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Everything posted by bmags

  1. i would love to see hamilton turn his life around...that guy has loads of talent...
  2. does he ever not... classic dj jinx... "and he is 0 for his last 40 at bats" "and theres a base hit...sox lose"
  3. ahh...do you realize how bad this montreal offense is??? we should be shutting them out. this is disgusting.
  4. hmm..considering we have no mark jackson...
  5. i still think grilli deserves a shot...
  6. no, they should get drunk more often. DJ sounds more interesting when he's drunk than sober.
  7. i'm ready to give it to grilli, he's pitched in the big leagues at one point yes? He has to be better than this crap. This is disgusting. How is it possible that the worst team in the league offensively hits 15 runs off of us? This is ridiculous. OUr pitching has been god awful as of late barring Loaiza. We are playing awful baseball lately. West coast sucked. We can't sweep anybody, and we let the twins back in on top...this doesn't look good to me.
  8. I think its been cool we've been signing so many of our draft picks. I think in a few years, our minor league system will rival the best honestly, and our minor league teams are gonna be fun to watch. Heck, it didn't work out as well, but how cool was it at the beginning of the year to see Sweeney, Anderson, and Nanita in the same outfield, we haven't seen so many great prospects on one team in a while, and thats how teams like the twins grow, great players play all the way through the minors together, and when they come up, they have such great chemistry together. I don't know...random thought...i just like the way williams has handled our minor leagues, despite the trades.
  9. i was getting my updates from whitesox.com so i'm not suprised if i was mislead at his ERA early on. Good to know, i remember reading a letter from that "down on the farm" guy who was talking about fields winning all those games at Kanny. its good to see this kid doing so well, but it seems like he will be a guy that gets to triple A and will move via the rule 5 draft.
  10. I like Adkins... but, last night, when politte was in, i knew the game was over, and by the sound of hawk and DJs voice, THEY knew the game was over.
  11. if someone were to ask me which of our minor league teams was most likely to be no-hit(or close as thsi was)...Winston Salem would have been my last pick in the beginning of the year with that outfield. But oh well.
  12. I remember following kanny during honels first year and seeing Josh Fields with these just amazing stats. Didn't have many Ks but he had virtually no walks and an ERA of like one...it was ridiculous. Last year at Salem he got hit up a bit more but it sounds like he's getting the job done this year.
  13. i thought that comment was kind of mean to carlos, almost degraded his accomplishment.
  14. my guy says maggs is here next year...and i'm hungry.
  15. Baba O'Reilly is calling for a boycott of fox's new show method and red...what a suprise...this guy just hates black people.
  16. thanks... but, i like this kid...stanford is a good program to go off of.
  17. anyone know if Mike Bowden...(upcoming senior) is a legitimate draft prospect...he was the only junior to make the allstate team this year from the tribune.
  18. i was happy to see our farm get notice, though i wish it wasn't just because a cubs farm team was playing ours...
  19. does frank look like he's standing further away from the plate than usual??
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