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Everything posted by bmags

  1. if everyone has career years... of course.
  2. i can't believe this is an argument... message boards have rules...while normal swears such as f*** s*** ass ... cock balls (ear muffs) are offensive, they're modern roots of insult aren't that of degrading another peoples. And since message boards have many peoples, it shant' be allowed
  3. at first i thought it said...anna nicole smith-died. And i wasn't sure if i should be respectful of the dead or happy that darwins theory is working out.
  4. i was gonna post something, but then i saw shagars sig...and i forgot what i was gonna say. And its not a bad thing
  5. bmags

    I need help

    i think what confuses me in you're paper is i'm not sure if you are against the labels or the stores using the labels as a reason to not sell it to minors. Also, in terms of writing, i'd steer clear of the "yous"...you can say "we" , and i suppose from the format of your paper you can say I, but i'd steer clear of the "yous". Also, the first sentence is a little awkward... the line of of saying "w'e'll see who gets the last laugh" is more an example of emotional arguing than rational arguing, you could word it a little different... on the plus side, i've seen kids post their essays, *i'm in high school too by the way* on the message boards and they were absolutely terrible...while i enjoyed reading yours and i think with some tweaking you could make it a more formitable, rational, and engaging persuasive essay... i'm pushing off having to write a paper on Henry V...good luck on yours!
  6. i love when kids my age keep crying about how they won't get into their college because they aren't a different race. Everyone of them will get into their college if they are in that middle 50% range they give the figures on. If not, they need to be involved in many activities and community services. If they got rejected, i heard one blame it on him being white. I chuckled, thinking he was joking, and asked if he was serious. When he actually was, i laughed some more...considering he was applying to wisconsin madison with a 22 act score and a 3.0 gpa. Their middle 50% is 26-30 on act and top 15% of their class. Moreso, UW is i think it was 85% at least white. Now, this is a case of discrimination, but i felt the same way for football coaches, but after a while i had to wonder why there were no black coaches in the SEC before groom, and why there was only 2 overall in the NCAA...that's ridiculous, the nfl with just 32 teams had i think 5 at the time, compared to 116 i think NCAA teams...that is fishy, especially with most schools having the backing of most likely rich white men, so you can't say there are cases where some action needs to be taken of making sure there is fairness in hiring in such a public work place. That said, it sucks when it is abused. I'm sorry for your brother...but, heres a to him finding a better job.
  7. i posted this at nfl-fans.com I started a post on this movie a while back to little...no fanfare...anyways...i saw it last night: some background: this movie was directed by a young and bright director named Wes Anderson. He has become my favorite directors with his first three movies: Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, and The Royal Tenenbaums. His style is distinctly his, has a great sense of music in a movie, and the casting in his movies is impeccable. His first three movies were co-written by Owen Wilson, this was the first one that was most exclusively his. He creates his own worlds, from the private school at rushmore, to the strange gypsy cabs of the royal tenenbaums to the crayola creatures of the life aquatic. His movies are entertaining to me, though i've found a lot of critics saying, they don't get it. Well, theres nothing to get, it takes a very talented person to know this type of humor is funny when writing the script, its a combination of great writing, directing, and acting. All his movies reach this height. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou review: by bMaGs I saw this movie last night, and I can honestly say with no hyperbole that I have never left a theatre this happy, excited, and pleased with a movie, ever, in a relative short, but movie filled life. When I first saw the previews for a new wes anderson movie i was excited, but i heard from the sneak preview from a wes anderson fan it was a hilarious movie, but they thought it wasn't his best .(sorry_. However, i found this my favorite anderson flick to date. He created a new world, the visuals he made were by far my favorite. It looked like the whole movie was shot in a box cut in half, and its as if it was a documentary of a documentary. Bill Murray was hilarious, funniest i've ever seen him. The action sequences were so funny, and there was another actual heart wrenching scene, and when the audience wonders whether the tone of the movie is shifted, it goes right back to being hilarious. There is a character in the movie who sings david bowie songs in a different language that is quite funny, as well as the stripper on the boat, and owen wilson is hilarious. The cast is impeccably funny, the soundtrack will be cash again, and the directing was the best i've seen this year. I'm next anxiously awaiting to see the aviator. Four Stars, 98.0 rating, A phenominal film if you are a wes anderson fan. If you are not, its still an incredible, four star film with a great performance by bill murray and cast. Though, i'm sure i will recieve a few - it was stupid and random and dumb - as was heard twice when entering, but everyone else was entranced with this aquatic world. It was hilarious. I loved it. I called everyone i knew was up afterward and told them to see it as quick as they could.
  8. i think we can pull this off..ben is lookin good...tyson is smokin on d...and curry looks like he won't make dumb fouls.
  9. that three by ben was soo so pretty...i nearly cried.
  10. i was just jokin around i don't really care.
  11. we are in this game guys...after our long layoff some rust is expected...
  12. just because they are both japanese doesn't mean they are gonna be friends... there is a good chance tho
  13. bmags

    Fabio Castro

    haha, i was wondering how much smaller a smaller munoz would be.
  14. no, i said who would you like to reunite that could reasonably be reunited...i mean if we were going dead people i'd have put together the beatles, led zeppelin, the jimi hendrix experience, alice in chains, STEVIE ray vaughan and double trouble... And i said i'm not sure why becasue they aren't broken up...therefore...reunion don't make much sense.
  15. alright, i've been reading these and in my opinion, the beatles without harrison or mccartney would suck...but i guess the who is doing it without moon and ....i can never spell his last name... sublime without brad??? would suck. i would like to see uncle tupelo for a little bit, but i love wilco. im not sure why there were so many metallica votes...! SPEAKING OF REUNIONS... cream is getting back together...back when clapton wasn't a wuss.
  16. because rage was original and had a reason its music sounded the way it did...and audioslave is just another band.
  17. I say possible...i guess its possible even if one or two members are dead as long as its not the lead singer or songwriter...thou i guess floyd did go on without waters...poorly... anyway, i was thinking about this and the best and most realistic one i could think of would be for the smiths to get back together since the pixies recently did. That would be fine for me...then next on the list 1. at the drive in 2. rage against the machine 3. Smashing Pumpkins
  18. phenominal...shall i break open the champaigne.
  19. i wouldn't sign a contract that long for the simple reason that in a couple years i might make more...and the nfl doesn't have guaranteed money anyways....so there isn't much security in that.
  20. bmags

    Christmas Eve Poll

    i worked last year on christmas eve from 10-5 pm...it sucked...i'm happy thisyear.
  21. i used to do this for profootballcentral.com, but then the guy who ran it made me editor, and i was doing all this work for him and then he stopped talking to me entirely without even a thanks. It was BS...i'm sure you wouldn't do that but i'm wary to get into writing for this again.
  22. did anyone see murrays interview in that Life magazine in the tribune today? It was awesome...i guess they had a big workload for this movie.
  23. hahaha, when he stabs gene hackman again...i don't htink i've ever laughed so hard.
  24. he's worth the revenue he'll bring to the falcons...that said i'm not a big fan of the way vick plays...i have much more respect for donovan mcnabb, who has become far more effective as a pocket passer who can run when necessary and also culpepper than i do vick.
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