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Everything posted by bmags

  1. unfortunately i'm really sick, so i was watching it in my dorm room alone, and when he hit it all i could do was smile...but i leaned out my door and yelled "YEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH", and i was good. I had to turn the tv off after graffys double though because it was stretchin me out too much
  2. lets not get too overconfident...remember, we are the white sox... game threes matchup is prolly the best we have , perhaps even better than game one was...if we lose it i'll be pretty dissappointed, because my nerves'll be gone
  3. it hasn't been as bad as i thought... but its just incredibly clear that they know jack s*** about our team, they really have not scouted us at ALL it seems. I mean what the hell, there are only 8 teams in the playoffs its not that hard to read up on them. It seems like they make generalizations on players after one play they actually see.
  4. I'm really encouraged by the fact that we are throwing 2 pitchers they haven't seen yet against the red sox, and then contreras... We have a great chance to win our first post season series since 1917...Lets do this !!!
  5. please win friday... that would cap a great week
  6. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Oct 6, 2005 -> 02:14 AM) Far different circumstances, although the media might spin it as such. Error or not, he wouldnt be back next year. He's a starting second baseman on many teams in this league, whether you think so or not, but the Red Sox have a plethora of options in the infield next season. i disagree he'd be a starter on the majority of teams, he's had his chances with the royals and drays, and he's really just a util guy...i loved him here, but i didn't want him to start...he's played great for you guys htough
  7. with credes bonehead play, he gave up four runs. BUT HE STOPPED THEM EARLY AT 4... he was missing his spots and everything and then settled hard core...it was a great pitching performance for the playoffs, i figured he would give up about 4 and he did, and honestly against this lineup its a damn good performance... now GARCIA, GO KICK SOME ASS
  8. SO THIS IS WHAT PLAYOFF VICTORIES FEEL LIKE!!! and yes i'm screaming hence the capitals f*** YEAHHH holy s*** what a game, my nerves were f***in shot props to buerhle...sans the error by crede (i know it wasn't REALLy an error on the board) they would've possibly only had 3 runs
  9. how you guys feeling with jenks??? i'm nervous as s*** i'm not gonna lie, but that would be with any pitcher, i feel like i'm gonna vomit...this is sorta fun but also muy nervewrecking
  10. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 06:04 PM) The Extraordinary Machine album was leaked because of a battle between Fiona and Sony. She claims she never did it in an interview she did with Kanye West for Interview! magazine - but that's BS. Both her and Kanye leaked s*** out because they knew how good it was and the only way the label would know is if a bunch of critics told them too. It's been released now, but its different. One new song and everything else has been redone, right? exactly! Jon Brions stuff was so delicate and jazzy, and this is like trying to make it some pop hit it was in the mid to late nineties and its BAD and it DOESN"T WORK!!!
  11. Thanks heads... i guess i just got accustomed to getting SOL on windows files...usually my vlc player can do anything but for some reason a couple of wmv files don't work... thanks man!!! i can't wait to watch it
  12. what the hell, apparantly i didn't have the REAL fionna apple, i'm so pissed, this is just soo out of place next to jon brions version...i'm really dissappointed i hate DMB but this is much like lillywhite vs. that DB who did everyday
  13. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 01:53 PM) Do you have a Mac? yeah, and i have a vlc player, so i can basically play everything SANS wmv files...
  14. I really think we can win tonight if we score at least 3 in the first 6 innings...because once we get into their bullpen i think we can at least put up 6 TOTAL, meaning game wise... so i think 6 runs can win, i expect buerhle to give up 3-4...if he gives up more, i doubt we can win...he really needs a good game, but he's come up in big games against POWER teams before, so i think he can do this
  15. well honestly, it must be nice to have a media that doesn't write you off after one loss... if we had lost yesterdays game... oh god, marriotti would've had a field day
  16. bmags

    Crowd Today

    i'm in missouri, i watched it with the kids from myriad states, and when i saw our stadium full, i just said damn thats pretty...and our crowd was fukkin nuts, and not in the sissy anaheim way, in the hardcore southside way.
  17. this win was bigger for us than a loss for them was... but a win for us tomorrow, is equal in importance. If we win tomorrow...them having to beat garland and count and freddy..s***...thats tough... but f***, PLEASE win tomorrow...SPOIL ME with home playoff wins!!
  18. yer far too confident to be a white sox fan... I believe...but...damn...i'm gonna be worried as hell the whole way through.
  19. QUOTE(THEWOOD @ Oct 5, 2005 -> 01:49 AM) just got home from the game...what a focking great game....that place was rocking tonight....all the fans need to keep up through the playoffs...GO SOX yeah it sounded damn loud
  20. people were coming down all the way from the 4th floor (i'm on the first), to see what all the yelling was about... i'll tell you, itw as about AJs HR!!!1
  21. boy do i have butterflies... god...the red sox are such a formidable lineup...my god...two guys on their team have more rbis than prolly six on ours combined...i hope i hope i hope...i f***in hate losing...thats why i'm a white sox fan...
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