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Everything posted by bmags

  1. huh... can i ask if busch stadium was fun? I hear its a great place to see a game.
  2. BOrchard throwing the ball back to the stands...i bet just that flick of the wrist could have gotten the ball to the concourse.
  3. that was NOT a good pitch...the previous one he chased, got a piece of...and he just gave him one right down the plate.
  4. I'll forgive jose's avg...cause his OBP really isn't that bad... Plus, .255 is it? thats not as aweful as last year...where it was .237 most of the year...and he's been far less streaky and even more clutch than he used to be.
  5. woo!!! Too bad frank can't face moyer...though, lately, he hasn't hit him as hard as he used to.
  6. Remember this quote from Phil Rogers in the off-season? "It's no wonder why the sox aren't finding a buyer for Jose Valentin, he's hitting a measly .145(made up by me, it was bad though) with just 2 homers so far in Puerto Rico..." well, i bet a bunch of teams are sad they didn't try and get him...SS with Power...great slugging percentage and a hell of a leader with good d range...i'd take him...
  7. how can he be so dominating...and so bad one batter later?
  8. i wouldn't be suprised if a 3 run home run comes here...seems the way it goes...
  9. true, but maybe anderson, can avoid injury...
  10. I guess i'm not allowed to use hyperbole in this forum...I KNOW HE DIDN"T LET UP 15 HRS!! ARGH!!
  11. what is that...15 hrs against garcia in thre starts?
  12. i didn't understand a word ozzie was sayin...
  13. well, i'm an astrologist...so i'll guess 32, 453
  14. not so bad, tastes like frog.
  15. bmags

    hey quickman

    wow...corg isn't a shareholder, eh? After all that stuff about being at the shareholder meetings when they "traded" frank thomas and him knowing there was no "diminished skills clause"...!?!?! I wonder if he actually goes to hawaii or just some bed and breakfast in tennessee...
  16. bmags


    when you know him as well as i do you only use one "l"
  17. bmags

    7/10 Games

    I remember brian simmons...kinda feel bad now...to be so close to your dream and then it kinda crashes down...He never really did put it all together.
  18. bmags


    Ferrel...its Ferrel....sorry, thats nitpicking...yar..
  19. bmags

    hey quickman

    glad your dad pulled through there cwsox...i knew of chepps dads situation, that sadly ended, but i never knew of yours, its great news he pulled through...great great news...rather belated, but better belated then never i say. and only i.
  20. hmm...i wish i had one of those damn sarcasm detectors from professor frink. I should join a band...and name it...The Elektricalz.
  21. bmags

    7/10 Games

    atta boy schnur and i TOTALLY agree on Yan.
  22. rolleyeyes.gif rolleyeyes.gif rolleyeyes.gif
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