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Rowand44 last won the day on October 20 2024

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About Rowand44

  • Birthday 08/23/1987

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  • Favorite Sox Minor League Affiliate
    Birmingham Barons (AA)
  • Favorite Sox player
    Pods, Juan, Bobby, ok all of them.
  • Favorite Sox minor leaguer
    Ryan Sweeney
  • Favorite Sox moment
    October 26, 2005
  • Favorite Former Sox Player
    Aaron Rowand

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  1. Thuney might be the best player that has changed teams this offseason so I think he counts as a game changer. There's plenty of reasons to be skeptical of Poles but he's done everything that needed to be done this offseason. And by your own admission you're not paying attention, you're whining just to whine.
  2. Everyone make fun of @Brian. Warren still can't do what Stevenson did when we had Brunson and win a state championship!
  3. Where the Giants are at right now I really don't think it was a terrible decision to let him walk(now everything else that organization did including investing into Danny Dimes is a huge issue). He wins them what, another game maybe? Saquan is obviusly an unbelievable player but the Giants couldn't win with him(not his fault) and that's kind of the point, a fantastic RB is kind of a luxury player moreso than it is someone you need to build around.
  4. The Sox were literally the worst team in the history of baseball last year. The be careful of what you wish for stuff is the dumbest thing ever.
  5. @Brian and @Kyyle23 hear me complain enough about how wwe really isn't really my thing these days but that Cena turn was awesome. Well done.
  6. If there's even a thought that Tray might have to take a train then Ishbia can kick rocks.
  7. Dude has numerous sexual assault accusations and goes out in the middle of COVID when he has sick managers/teammates...perfectly normal stuff. Dude checks his phone/internet when he gets woken up in the middle of the night...WHAT THE f*** IS WRONG WITH YOU
  8. I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you but I think we're all wired(myself included) to assume that some of these 1st rd qb's have to be busts that the 4 guys we saw play a significant amount of time this year might actually all be solid to great going forward. Obviously time will tell there but all 4 sure showed some awesome flashes this year.
  9. Nothing is clear as day after year 1. Even you using Stroud as an example kind of disproves your own point as he took a massive step backwards for whatever reason this year. Stroud and/or Daniels absolutely might be better than Caleb going forward but you're just jumping the gun here cause you don't like Caleb.
  10. Your stand up routine must be a hoot.
  11. I certainly wasn't Sammy's biggest fan when he was playing but it's absolutely absurd that Ricketts forced a Steroids apology out of him to let him back back around the organization.
  12. Seems absurd that any team could lose that many games in back to back seasons but if anyone can do it, it's this organization. I might not bet the under but I'm definitely not betting the over.
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