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Everything posted by bmags

  1. well, they don't want to...and its their magazine...so they can do whatever
  2. actually, they have grown up quite a bit, which is why they aren't on the radio anymore. I still don't like them though.
  3. of course i don't always agree with the aclu, but if they ever stop being radical and challenging everything, its worse for us. It really would be.
  4. i wonder if this will be the end of belichecks brillians.ce
  5. oh, and i'd check out the rapture too...
  6. one of the best parts of the life aquatic was the use of that sugar ros song
  7. QUOTE(3E8 @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 10:57 PM) You'd recommend the Killers but not CoCa? Insanity. its always the easier transition to listen to things you've heard of but never listened than things you're not familiar with ... killers are on the scope right now...but i'm not that big a fan...
  8. QUOTE(chi-guy2 @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 09:57 PM) uconn doesnt have many good players left i think only a guy with the last name of ???anderson??? villanueva's isn't bad... and you shouldn't give one example as the rule of thumb.
  9. QUOTE(CubKilla @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 08:01 PM) I know because those that hate Bush will find any reason to rip on the guy. Nothing he could possibly do will ever be enough or good enough for them. It's not a stretch by any means to assume how Bush's detractors would react if a post-09/11 terrorist attack is averted. They'd immediately begin to pick everything apart..... GUARANTEED! It wouldn't be enough that a terrorist attack was averted. They'd immediately embark on a quest to prove Bush is incompetent. BOOK IT! so basically, you don't know, you just love to think that way because it proves your own point.
  10. yeah, the simpsons i saw last night was so woefully bad. I used to never want it to end but its been so bad recently i think its like watching unitas in san diego.
  11. QUOTE(soxmalone21 @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 09:20 PM) I'm ready to go get some Bulls tickets. I don't want to wait around because if I do, and this team makes the playoffs this year the tickets will be a hot commodity again. this is a great basketball town...i predict we will be top five at least...in attendance
  12. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 07:54 PM) LOL, I'm looking for some new stuff. The last few things I really enmjoyed are Snow Patrol, Secret Machines and Interpol. Any suggestions? secret machines are so bad live...yuck.. well, i gotta say Sugar Ros, the faint, the killers, and this doesn't really fit in but the pixies should always be added.
  13. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2004 @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 09:13 PM) Gordon is not your typical nba rookie. He spent 3 years at a top flight basketball program in Uconn. He's been in a lot of pressure situations before. The guy us fearless!! with the way okafur and gordon are playing i think a lot of nba scouts are gonna look at uconn for future players.
  14. this game was awesome. WHen sweetney was fouled i thought the game might be over... but whats amazing is that rookies are supposed to lose games, not win them, and it was the rookies we turned to to get us out of that hole and they delivered. Noc and Gordon were so amazing that last 1:30...absolutely incredible.
  15. QUOTE(CubKilla @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 05:29 PM) This point is so laughable it borders on ludicrous. Even if Bush and Co. knew every conceivable point to Bin Laden's 09/11 plans before it happened and did arrest those to be involved based on intelligence, you, FlaSoxx, LCR, and a few other like KWF would have jumped all over the Bush Administration for being racist..... for profiling..... for violating the civil rights of the 19 or so "would-be terrorists" based simply on conjecture because..... after all..... they hadn't committed a crime..... yada, yada, yada. Obviously, Bush will never do anything right in your closed-off, unfledgingly partisan'd mind, and the few of you here that constantly harp on him come off as nothing but a bunch of goddamn crybabies. Waa, waa, WAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! I'm so sure that if Kerry would have been elected that the change in US government would have been so extreme it would have bordered on monumental. At least that's what you and FlaSoxx would have posted for everyone everyday. At least LCR would post Kerry vitriol. If nothing else, he's consistent in his hate of everything related to the way the US government works. ??? how do you know. Just because you create your own scenario in your head and then reason it to yourself as fact. I guarantee if that would have happened it would have been covered as major terrorist attack averted. Well, at least in the real world. In the delusional world of the hard right, the media would have covered it too sympathetically towards the terrorists.
  16. coheed and cambria...think about the two worst ways to sing a song...they incorporate both into their band.
  17. QUOTE(Cerbaho-WG @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 02:48 AM) A Silver Mt. Zion Sigur Ros Maybe gy!be, who knows i didn't know sugar ros was coming out with a new album..something to look forward to... i like trail of dead...well, i liked their old album, they have some great intros and lead ins...
  18. thats true to... its a wonder if he's been sheltered from any responsibility his whole life, and thats why its no different in his presidency...any failure has been saved by priviledge, who is this man to tell people to work for their living when he has been handed a everything and has failed at most of it.
  19. bmags

    Garden State

    i just rented it, and i loved it. I don't have a lot of money so i can't go to the movies too often, but i rented it as soon as it came out because my mom has that free movie pass thing, and i loved it. I just felt good after seeing it. There were so many hilarious parts, like when the knight walks past him when he first wakes up...and natalie portman was great in that role. Zach Braph is truly talented and the soundtrack was great. I love the shins and was so excited when i saw them featured.
  20. right now i'm most looking forward to the mars volta ...trail of dead bright eyes kinda and those are the only ones i know have a cd coming out, but i'm not really sure of who else... i know a lot of people are excited over built to spills cd coming out, i'm not a fan at all but if you are just thought i'd throw it out there.
  21. the reason bush won was because carl rove, he is a genius, he is probably gonna go down as the best ever at what he does. For a 6 month period everything bad about bush was really blurred over, and everything about it being a tough job and how things were going well and this liberal media and how bush is TOUGH on terror...i got lost in it ... but then as soon as the elections ended, rove didn't have to work and a lot of people started to re-realize why there was so much criticism of bush. If he wants the american people to be accountable, he should look at himself first.
  22. it seems we weren't so excited about our team like two weeks ago, and then optimism reallyheated up around soxfest... i like the situtationwe are in and i like that patriots approach, get a whole bunch of solid players at a good price instead of one or two at a monster price...i think we could be good...i'm glad we have AJ...
  23. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Jan 15, 2005 -> 09:54 PM) Fisk definitely will be remembered more for his years in Boston than he will here. when did mays not have a giants uniform on?
  24. i love how whenever nocioni is on a fast break with three open bulls around him he goes straight for the hoop ... where the one defender is... actually i hate it
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