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  1. It seems like dozens of times already that Fields has put the ball in a place for the receiver to make a huge play. His numbers could be so much better, You'd have to think Claypool can bring many of those down especially with his size.
  2. I am all about building through the draft but I agree with this 100%. I'd rather they use the pick to get something that is more of a sure thing at this position. It appears the Bears have their QB now it is time to get him weapons, not projects or hope that the pick becomes something.
  3. Historically I was all about through the draft but the Bears have missed on WR's for so long, I would be all for trading a pick (and maybe one lesser pick) to get a bonafide stud. Seeing how it's worked Philly, Buffalo and Miami is making me look at it differently, those #1's they got have completely changed their offenses.
  4. I, personally, want nothing to do with Juju. Nothing against him and I don't think he's bad but He's in an offense that does nothing but throw the ball with the greatest TE in history opening things up for him and the greatest QB talent ever. His biggest season also came with prime AB on the other side. I could be wrong but I don't think he's every truly been a #1 which is what this team desperately need
  5. Just a reminder that “fire GarPax” chants picked up steam leading to its coming out party at the NBA ASG in Chicago. It worked and maybe it does here, too. I feel bad for the old guy but Sox fans are easy to please, we sat through some horrible years and here we are. To have the team (despite the injuries) at 5-6 games back is a great feat, but that’s not why there chants are coming up. It’s because the game has completely passed him by and he refuses to change and even the amateur fan can make better decisions at this point.
  6. I agree. But why did Yaz initiate over TA is my question.
  7. Why did Grandal start the commotion and not TA when he heard it? I know Yaz was sticking up for him but did it bother Tim they much if he didn’t do anything about it originally?
  8. Yikes, this could get crazy if it gets leaked with Donaldson said.
  9. When they drafted him, it was known to be a project. He's 20 and with his injury, he's played a little over 1 full season of games so far. He's got a lot to work on, maybe Derozan's bootcamp will help him. He did seem a little lost with his role this year, how much of that had to do with his injuries (sprained ankle early and then wrist surgery), IDK. There was an article out recently that stated PW noticed Derozan's routine of shooting early and late into the night and how he treated his body every day and that PW started to mirror that. Those are the types of things most like to see, somebody following a star and actually wanting to get better.
  10. A likely crappy ending for the Bulls season. Ultimately, they ended at the 6 seed where many thought they'd land in preseason but the last few months were super disappointing. Even though it's tough to spin the last half of the season, the management team did a really solid job in a quick turnaround to make most of this season exciting. They know the holes...now go fix them. I really wonder what will happen with Lavine, he was a killer until he got banged up the last few months, terrible timing in a contract year with the money he will get.
  11. I remember somebody telling me we’d hate Demar come playoff time. Here we go.
  12. Monstars took away all of their talent on offense.
  13. Personally, I think Drummond is possibly the most important part of this trade for the Nets. Simmons on the court with the ball in his hands allows defenders to sag off to double Kyrie or KD, Simmons on court without the ball is basically a waste based on the last time we had seen them. Defensively, it is great. Drummond comes in and could easily double the amount of rebounds that KD (their 2nd highest rebounder after Harden) and do a lot of dirty work.
  14. I started my long position on LICY today at $8.03 - I really appreciate you mentioning that ticker. Love the potential and I agree with everything, I was getting ready to start looking into that sector because I am currently looking at EV's to buy. Thanks!
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