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Everything posted by bmags

  1. QUOTE(sayitaintso @ Dec 11, 2005 -> 11:51 PM) Honel is a pitcher. i think he was saying that honel is a best prospect, so it was like saying, considering all of our best prospects are in the outfield (except for kris honel, who is a best prospect but a pitcher)
  2. QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Dec 11, 2005 -> 11:31 PM) Give AJ what he wants and be grateful we have a great catcher, I say. seriously, especially with our terrible record bringing up catchers
  3. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Dec 11, 2005 -> 09:56 PM) I say we go to the XFL rules and allow players to put whatever they want on their back. Joe's name can be "He K Me" and his number will go up for each strikeout he gets. hahaha, best. post. ever.
  4. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Dec 11, 2005 -> 09:35 PM) Is that what it's going to be? yes, for the number of homers, and hits, he will have
  5. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Dec 11, 2005 -> 09:16 PM) True that. 6.
  6. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Dec 10, 2005 -> 11:43 PM) http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/11/nyregion...agewanted=print You may remember Lillo Brancato as Matthew Bevilacqua wannabe gangster who tried to kill Chris on the Sopranos. this'll be a good episode!
  7. QUOTE(3E8 @ Dec 11, 2005 -> 02:32 AM) I can safely eat 3/4 of a can of albacore tuna per week, according to this calculator: http://www.ewg.org/issues/mercury/20031209/calculator.php There was one summer where I ate five cans of tuna each week. my brother did that like through college... i hate stuff like this...i'm glad they did it, but i mean what are teh positive aspects of mercury? god, my familys from near chesapeake bay, all we do is have seafood
  8. QUOTE(whitesoxfan99 @ Dec 10, 2005 -> 10:55 PM) Adam Morrison just banked in a three to put Gonzaga up by 2 with 2.5 seconds left. What a lucky shot. that was amazing!
  9. QUOTE(forrestg @ Dec 10, 2005 -> 08:08 PM) This is not an example of a left handed reliever for an outfielder but rather a competition of team psychologists. haha, well said
  10. QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Dec 10, 2005 -> 06:08 PM) anyone watch? I'm watching the wrap up specials and I hateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Danny. He's a little boston b****. bad, PA...stop caring about MTV shows. they'll make you liberal yah, i watched that follow up, i can' believe that ugly bastage got johanna
  11. QUOTE(SnB @ Dec 9, 2005 -> 11:42 PM) good article, it's always good to read a positive buzz about this team, but I have a beef with one quote. we do? last time i checked we were having an awful time with our prospects developing. well, we look towards the prospects but sometimes they don't develop...i.e. durham to willie, lofton - rowand, valentin - uribe (kinda)...frankly, my mind is on fire from last night still so...help
  12. that was fun... i really love being a fan of the world series champs. Everything tastes better...maybe that's why i've gained ten pounds!
  13. QUOTE(3E8 @ Dec 9, 2005 -> 07:54 PM) I'm looking for opinions on the greatest Christmas CD's, old and new... i think the best christmas album of all time is the charlie brown christmas cd...actually done by vincent somethin...my favorite one, and its not christmas for me without it... here are christmas songs by sufjan stevens. http://www.chattablogs.com/quintus/archives/019666.html
  14. whoever wrote that article is a damn good writer... sorry, i'm a journalism student...
  15. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Dec 9, 2005 -> 01:47 AM) Except he's a righty. yeah uh, it was a joke that we lowered our standards.
  16. I just bought Liars - They were wrong, so we drowned really different from their debut, and i think i like it more even though its not as infectious
  17. ugh... um i just booked a southwest flight next wednesday ... i hope it doesn't snow
  18. QUOTE(GasHeGone @ Dec 9, 2005 -> 12:06 AM) Why do I feel like our standards for talent fell through the floor when we traded Damaso? I like the trade, but it sounds like the desperation of Soxtalkers for a lefty reliever is driving people to consider bottom-of-the-barrel talent. I'm waiting for someone to recommend bringing back Melido Perez and telling him to throw with his left hand out of the bullpen. Let's give a minor leaguer a shot instead of signing some 40 year old hack. Let's get JOSE PANIAGUA
  19. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 06:24 PM) Coulter can make some good points when she doesn't let her smart ass and degrading comments in the way. I liken her to Bill Maher. They may have some good points for their sides of the spectrums, but their delivery is offensive and over shadows their points the majority of the time. the difference is maher is actually a comedian, and coulter tries to be.
  20. being just removed from high school... i can't say i had any teachers preach about their political beliefs openly, even in government classes. They would present both sides...especially in government. the first statement in this paragraph is false, by the way because i was supposed to add this - except for 2 conservative teachers and one i don't know. One always talked about welfare draining taxpayer money (but seriously, this was in naperville, so shut up i'd say) One talked about how democrats weren't strong enough post 9/11...and the third, all he said after the 2004 election was, i know some of you are upset, and some of you are happy, but really, this won't effect you much at this point in your lives, what i want you to do, is take this enthusiasm for government, and go local. Go look at your local issues, because thats where you'll find the most satisfaction in your voice... i loved that third teacher. he understood us much mroe than the condescending tones of the first two.
  21. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 07:52 PM) Yes he will. NOSTRADAMUS
  22. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 07:14 AM) Yeah we live in a world that terrorist will never ever ever get their hands on those types of weapons, and if they do, they will never ever ever use them in large metropolitan areas. Ask yourself a few years ago, that if these same people were going to hijack planes and have coordinated suicide attacks that would bring down the twin towers. I am sure that the same Die Hard 3 hypothetical comment would come up. yes, yes, hard to say no when you set up a question as : okay, we have two minutes to dismantle a bomb that will kill millions and we have the only person who knows the code in custody, and he says the only way to get it out of him is to torture. What would you do? um,well, uhhh... The fact is this isn't how torture is used. It is on a far lower scale and when used, the information received has been largely fabricated so that the torture would stop. It's a hollywood mentality that still shows that all you have to do is twist his nipples and he'll give u the information, but they could say anything and we look into it and its probably bulls***. Innocent people are being tortured, and we are sitting here saying, yeah, but we should keep torture availabel just in case with two minutes left to go in the fourth quarter... the fact is, if a scenario like this comes up...law will likely be bypassed. BUt that doesn't mean we should not legislate a no-torture policy, just because the doomsday scenario is in the distance.
  23. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 06:55 AM) For those who believe there is no justification at all for torture.... So if Johnny Jihadi is part of a terrorist cell and has operational knowlege of a major disaster such as biological weapon/nuclear/chemical that is going to be detonated in a major metropolitan area, there is no reason what so ever to give this guy the five across the eyes, or some other methods to get the information that could save thousands of people. Maybe we can give the family members of those people a letter letting them know that I know their family member died a horrible painful death, but we saved the right of due process of Johnny Jihadi. Sorry at times the humane thing is to save the masses from death and pain over one person. That person lost their rights when they decided to take actions to murder thousands. yes, yes, the famous "Die Hard 3" hypothetical situation... :rolly
  24. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Dec 8, 2005 -> 05:44 AM) Wow, I am a real thread killa. /still waiting for torture proponents to say that our murdering people in custody is a good thing for our image & that it will cease terrorism you reflect what i want to say much better than i can.
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