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Everything posted by bmags

  1. i think we can pull this off..ben is lookin good...tyson is smokin on d...and curry looks like he won't make dumb fouls.
  2. that three by ben was soo so pretty...i nearly cried.
  3. i was just jokin around i don't really care.
  4. we are in this game guys...after our long layoff some rust is expected...
  5. just because they are both japanese doesn't mean they are gonna be friends... there is a good chance tho
  6. bmags

    Fabio Castro

    haha, i was wondering how much smaller a smaller munoz would be.
  7. no, i said who would you like to reunite that could reasonably be reunited...i mean if we were going dead people i'd have put together the beatles, led zeppelin, the jimi hendrix experience, alice in chains, STEVIE ray vaughan and double trouble... And i said i'm not sure why becasue they aren't broken up...therefore...reunion don't make much sense.
  8. alright, i've been reading these and in my opinion, the beatles without harrison or mccartney would suck...but i guess the who is doing it without moon and ....i can never spell his last name... sublime without brad??? would suck. i would like to see uncle tupelo for a little bit, but i love wilco. im not sure why there were so many metallica votes...! SPEAKING OF REUNIONS... cream is getting back together...back when clapton wasn't a wuss.
  9. because rage was original and had a reason its music sounded the way it did...and audioslave is just another band.
  10. I say possible...i guess its possible even if one or two members are dead as long as its not the lead singer or songwriter...thou i guess floyd did go on without waters...poorly... anyway, i was thinking about this and the best and most realistic one i could think of would be for the smiths to get back together since the pixies recently did. That would be fine for me...then next on the list 1. at the drive in 2. rage against the machine 3. Smashing Pumpkins
  11. phenominal...shall i break open the champaigne.
  12. i wouldn't sign a contract that long for the simple reason that in a couple years i might make more...and the nfl doesn't have guaranteed money anyways....so there isn't much security in that.
  13. bmags

    Christmas Eve Poll

    i worked last year on christmas eve from 10-5 pm...it sucked...i'm happy thisyear.
  14. i used to do this for profootballcentral.com, but then the guy who ran it made me editor, and i was doing all this work for him and then he stopped talking to me entirely without even a thanks. It was BS...i'm sure you wouldn't do that but i'm wary to get into writing for this again.
  15. did anyone see murrays interview in that Life magazine in the tribune today? It was awesome...i guess they had a big workload for this movie.
  16. hahaha, when he stabs gene hackman again...i don't htink i've ever laughed so hard.
  17. he's worth the revenue he'll bring to the falcons...that said i'm not a big fan of the way vick plays...i have much more respect for donovan mcnabb, who has become far more effective as a pocket passer who can run when necessary and also culpepper than i do vick.
  18. royal tenenbaums crap? Bollocks I say. It was wonderful...probably, no by far the best job visually that wes has done. On top of that had some awesome parts...haha, dudley was awesome and owen wilson crashing the car into the house...just a great movie.
  19. well, even a lesser wes anderson movie is better than 90% of the crap out there...good to know...i'm excited to see it still. MOreso, i'm excited to get the soundtrack...all of his soundtracks have been awesome.
  20. bmags


    that would be a nice gift for us...especially cause we wouldn't need worry about SS.
  21. One of my favorite directors, i expect this film to be just as stellar...i've loved every film he's made and he's always been great at casting. One of the truly original film writer/directors around right now. ANy other Wes ANderson fans... for those unfamiliar: Bottle ROcket, Rushmore, and The Royal Tenenbaums all Anderson films.
  22. i used to like nocioni, but i'm getting tired of seeing a fast break where he has the ball, and there are three other bulls aroundhim and only one defender...and instead of passing for an easy basket for his teammates he just runs right to the hoop.
  23. bmags

    Christmas in Chicago

    usually the kettles are full enough that it won't hit the bottom and either way...would the person neccissarily think that because they heard a clank it was a gold coin? Its more to cover it up visually.
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