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Chi Town Sox

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Posts posted by Chi Town Sox

  1. 2 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    And yet, his final contract came in pretty much right in the range people would have guessed at the start of the offseason. Maybe at the lower end, but the Yankees also weren't involved. 

    No need to take anything from the fact that the White Sox wouldn't go that high. They're clowns. 

    But yet the two teams that everybody suggested would be all in on these players BOTH wouldn't hit that amount and it sounds like they had the chance to at least match it.  I could be wrong but what do I know.  

  2. I am definitely sickened by missing out on Machado but it's interesting to imagine that maybe his interviews didn't go over that great, whether it be the hustle comment or the "dirty plays" over his career and it caused multiple teams to not want to go to $300M and try to get him for a "discount".  Phillies wouldn't go $300M?   Padres outbid everyone...crazy.

  3. 30 minutes ago, mqr said:

    They shouldn't have aquired them in the first place. Take all the money you gave out this offseason and add it to Manny's contract and we're not having this conversation. Rick Hahn sucks. 

    And if Jerry told him he won't approve $300M guaranteed for Machado, then what?

    Nobody knows what actually happened behind closed doors.  

  4. 1 minute ago, Lillian said:

    How can you be so confident that such arguments were not presented? Maybe ownership just wouldn't agree to give Machado $300 Million. Moreover, I understood that J. R. had taken over the negotiating responsibility, in the Machado case.

    This is what nobody knows and what nobody will ever find out unless maybe when Hahn and KW are no longer in the organization and want to talk.  The owner makes the decisions, anybody that has had to report any type of sale or deal to the owner of a private company they worked for knows how difficult these processes can be to accomplish.  

  5. 1 minute ago, SCCWS said:

    Huh??? Who wants those type of fans? They are the ones who arrive in the 2nd inning, need a scorecard to know who is on the home team and leave to beat the traffic in the 8th. 

    Not ideal but I'll take some.  The last thing we want is to get any more irrelevant than they already are.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Mooseman said:

    And nothing that was said by KW or HAhn gives me any reason to believe Harper is even an option right now. If I had to be Harper was just waiting for MAchado so he can tell the Phillies beat that and i'm yours.

    They have been receiving backlash all day, they (hopefully) aren't going to come out and say that Harper is an option just to "fail" for a second time.  

  7. Regarding the two prized possessions, the only thing we can hope for is the White Sox fully expected (like everybody) that Harper would sign after Machado.  They gave it the old college try to get Machado at a discount and are (hopefully) fully prepared to pony up for Harper.  

  8. 25 minutes ago, fathom said:

    Maybe it’s me, but I don’t necessarily think Sox are out on Bryce and KW could be bluffing

    I really hope so.  It's super surprising to me that they would openly go after these FA's, act like legit players in the game and look like absolute fools to nationwide media.  

  9. 12 minutes ago, Jack Parkman said:

    To be fair to those guys they should give them their release right now. Let them go find work elsewhere. Eat the money and take the L. If you actually care about them as a human you wouldn't subject them to the vitriol that is going to come their way from ignorant fans. 

    Also, if the Sox weren't going over $300M I was wrong about them actually being serious. They were never serious at all. We're all fools for thinking they were. 

    I don't want to call ourselves fools because it's shocking to imagine a FO publicly suggesting we can sign one of them when they had no intention to give them what the market initially suggested, they look like fools more than we do.  

    Either way, Damnit. 

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  10. I really hope that the Bulls can reel in a reputable coaching candidate to start to turn this thing around.  This FA class is stacked and while I don't expect them to get one of the big fish, there are so many good ones that it seemingly makes the Bulls have somewhat of a chance to get somebody.

    Ideally, I'd like to see the Bulls somehow grab Klay Thompson, and a pass first PG like Rubio.  Our defense would be stacked with Klay, Porter, WCJ, Dunn and tell Lavine that he could be 6th man of the year for the next half decade.  We need somebody that will help progress Lauri, him and Klay together could be a great tandem in the East.

    Likely to happen?  No, but we can dream.  They are such a joke. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, bmags said:

    I know that trades are never that good for stars but...that is weak for NYK especially targeting Mavs who couldn't get a pick.

    Before draft I was hoping to trade a future first to trade up for Doncic. For hawks to take it, maybe it couldn't have been done, and then signed capela.

    Hoiberg with Doncic Lauri Lavine. Killer. Oh well we suck haha sigh.

    Being a fan of the Bulls is sickening.  We have no shot at any of these big free agents because of how big of a joke they have become.  

    Instead, we get to watch Markannen get worse (although he's been rebounding like crazy of late) when he should be our focal point and potential savior helping to bring this franchise back to relevance.

  12. 45 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

    Porzingis makes sense as part of the trade package for Davis if the Pelicans are smart enough to turn down Kuzma, Ball, Ingram and picks.  None of those three are going to be huge difference makers down the line due to inherent flaws in their games.  Ball is tempting, but there’s no certainty he can fix his shooting...but the Jason Kidd comparisons are there.


    "Whatever you want from this game, win and you can have it," Jimmy Butler says while wearing a 76ers hoodie and sweats, having recently left the team's practice facility. "Name it. You want money? You want a max deal? If you win, I guarantee you have a better chance of that. You want the finest woman in the world? I guarantee: If you win, you're going to have a chance at that. You want all the cars, you want the big house—whatever it is—if you win, I guarantee you'll have a chance at that. Winning is that trump card that everything can be at your fingertips, but you got to win."

    Porzingis is obviously talented but he's a 7'3 player that has shot under 44% for his career.  I'm not sure how he alone makes sense for Anthony Davis but those three players, Ball you just stated was compared to Jason Kidd, Ingram who has been called a raw Durant and Kuzma who has been amazingly solid since the day he stepped foot in the NBA, do not.   They all have weaknesses and they are all young enough to fix them.  Give me three potential studs over one potential stud anyday.  

    This is a good get for the Mavs and has the potential to be huge but so could the other three getting away from Lebron.  Ball and Ingram are two years younger and have plenty of room for growth.  

  13. 13 minutes ago, GoSox05 said:

    Unless Brees play really falls off they should be a pretty good team again next year.

    Brees is probably my favorite QB of all time.  Overall, his year was great but his play fell off quite a bit starting in November.  They averaged like 19ppg over the last 1.5-2 months of this year.  They have one pick in the first 4 rounds of the draft (2nd rounder), Ingram is a FA, a pretty difficult road schedule (Bears, Rams, Seahawks), Brees is another year older. 

    Of course they will be pretty good but It's going to be tough sledding for them to get as far as they did with the play they showed the past 2 months. 

  14. 8 minutes ago, Rowand44 said:

    There are some weird takes in this thread.  Putting blame on  Parkey is lazy?  How?  Having Mack signed to a long term contract is a bad thing?  How?

    I mean, if my team were as bad as current Raiders, I wouldn't want that contract either.  That's really the only argument. 

  15. 6 minutes ago, The Sir said:

    Wow. Thought people a lot less rich than that would be in that market. I believe you, though.

    Again, I think this would just be my big thing if I was rich. Even less so than being a billionaire. Have a plane (could be old and used, as long as the range is oceanic), and a few yachts strategically stationed around the world, and I could vacay whenever and wherever I wanted. Probably not everyone's dream, though.

    Found it!  Yeah, that seems like a ridiculously high number, it's about half way down.


  16. Just now, The Sir said:

    Silly law abider. I'd kidnap a mechanic, park the thing on my neighbor's lawn, siphon gasoline from folks at the local airfield, and find some cut-rate insurance based out of Mexico. Problem solved.

    On a serious note, though, I could be wrong, but a) I think you're a bit high on those costs (my dad owned a plane, albeit a smaller one, for years, and we're not millionaires) and b) I feel confident someone who earned $150 million over the course of their career (and we're ignoring the many endorsement deals a guy like KG would have) could, with even conservative investments, produce more than $4 million in additional yearly income.

    I just used an estimate from Honeywell that was found online on costs.  I'm also going off of a friend who has a jet, he spends quite a bit per year on his (bought used and a few years old) but he also doesn't have the bankroll that the Kid has.  

    I also saw an article at some point recently that stated the average private jet owner is worth $1.5B, I think it was on marketwatch.  I'm sure there are plenty of options for planes/ownerships and options.

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