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Everything posted by bmags

  1. i was worried it would be a liberal version of rush lumbaughglaid, because an obnoxious liberal is just as bad as an obnoxious conservative... but i listened to their first two lineups today and it wasn't all politics and what probably saves it and earned them a couple extra listens in my book is that i was laughing a lot, they have a lot of comedy, AL Franken i was worried would just throw out slogans, but he was hilarious. I do get tired of hearing about the vast right wing conspiracy every five minutes...they should quit worrying about them and just talk about what they want...though, their first couple days i guess they would have to make up for years of being outnumbered on the radio...
  2. I believe Big Bully McBullard is in Double A as with Big Balls McBaj...
  3. if it doesn't it should...them crazies in southern illinois buy milk in bags i hear...we don't need those people representing illinois in no magazine of mine...
  4. finding out smoking is bad is the best thing that ever happened to state government...
  5. i was gonna say i free bumper...
  6. yes, but he either won or he lost...it usually wasn't close, i want to see 14 wins and 8 losses...with many no decisions because we are gonna win a lot of late games..and our bullpen will have lots of wins finally... i remember in 02 seeing the yankees bullpen and one of their relievers had more wins than our top pitcher did in the first couple of months of the season...Thats what i want to see... :fthecubs
  7. you know what would get a lot of people on this site?
  8. yeah, phillips stole a piece of gum from me and i'm like, back off man. BACK OFF. he gave it back. I thanked him. Asshole.
  9. well, that idiot has found a way to remind relevant past his prime...
  10. i just want 12-14 with many no decisions not losses!!!
  11. my dads name is the same as a hockey players, but i'm not sure what that has to do with anything, so i'll stop now. Actually, no, nevermind...now. :puke
  12. personally, I was excited that Aaron Miles had a shot and I hope he gets called up soon. Just wondering what you all think. I don't think we needed 3 catchers at all.
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