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Everything posted by bmags

  1. that konerko call was a great example, i had no idea it was a homerun until i saw him rounding the base, but for the ortiz home run, he gave a back back back BUT HE CAN"T GO BACK ANYMORE HOME RUN!!! what the f*** man wheres our HR call? its fun that this is the only negative part of this series haha
  2. QUOTE(bigred3535 @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 12:56 AM) Why all the hate on Crede? Great defense, as usual, and even laid down a very nice bunt. He did what he had to. He was better than Mueller, at any rate. well, that botched play where he kicked it behind the back stop, and the not an error, but the play where damon hit it right at him and he didn't scoop it...thats why...
  3. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 12:54 AM) "And the Red Sox dream of repeating as World Series Champions is over." It really should have been a call for a White Sox winner but no, he calls it as a Red Sox loser. I would have appreciated an unbiased announcer for this series but ESPN doesn't give a s*** now do they? exactly, everything was about how it affected the red sox, not what the white sox did, and considering we beat their ASS...well, you know
  4. QUOTE(WinninUgly @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 12:46 AM) Everyone but Marte, that was almost a horrible collapse. Thank god for El Duque and his Black Magic. and crede imo...
  5. i've never seen anyone so sad to see a team lose that was supposed to be a national announcer... its not like he ever said anything bashing the sox, they all just never said anything ABOUT the white sox ever. And like i said earlier, i think its because they've never seen us play/didn't scout us. Because basically all they knew was buerhle works fast. They were lucky in the first game because we did soo much offensively they could focus on in game things rather than reflect that to what wed id in the season... i'm glad those f***ers are done
  6. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 12:43 AM) He gave Damaso the chance to do his job(you know, that whole getting lefties out thing), and Damaso s*** the bed. Now Ozzie has to know that Cotts is his man in that situation. Damaso proved it to him. that's true
  7. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 12:40 AM) I picked Contreras because he kind of dictated how the series went... Good pitching > good hitting. i can see that...i think when he went out and dominated, i think everyone had to step back (not us fans) and say, hey, wait, you mean teams can be different from year to year?
  8. QUOTE(ottawa_sox @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 12:40 AM) The 2005 magic continues. I yelled so loud on the final out that my cat ran into a wall trying to escape. haha, i was giving a friend play by play over the phone, when i saw that last grounder, all i could say was "HITO...SOX WIN YEAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHH", i'm pretty sure i mighta burst his ear drum, but then i realized he was doing the same thing
  9. QUOTE(Sox Hustler @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 12:38 AM) There is no ALDS MVP, AJP was great, Uribe was great, PK! he saved us a lot, Jenks! Rowand for making some nice plays, GOOCH!! This was a team effort, hopefully they keep it going. that's what makes this thread fun...its obviously not one person, if one player has to carry this team i doubt we'll make it to the ws...we executed soo good top to bottom, the only one i was dissappointed in...actually 2...were crede and marte
  10. when everyone saw how happy i was they could only congratulate (not hard to when yer not in the playoffs)
  11. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 12:34 AM) I have bashed El Duque all season, but he ate his wheaties and pitched his ass of tonight. That performance alone was worth the contract the Sox gave him. hell yeah, any other pitcher would've walked damon or graffanino, he was locating beautifully and threw 10 good pitches in a row...he was wonderful
  12. QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 12:02 AM) What was the man, 4-9 with 4 rbi, 3 runs, and a hr? Plus he gave great defense the whole freaking series. Uribe is a huge key to this offense. He looks patient and VERY dangerous at the plate right now. Clutch sqeeze, this guy is the least talked about reason this team is winning. he had an at bat yesterday where i really knew he was locked in...
  13. I am still undecided... The fact that we got TWO saves from Bobby jenks, one a two inning save, is huge to me. On the other hand, Gooch's three run hr was big. You decide
  14. unbelievable, i found 3 die hard sox fans on this campus and we watched the game together...that inning with el duque was soo stressful, but as soon as it ended it was one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen. I have to say Ozzie managed this series f***ing brilliantly* *cept fer marte
  15. i can't take this announcing crew right now...they are all over boston, its making me ill
  16. i'd rather see rowand where everett is...his stats v. wakefield are absolutely ridiculous
  17. QUOTE(The Ginger Kid @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 06:53 PM) I think they've gone to the well one too many times. They don't have Pedro going today to stop the slide. If they did I'd be nervous. Anything can happen...but I like our chances against this team. so do i, i don't know, i've never been in this situation honestly so i guess i just naturally feel that the teams that have will take advantage. but everything is telling me we have soo much in our favor i'd be heartbroken if we let this series get out of hand
  18. i think i'm most nervous fer this game because of all those damn stats of boston in elimination games, and the fact that i feel this is the game we should win most, when i saw the first three game matchups, i saw this one as the easiest
  19. ahh, this is making me homesick
  20. oh my god, the fact that I liked north when i was 13 and despise him now tells you something about that guys maturity
  21. QUOTE(Middle Buffalo @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 03:39 AM) They would have found Rush street and White Castle eventually. haha, that killed me man thank you
  22. QUOTE(ChWRoCk2 @ Oct 7, 2005 -> 12:35 AM) i literally hate all fans who now become sox fans after they make the playoffs, id think id rather see the stadium empty with all the regular diehard sox fans than one full with all the wannabes i wouldn't...the stadium looks beautiful when its full...plus whose to say there aren't 40000 die hard sox fans in a city of millions???
  23. QUOTE(zach61 @ Oct 6, 2005 -> 10:18 PM) My 2 dogs get "rbi cookies" which are just milk bones, and the 2 dogs and the cat get "homerun hotdogs" during every game. This started a while ago when I promised them a hot dog as a treat if the Sox batter hit a homer and have stuck to it since then. I was in the basement during the 5th and was running up and down the stairs to give them their "rbi cookies." They actually learned the difference between my yelling for a homerun and an rbi. When the error was made, they had a confused look because they didn't recognize the yell. When Iguchi came up to bat, I looked at them and told them to tell Iguchi that they want their "homerun hotdogs" and when he hit it and I yelled, the 2 dogs and the cat ran up the stairs straight to the fridge and sat there looking for their hotdog. The cat only got his normal fingernail sized piece, but the 2 dogs got a whole hotdog instead of splitting 1 in half. pavlov at its finest
  24. QUOTE(knightni @ Oct 6, 2005 -> 06:50 PM) I wouldn't be surprised if the Angels win the series vs NY. Facing the Angels in the ALCS would be a true challenge. K-Rod scares the s*** out of me. if you take out the sweep, we've played some great games v. the angels this year...including Dyes walk off that i was at
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