islam, and the "reformed" christian church...the orthodox Christian church is extremely corrupt and preaches near hate against women. The Government is run by Muslims who refuse to allow churches to be built. So the ever growing population of the reformist Christians is being purposely stalled because it threatens both. The missionaries there are helping the people set up places of worship and the people are not going there merely for handouts. That's absurd. but then again, i'm not dealing with catholics.
  6. i'm suprised the phillies were still at 14
  7. QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 07:25 PM) It's not arrogant, it's the truth. You spend years and years sending missionaries down to these countries where people have no food, no rights no shelter, etc. And show them some kindness by providing food, medicine, etc.(which is a great thing and kudos to those respective religious groups for their generosity) and they will believe in whatever religion you teach them, because you've given them the only hope they have. Why is it that all these countries are churning out huge number of catholics/christians, but no buddhists or hindus or taoists? "You spend years" who the hell are you talking to? unless you have been a missionary, i find this talk rather dense and ignorant...i know missionaries and their experience is far different than the one you present. I'd trust their word.
  8. QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 07:17 PM) Central and South America(and much of Africa for that matter) are populated primarily by uneducated, unsophisticated people that would believe in anything someone with a sandwich and sentiments of hope tells them to believe in. The only figures that matter are those taken from mostly developed countries. aree you serious? since when do people need a formal education to follow religion?
  9. QUOTE(soxman352000 @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 03:59 AM) I'm thinking about just droping and taking regular government. I don't need to be subjected to that s***. STICK WITH IT AP classes with some teachers are so easy to make a 5.0 on...
  10. QUOTE(WCSox @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 07:11 PM) Does that survey discount all of Central and South America, which is pretty much all Catholic? seriously, and i find it hard to believe some of the mediterranean countries don't have as high of a rate
  11. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 07:01 PM) What does Harris and Justice Ginsberg got to do with this? willies fast, and ginsberg had a mean curve.
  12. QUOTE(Wong & Owens @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 07:00 PM) That doesn't say that at all. It says certain churches had growth, but didn't elaborate on most of them. As a whole, people who consider themselves "religious" to the point that they actually practice is in decline in this country. Ask any catholic diocese in the country about their growth rate..... yes, i wonder why the catholic growth rate would be declining.
  13. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 06:25 PM) Unfortunately? You want a Godless America? No wonder the liberals are dragging this country right down the s***ter. what in the??? he was saying unfortunately for the poster that the facts don't back up that claim...
  14. with a name like javier AND lopez... must be an all star its like naming your kid Willie Ruth
  15. bmags


    QUOTE(farmteam @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 04:50 AM) Question for Missouri folks: How hard is it for Freshman to get their first choice of dorms? Like, do Freshman ever get into the newer/ones with suites (Discovery, Respect, Responsibility, Excellene), or are those reserved for upperclassmen? Not terribly important, just curious, really. they tore down their s***ties dorm and are replacing it with a nicer one... i know a lot of frosh in the excellence respect...blah etc. dorms, i think that if you rank it one you have a pretty good chance but remember that it is like 3 grand more a semester i think.maybe 2 more. I got all my first choices, A/C, open over breaks...and i'm more than happy with the size of my room. However, you don't get to pick what dorm yhou want, you pick what characteristics of the dorm you want...but if you put Suite as number one, you'd prolly get it. I got cramer and i'm happy with it. Also, kids are lots of times grouped with your major...Journalism kids are in Twain, defoe, cramer, business kids are in hatch, ...rollins? i unno..but you see where i'm goin with htis
  16. bmags


    QUOTE(farmteam @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 11:29 PM) Ha, well it's a good thing I don't have a 2.0 GPA. i agree...missouri's admissions weren't that tough i thought when i saw them...2.0 wouldn't get you in but if you applied early...the mid 50 for act was like 24 and class percentage like top 40...
  17. bmags


    QUOTE(farmteam @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 11:25 PM) Hm. So are you saying that if I hypothetically had like a 2.0 GPA (I don't, thank heavens), but got a 26 or higher on the ACT I automatically am admitted to the school of journalism at Mizzou? If you are admitted to missouri...and frankly, with a 2.0 gpa good luck... but if you scored a 26 or higher in your ENGLISH on your act...yes you are in...but there may have been a gpa but i don't think so...there may havebeen a class rank...like top 50 or something...i'm not sure. I just remember 26 and i think that was it.
  18. bmags


    QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 11:17 PM) How do you watch Sox games? Or do you? Also, the above posts helped a lot. Thanks. well, i watched all the summer games and april games...the few that were on WGN and there was a series with KC i saw...i also "recieved" an account for MLB.tv and i saw the september games, which nearly gave me an ulcer...i think my posting shot way down in september haha... then the playoffs were on TV...
  19. i love fat tire beer...but its a treat because i can't afford it. unfortunately, its natty light day and night for me. i hate water.
  20. bmags


    QUOTE(maggsmaggs @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 10:54 PM) Bmags, I will probably be going there next year or Northwestern. What advice can you give? I hope my above post helped to be honest NW and Mizzou are 1a 1b for journalism...your thoughts there would be price and atmosphere. I will tell you that mizzou is not that diverse ethnically, but does have kids from all over, so there are myriad different personalities. PLus, we have the best rec center in the country and i'm very happy with our dorms.
  21. bmags


    I'll shed light... Its 16.5 i believe for out of state...but they have pretty attainable scholarships for out of states, both my friends got the 2500 scholarship, i got the 5500, making it a bit of a jump from U of I but my dad said we could handle it. The Journalism school IIRC is automatic admission if you scored a 26 in your english on your ACT. I got in automatically through that which is cool because if you are prejournalism you have to be on top of things to get in. a 3.0 might not even do it. Now, the good. We have an NBC affiliate channel for our training in the journalism school. We have a NPR station for our training in the journalism school. We have the town newspaper (The Missourian) for our training in the missouri school. Depending on your sequence, you will WORK in those (not paid of course) where you will be more than prepared for the work force. We are currently ranked #1 in the country for journalism and are actively recruited post school, although sometimes the job placements through the school aren't the best. We are also first with the "convergence" major, and, i don't know that much about it...but they feel pretty strongly that this is the future in media...its a chance but the kids that are in it have the opportunity to get great jobs right away. As for socially, i'm somewhat disappointed, they REALLY do card here. Except for tequila's. But, to get tehre you need a car. PLUS, off campus housing is rather far, meaning the only parties are greek, or east campus, where the cops just sit and break up parties within an hour. ON the other hand, i've met a ton of cool people and i've had GREAT professors who, in spite of the large numbers in my frosh classes, took the time to get to know me. I'm very happy with this school as they also have many programs to try and get you out in 4 years...which if you head to U of I, it is a concern you might be there for 5...and that was consideration my dad also took. I have to get out in 4 or else i pay for my 5th...and i'm confident i can do it. I'm in news editorial, if you have any questions you can pm me or ask here i'll be looking for it. And i guess the greek thing won't be a problem for you being a dave fan
  22. bmags


    QUOTE(farmteam @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 10:42 PM) Yeah, for those looking at Journalism, look at Missouri. One of the top Journalism schools around, and, IIRC, it's pretty cheap for an out of state school. Also IIRC, someone from this board went there last year, can't remember who though. They can probably shed some light on Mizzou. I'm not sure how hard it is to get into Mizzou's Journalism program though. I thought that you can get into it as long as you are regularly accepted, but I might be wrong. i go to missouri for journalism
  23. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 10:49 PM) http://www.gapersblock.com/news/archives/2006/01/#011853 so basically i went to U of Mizzou for no reason.
  24. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 10:34 PM) Actually she looks very touchable to me..... I applaud you.
  25. bmags


    QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 09:45 PM) I've heard different things, because I too am looking into journalism and am planning on going to U of I or Grand Valley State. Both fit me well, but I think I can play D2 club hockey at U of I so I may choose there. MISSOURI!
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