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Rowand44 last won the day on October 20

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About Rowand44

  • Birthday 08/23/1987

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)
  • Favorite Sox player
    Pods, Juan, Bobby, ok all of them.
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    Ryan Sweeney
  • Favorite Sox moment
    October 26, 2005
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Aaron Rowand

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  1. I certainly wasn't Sammy's biggest fan when he was playing but it's absolutely absurd that Ricketts forced a Steroids apology out of him to let him back back around the organization.
  2. Seems absurd that any team could lose that many games in back to back seasons but if anyone can do it, it's this organization. I might not bet the under but I'm definitely not betting the over.
  3. I obviously don't know if this is true but from my perspective it seems the embarrassment of the Thanksgiving game being National and the all the National analysts talking about how embarrassing it was definitely helped get Flus out the door. So I certainly don't think your theory is wrong if it does indeed get ugly tonight.
  4. As an alum of a college that always has their basketball games on ESPN+ I can confirm that the broadcasts are usually pretty rough.
  5. Think he's too busy being an analyst for Monday Night Football these days.
  6. There a 121 loss shirt I can buy anywhere?
  7. Will you be accepting in his honor?
  8. This is like the one thing I care about this offseason. If we're trading Garrett we better not be forcing a salary dump that's going to hurt our return when this team has 0 payroll to begin with.
  9. The Chiefs kind of suck and I have no doubt they'll be in the Super Bowl.
  10. Not a lot of organizations in sports history have been able to hang back to back banners!
  11. Doesn’t deserve a real response. It’s just so so so so bad that it doesn’t deserve a response. Ignorance, trolling, out of touch, whatever the f*** it is…does not deserve a real response.
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