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Everything posted by bmags

  1. if you've given up on willie harris after four games, i suggest you give up on Joe Crede to.
  2. only .755? that guy sucks. I too am anxious to see Valido at short, i was very excited to see him taken, and read many good things about him, i thought it was a miracle we signed him...so get him over to short!!!
  3. this was cool to see, i'd love to have maggs back, but i'm so very confident in these four to five young outfielders we have coming up...that i think in a couple years, our outfield will rival...i don't know...Anaheims of today..
  4. yeah, but maybe the terrorists would think he's one of them and bring them to a secret meeting than singlehandedly arrests all of them...
  5. I thought they would put him in extended spring training to make up for conditioning but i hope he helps out the Charlotte Knights really quickly...With Reed and borchard up at AAA and the Winston Salem OF...we got some darn good outfielders, most out of one draft...
  6. thanks, i remember an article on how much fun the thought of them both playing in the same organization was for them...at the time it sounded like that 2b would sign with us...
  7. that would still be a cool first couple of months... was valido teammates with Nanita in HS or was that somebody else???
  8. um...i'd also have cardboard underneath so it wouldn't hurt me...
  9. hmm...how do you do that... i pride myself on video.
  10. yeah, but i thought we were talking about the writing...and the layout was easy to read...and there were some good comments in there...
  11. I would wrap myself in barbed wire...that way after i'm charred it will still hurt them to carry me above their heads...
  12. i can't wait to have that disease then cause if konerko's hitting well i can't imagine us not having a good record.
  13. that's ridiculous! I need to see a winston salem game this year...
  14. i liked it a lot...so maybe i have low expectations compared to the previous posters...
  15. yeah, now that the eyes are off of him i wonder how he'll perform...that whole billy beane thing...
  16. well if editing my post isn't admitting falsehood I don't know what is...
  17. no, i'm right, when you use ure you are shortening you're... if you use ur than you are shortening your...so i'm actually right, he just used the wrong online abbreviation... or else why would there be an e there?
  18. yay... now where are the war birds who will say this is typical liberal bs...i'm waiting...it'll come...
  19. lol, when i saw it was on i screamed for my brother...ahh, bonding..
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