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Everything posted by bmags

  1. he was a great interview after the world series...group 4...no longer.
  2. you guys were having far too much fun with eachother for anyone else to join
  3. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 07:26 PM) *SLURP* I'm happy I'll get to see a majority of this while home on breaks, and I'll tape those. I'll have to request tapings of this from the people at home for the rest. amen to that, i was so happy to see how i'll be home for nearly all of em
  4. QUOTE(White Sox Josh @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 10:39 PM) Iguchi should be the #3 hitter because he is the best All-Around Hitter on this team. If he was a #3 hitter he could probably hit 30 Home Runs and 100 RBI. i'd say thats a long shot honestly.
  5. any batter that can hit a right handers slider would be appreciated.
  6. could anyone point me to a place where i could find what that bruce living hissy fit was
  7. QUOTE(Sox Hustler @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 08:29 PM) I know they aren't raising prices by a lot but they have been raising it higher the past 2 years. At least from what I remember. How much more are they gonna raise it? I go to as many games as I can but with parking you're guarenteed to spend about $50 bucks each time you go to a game. seriously, the train is the only way to go for me...i can't WAIT for the metra stop!
  8. living in mizzou now, i'm gonna listen to every cardinals broadcast...
  9. bmags

    Be A Pal

    QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 02:18 PM) You did pass the secret, liberal only test, they give to assure that all journalists think the same and will work together to elect Presidents?! And to clarify my point above. Experience stringing during college, demonstrate you can write, have almost any major, and you will be employed. Look on TV and see Greta for example, a shining example of a lawyer, turned commentator. s***, i'm not gonna get a job now am i damn journalism liberal test comes junior year
  10. it'd be great if its true...but...i have my doubts honestly...
  11. bmags

    Be A Pal

    QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 06:40 AM) Germanic Studies Pros: You get to speak German Did you not understand the speaking German aspect? You can scare the f*** out of anyone while yelling in German Cons: Christ, who cares? You're speaking German! German is a part of my (possible) triple major, and I love it. i've found college german much more fulfilling and interesting than high school german...
  12. i'm falling in love with loretta lynn...beautiful...and nico too...and vashyti bunyan... good week for female singers in my collection
  13. QUOTE(Soxy @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 10:47 PM) See, here's the thing. I don't tell Doctors how best to heal people. I don't tell my mechanic how to fix my car. I don't tell my grocery cashiers how to bag my groceries. Why? Because that's not my job. My training is not in those areas. I want my medical advice from a licensed doctor. I was my car fixed by a trained mechanic. And I want my science from people trained in science. The question isn't oh, well, at least evolution will still be taught. The question is: why are we ignoring the people with the most training in this area and choosing to listen to people with far less experience/knowledge about the topic. As a nation, if we continue to allow our children's education to be compromised by theologians and religious zealots who are ignorant to the scientific method, we are committing (in my mind) a grave crime against those children, future generations, and ourselves. This debate has been laid to rest in mainline (and any respectable) scientific theories and deserves to be treated as any other refuted theory. yes, and i agree, i'm not an advocate for creationism or ID, i was pissed to see Kansas' decision, however, if science is going to lose this battle i want at least for kids to be presented what they should be presented, and what their crazy parents want them to be presented. Not just crazy parents.
  14. about 1% seriously thou, i feel this is a battle that if the science community is going to lose, that they don't lose outright, and still have evolution taught...although they shouldn't lose.
  15. he was at the u of missouri basketball game last night which i didn't attend due to a chem test the next day. I hate my life.
  16. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 09:26 PM) I think Hermanson had a career year until his back injury sidelined him. Politte and Cotts had career years, other than that the team was at or below their career norms good call on hermanson, but i'm not really worried with jenks being our closer. cotts and politte yes. Although, hopefully with Cotts, its a sign of things to come.
  17. i've read a couple of interviews with scientists who said they are fine with the teaching of ID as long as they also teach the real science. So i'm like f*** it...whatever they do, as long as the actual science using things that are measurable is taught...its cool.
  18. QUOTE(DePloderer @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 07:58 PM) With the advent of thin, flat screen TV's, sex on TV is becoming more difficult to manage. hahaha
  19. bmags

    Be A Pal

    QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 07:36 PM) Is it really that high now? When I was coming out, back in the days before color television, starting pay at CNN was $13,500. Now, I know it's not like that now, but you can't tell me that there is anyway you will be making more than $25K coming out, can you? coming out of the #1 journalism school in the country , its closer to 35 K , but obviously news editorial compared to broadcast or advertising or magazine all have different starting salaries...news editorial is a little less, closer to 30...but advertising which is under the J-school is much higher, driving up the avg. broadcast i can see making considerably less considering if you are not one of the few who get REAL work at KOMU, you would have to settle for a foot in the door...
  20. bmags

    Be A Pal

    journalism pros: get to meet many people and understand your community sense of accomplishment in the work communications cons: starting pay low deadlines some fields competitive (broadcast/sports) i'm in journalism at u of missouri, and they recruit kids out of our j-school, so i feel pretty good about getting a job out of school even if its but 35-40K coming out
  21. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 06:21 PM) i'm with you
  22. nobody except garland and contreras had career years...I don't quite understand where you got the rest from.
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