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Everything posted by bmags

  1. i'm gonna go ahead and say piniella PROLLY has no future in broadcasting, nice guy, just the voice isn't what it should be
  2. good count...what the f*** is this split explanation...gayest thing i've ever seen...
  3. at the very least, we know this group won't be biased
  4. i liked this quiz better because when your nineteen its far too hard to know the previous 80 years of history...
  5. QUOTE(rcpweiner @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 11:58 PM) Has anyone else had a boner for the past 4 days? No? *slowly backs away* you should seek medical attention
  6. bmags

    Game 2 TV?

    QUOTE(Kalapse @ Oct 11, 2005 -> 09:24 PM) If you're in the St. Louis/Houston market you'll get the NLCS game on Fox and you'll get the Sox/Angels game on FX and vice versa. which is great since i don't get FX...f*** YOU FOX
  7. is this paul byrd formerly of royals fame? i won't lie, for as much as i cry about how nobody knows about the sox, i really know s*** about the angels cept for : anderson being in a cold streak this year, chone figgins being a better willie harris, Krod being absent when i saw the angels in june, percival no longer their closer, lackey, colon in rotation, colon now out of rotation, adam kennedy?, and they have VLAD and somewhere along the line benji molina turned into a f***ing good hitter.
  8. i don't remember 93, i tried hard to. This is pretty nervewrecking, but i can imagine what you said about it seeming we are closer than in 93...it would seem that way.
  9. we are one of Four teams left still playing, and are responsible for knocking out the world champs. Whatever may come, remember how you feel at this extraordinary moment. And I can't wait for the time when i post this again and say, We are one of the last two teams still playing. And I can't wait for the time when i post, We are atop everyone.
  10. unlike the previous times we were going for our ninth straight win...the mindset has to be different...we aren't saying...keep the streak, we are saying...lets get game one. Its one game. Its not our 9th
  11. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Oct 10, 2005 -> 08:13 PM) Yeah, but is she still 85 lbs., with a lot of misdirected anger? she may still be 85 pounds, but ... i mean i hated, absolutely hated her with her first record, but her second album was soo good i couldn't help but love her.
  12. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 10, 2005 -> 08:03 PM) Republicans took control of Congress in 1994. Evidentely you were asleep during the whole "Contract With America" thing. There were only 2 years where we were completely out of power. didn't really change them blaming the administration for everything even with their power
  13. QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 02:20 PM) Hey guys, for real sports writing, that doesn't have an agenda other than tearing down everything that is holy, go to http://www.deadspin.com Especially check out the "hometown sports writer" section in which they barbeque Jay Mariotti for being a huge penis. Most sports writers are hacks that couldn't cut it in other "Englishy" fields such as creative writing, non-sports journalism, etc. At least thats my thoughts. i'm a journalism major, not sports...but in all honesty the voice is not that different.
  14. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 10, 2005 -> 12:11 AM) This is taken from a Yahoo article about the flu pandemic that everyone is worried is about to happen. Every time I hear about something bad happening in the news this is always a part of the article. Democrats criticize the Bush Administration for ( insert perceived failure here ). Could they, just once, just shut the hell up and do something useful? PLEASSSSSSSE?!?!?! A potential problem arises, the administration reacts to it and Democrats whine that not enough is being done. But thats alright though. People take note of who's doing something and who sits there and crys all the time. did you take a hiatus from the country during the years of 1992 to 2000 where the republicans were doing the exact same thing except louder and dirtier?
  15. if you think that albums good you should've heard what it was supposed to sound like...
  16. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 08:18 PM) Ask the 2002 angels how important it is to have 2 lefties in the bullpen. i don't know their number
  17. QUOTE(WinningUgly85 @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 07:04 PM) This has been bothering me for some time now. When game 3 started with our series against Boston, Chris Berman went on to say "Can White Sox redeem themselves of the curse of Shoeless Joe?" Correct me if I am wrong, I thought that curses were a Boston and Chicago Cubs sort of thing. Their excuse for losing all these years. I thought we as White Sox fans don't pay any attention to such crap. When did we start believing that Shoeless cursed the Sox? Or is this one of Chris Berman's many moronic statements during the series? :banghead none of us do and we all hate the curse. People who know s*** about the sox and their fans are creating things and acting like they are true. Its like going to a different country and making observations that aren't real, then reporting them back to america.
  18. QUOTE(The Critic @ Oct 9, 2005 -> 04:37 PM) Actually, I decided to pass on it after all. I've seen 'em twice already, and truth be told, I'm getting a bit tired of the concert scene. Call it old age, call it what you will, but I've had a good time at the shows I've been to lately but not near what it used to be for me. So I'm gonna use that Dinosaur ticket money to get some AL Central Champs gear instead. Needless to say, I expect a FULL, DETAILED review from you after the show. tell me this doesn't happen to everyone!!!
  19. El Duque = >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>me
  20. QUOTE(Felix @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 07:21 PM) How about Zombie Nation? aweful song... this was a money thread...
  21. i don't know if i'd be a sox fan today had my dad not taken me to an orioles-sox game in 91 and i saw frank thomas hit. My dad was an orioles fan. i am a sox fan
  22. i took 11 shots of captain before leaving, then when i tried to get back i somehow got lost and it took me 2 hours to get home...ahhh
  23. the last article barely talked about the red sox it was actually rather nice read...the worst was the first oen with two aweful jokes
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